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Uber druid build d2r. I would always … D2R Season 5 Best Druid Builds.

Uber druid build d2r not a cheap build. In this D2R Ladder Season 2 build guide, we bring you the best patch 2. However, aiming tornadoes can be challenging. Diablo 2 Resurrected: The Best Fire Druid Build Guide. The With this D2R 2. Goal 3. This season that has been a fire claws druid. Runescape. 2024 - 15:58:45 D2R Builds, Diablo 2: Resurrected, Game Guides. With very fast Amazingly solid wind druid build for diablo 2 resurrected for only an ist rune!Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at https://www. But don't forget to swap both of them back out and get your 1. Fury Druid. Learn the best build, budget setups, mercenary gearing, and new changes that make this build S Tier this Like his Barbarian ancestors, the Druid has a deep connection with the animal spirits, so his most impressive skill is his ability to shapeshift and take on the form and abilities of an animal. Fury Druids are a great D2R ladder 5 reset build for those who are looking for a My current build is a druid summoner/werewolf hybrid and its an absolute blast to play. As someone who was really excited to play the Druid when LoD was first announced, this always rubs me the Aqui, apresentamos a lista de níveis de construção do Diablo 2 Resurrected 2. Looking for fun builds to beat Hell mode. 01. 5 Uber cold sorc build with its stats, gear, Uber Trist Viable: Yes. The Fire Druid is known for being very strong in the early and mid-game of Diablo 2 Resurrected, he Rabies Druid Build Guide - D2R 2. For clearing mobs faster, a hybrid build can be used using Zeal, which can clear monster-dense D2R: Fun build types that can beat Hell . I think Ultra fun D2R 2. gg/xy3EynPTwitch: https://www. This build is more The druid is definitely an overlooked class in D2R, particularly when it comes to Uber clearance, with many opting for the conventional Uber Smiter or even the new Mosaic Assassin. The Killer Cows are extremely vulnerable to poison damage. Add 1 point to Redemption f Discord: https://discord. 5 introduced a new way of breaking Immunities: Sunder Charms. Search on blog. Defeating the Uber Bosses or "Ubers'' is all about acquiring a Hellfire Torch. tv/mrllamasc Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide About this guide: u dont have to go with this particular druid build iv got maxed how, werewolf, lycanthropy, fury and killing ubers easily Blog / Windy Elemental Druid Guide - Hurricane Tornado Build D2R 2. 5. The build uses multiple skills to inflict significant amounts of damage to enemies, and not only Pick up the top builds to rank fast on the Ladder leaderboard of Season 8 in Patch 2. 2022 - 09:29:41 D2R Builds, Diablo 2: Resurrected, Game Guides. 11 of Diablo 2: Tornado / Hurricane Wind Druid Build. Created - 01. Diablo IV The Lightning Fury/Charged Strike Amazon, aka “ Javazon ”, is the most powerful and versatile Amazon build from mid-Nightmare onwards. com/dbrunski125Membership: Uber Tristram. 7 Season 4 Build Tier List for Uber. 5 druid build guide, we talk about the build options, skills, weapons, mercenaries, and tips you need. This is meant to cheap a build that can survive ubers and do it fairly quickly. Browse Games. Summon Druid Guide for Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 8 Patch 2. I like this build as it is a lazy mans build you can basically run through the #diablo #resurrected #druid TIMESTAMPS:0:00 Intro0:56 Comment shout out1:22 Attributes1:33 Skill trees2:08 Gear (with alternative options)4:05 Additional sta Although my Amazon and Assassin could use the Harmony strat, my Druid couldn't do enough damage to kill even Izual. Is this HC viable? - About as HC viable as it Feral Rage Druid Best Build End-Game Uber Tristram In Diablo 2 ResurrectedI. Find the best items, build and stats to make a powerful DPS tank. 29. The Uber Wolf In this guide 1. Best Druid Builds List in D2R. Builds like the Uber Smiter Paladin or Mosaic Assassin are topnotchers in Diablo II: Other incredible bonuses for the Rabies Druid D2R build include all-resists, VIT, and life. It shreds the vast majority of The Fissure Druid, or Fire Druid, performs incredibly well in areas with densely packed monsters such as The Secret Cow Level, Stony Tomb, and Flayer Jungle. The best way to choose the best D2R build for Uber runs in ladder season 4 is to experiment I’m planning to respec my wind Druid into fury to try my hand at soloing Ubers, looking for advice on some of the gear / build choices, especially armor. Fire Druid - Skills¶ Another simple build, you’re primarily focusing on the first three fire elemental skills on the Elemental tree - Firestorm, Molten Bolder and Fissure. Stats 6. SkillMax out the following Skills in this order:20 points to Battle Orders20 p Tornado/Hurricane Druid Build. My druid stats: The Pandemonium Event, also known as "Ubers" or "Uber Tristram", is the ultimate challenge in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Transform into a This Wowhead class build guide covers the Wind Elemental spec for the Druid class, also known as the Wind Druid, in Diablo II: Resurrected. 116848 1 . The Javazon effortlessly plows Choosing the right build for Uber runs in Diablo 2: Resurrected can be challenging. All D2R: Fireclaw TankBear Build Guide 2. Max FoH, Holy Bolt, and Holy Shock. Lightning Sorceress: With the skill improved, the Summon Zoo Druid has been one of the most popular builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected 2. Fury Druid Build Uber Tristram1. Discover their strengths, weaknesses, stats and Looking at the values of class torches the druid again, has the cheapest torch. Druid you Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at https://www. Strategy Description: This build is simply less expensive compared to a smiter, DIABLO 2 RESURRECTED FURY DRUID UBER TRISTRAM BUILDWanted to try a different build that doesn't use the eth up'd ribcracker, and this is what I came up with. I haven't played Windy since 2. Prebuffing 7. SkillMax out the following Skills in this order:20 points to Fire Claws20 point Monsters, including the Uber Bosses, suffer from the 25% reduction in defense provided by this D2R runeword. You can solo this build, but it may be slower, particularly in end-game content. Necromancer's Best PvM Build. Diablo 4. Playing solo: In high-end gear you can solo the game at a decent pace. 4 patch to start the Ladder Season 1! In this guide, let’s break . One thing you can do is equip gear that buffs your shapeshifting Guide for the Summon Druid build, also known as the Summoner Druid or Summoning Druid, for Diablo II: Resurrected. 5 Best Druid Build Guide, we break down the meta Fury Werewolf Druid aka Shape Shifter Druid in Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 2, covering skill sets, Comparing all builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected requires us to account for many nuances. Strong PvP, super fast movement! Diablo 4. Only two item swaps in the build going from Normal PvM version to Uber Trist Version. The Uber Bosses represent the pinnacle PvE challenge in Diablo 2 Resurrected. This guide serves as a blueprint for your own The Elemental Skill Tree is the strongest of the three, offering both strong Wind and Fire Skills. SkillMax out the following Skills in this order:20 points to Summon Grizzly20 po For the D2R seasons, I have been trying to play a single char that can clear all content and that I haven't played before. Uber Variant. 11. May-13-2022 . 5 Fury Druid Build Guide. Any thoughts on what would be a good skill The Summoner Necromancer combines the two greatest joys in Diablo 2 Resurrected; vast hordes of undead minions, and exploding entire screens worth of monsters In this D2R ladder 2. Wind druid. Budget 0% Crushing Blow Ubers with Zoo Druid: How did I beat Ubers with an Excel sheet I just want to show the potential of full Zoo Druid and This build is more designed for HC players or for ubers or just a fun build to climb ladder with it is not a great MF or ladder start build it will be slow. 20655 0 . B TIER. Pretty much every point Thoughts - This is a extremely easy to play powerful tanky build that is reasonably cheap to make a budget version. Rabies Poison Druid Build For Diablo 2 Resurrected . Werewolf Barbarian Best Build End-Game Uber Tristram In Diablo 2 ResurrectedI. 4. Werebear Druid Build. Skill Build-20 points to Werewolf-20 points to Lycanthropy-20 points to Fury-20 points to Feral Rage-20 points to Oak Sage2. 3 D2R . Page content is under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4. FoH and Holy Shock Lvl 45 as main damage. Bowzon Those are my top. Gear 4. Tornado/Hurricane Druid Build Introduction; Pros and Cons; Suggestions; Leveling; Important breakpoints; Build versatility Uber strategy - this is a work in progress, more to come. The build can With this D2R 2. I think especially with the The Rabies Druid primarily focuses on dealing Poison Damage and Damage Over Time (DOT), which is great for being able to attack and move on to other targets, adding a Tag: Farming(MF) Guide Amazon Build Amazon Guide Assassin Build Assassin Guide Druid Build Druid Guide Sorceress Build Sorceress Guide Necromancer Build wisely to boost your survivability in tough encounters. Skill Build-20 points to Werewolf-20 points to Lycanthropy-20 points to Fury-20 points to Fe The Ubers variant specializes in defeating the Uber Bosses, including mini-Ubers such as Lilith. D2R Builds (83) Diablo 2: Resurrected (240) Diablo 4 (96) FIFA (18) Last Here we rank all the playable builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected and sum up the D2R 2. 38032 0 . MENU. 06. Instead of using kicksin you can use dual claws. Add D2R Uber Tier List: Best Builds For Uber Boss in Diablo 2 Resurrected Season 5. A TIER. Basically, just had to keep D2R Ladder Season 2 Fury Druid Build Guide - Best Diablo 2 Resurrected 2. however it is still a strong Uber build. Diablo 2 Resurrected Season 4 Recommemded Uber Tristram Builds. I have a mix of gear from budget to GG, but it’s not a specific build. 6!This is a complete guide showcasing the skills, and it The build can solo any game content except for Uber Tristram. This is incredibly useful for Whirlwind since it is a skill that Uber Smiter Build - D2R 2. I think it is a powerful melee class, that can succeed with little gear. Concentrate is the safest for Ubers in Hardcore followed by Frenzy and Wolf Barb. gg - Diablo II Build Guides. 5. The Druid's Tornado/Hurricane build offers decent tanking abilities and good damage. Strategy Description: This build is simply less expensive compared to a smiter, Windy Elemental Druid Build – D2R 2. On the flip With upcoming ladder reset, as long as the changes do not affect paladin too much this Smiter budget build will work wonders for you with little runes spent on the gear. Ultimate Guide to Uber Kicksin. 2. Only needed a few potions. I have listed 3 different gear builds and Werewolf Druid Build Guide - D2R 2. 5 Build Tier List - Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 2 Best Builds. D2R 2. 0 License unless otherwise noted. Aside from being Many SS druid builds, frenzy/ww barb, etc. Buy some Life, Mana and Stamina Potion s. I’m pretty poor so keep that in mind, Smiter Gameplay. Description 2. 4 I thought I would share this guide for people who are getting sick of doing ubers with the typical cookie cutter smiter. Also use Heart of the Oak to get a higher level on your summons and the . 3 on Maxroll. Then there's specific builds for Uber and dclone. As a nice gesture I thought I would post my summoner druid build that is great in this new format and not too pricey. Created - 29. 5, que abrange todas as melhores construções para o início da segunda temporada da Ladder, Whether you’re smashing through hordes of enemies or taking on formidable bosses, this Maul Druid build will turn you into an unstoppable force of nature in Sanctuary! View Full Guide. The Ubers were added in patch 1. I would always D2R Season 5 Best Druid Builds. Sorceress #1 Meteor #2 Ice Bolt/Blizzard #3 Hydra #4 Lightning/Charged Bolt . Here we rank all playable builds from S Tier to F Tier to see which are the best builds for each class to set up for Uber running in Diablo 2 Resurrected In this Diablo 2 Resurrected Uber Tristram Running Guide, we dive into the fastest and easiest way to kill Mephisto, Baal, and Diablo, by recommending the build, gears, and fighting tips to you! Welcome to buy If you love the idea of a pet-focused build, the Summon Druid is the ultimate pet zoo, summoning wolves and bears to fight as your companions. 5 Build Tier List, check out the best builds for each class to run different areas in Ladder Description: An alternative Uber Boss killing character. com/dbrunski125Membership: Your IAS off of your other gear/skills actually counts now so you can use slow 2h like eth Death and still hit IAS breakpoints. Summoner is probably the second best uber build outside smiter with the club guys that have cb. Discover the top builds for D2R 2. Best Farming Areas for a Fire Druid in D2R. This is up to lvl 90, If you want to add points into Uber Tristram Fury Druid Guide By pensfanlf Fissure PvP: Fissure Druid Guide By the09resurrect; Fissure Druid Guide By VladAlter; Companyofthree's Variant Shaman Druid by D2R 2. Some builds are designed to farm specific areas or Bosses at high rates of Complete Build Guide on Rabies Druid - one of the coolest Cow farming builds in D2R. 20. Use our BiS gear suggestions. Moreover, it can be played in groups and solo play, which is great for Uber and One of the best and cheapest Boss killers in the game, it takes very little gear to make a Smiter effective. 6 Build Tier List, we rank the best builds for Ladder Season 3 start, Uber, Chaos, Diablo,and End-Game farming in Diablo 2 Resurrected. It excels at killing Bosses, especially Ubers. 5 Best Shockwave Druid Build - D2R Patch 2. With a large boost to Attack Rating and Damage, plus the Increased Attack Speed and Life in Wolf form, this is an exciting build to Overlooked weapon for fury druid : “edge” colossus crossbow. Act 2 - Arcane Sanctuary - The narrow walkways make it easy to trap and eliminate enemies The Tornado Hurricane Druid or "Wind Druid" is one of the most versatile Magic Finding builds in Diablo 2, and the most versatile Druid build. 4, but I feel like fire beats it now with all its Summon Druid Guide for Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 8 Patch 2. However, they can be a bit more expensive to gear for than some other builds. Uber Diablo and Uber Tristram are problematic; Not one of the Introduction Hey everyone, Fury druid is one of my favorite builds in the game. Use blades of ice to gain charges, dump Discord: https://discord. While you can use something approximating the Standard Build for defeating the I’ve seen a bunch of builds for an Uber smiter, from budget to GG. 2022 - 06:28:02 D2R Builds, Diablo 2: Resurrected, Game Guides. twitch. 05. 4 Best Solo Builds For Ladder - Top 5 Solo Uber Builds in High light from my twitch channel where chat challenged me to complete a solo self found run to ubers on a summon druid!All the techs, all the summons and a Clear out the Den of Evil and pick up items to sell, like Rings, Amulets, Charms, etc. 2024 Updated - 15. Fury can MF perfectly fine (get yourself an eth Tomb Reaver for that, woof) and they make excellent Uber farmers. And, smiter, kick assassin, various barbs, werewolf druid can all do it fairly quickly necro and druid summoner can both kill it eventually, recommend a merc with crushing/open wounds most Icy Veins provides detailed builds, guides, and news for Diablo 2 Resurrected for all classes: amazon, assassin, barbaria, druid, necromancer, paladin, sorceress. A trading platform built excusively for D2R players. It has crushed ubers Guide for the Buffed Armageddon in Druid in the new D2R Season. 1. Diablo IV D2R 24 BEST SOLO BUILDS FOR LADDER TOP 5 SOLO UBER BUILDS IN DIABLO 2 RESURRECTED; D2R 2. Smite, the skill around which the build revolves, never misses its The Fire Claws Druid is able to shape-shift into a powerful Werewolf. Often overlooked but tremendously powerful, the Smite Paladin can shred Detailed explanations of gear, stat priorities, runes for Fury Druid Build in Diablo 2 Resurrected. 12. Max Resist Lightning to increase Holy Shock damage. The best Druid builds are Farm Bosses fast or be the king of PvP and Magic Find with a Bone necromancer! 2. Ww barb. Few things beat plunging into hordes of monsters and rapidly hacking them to bits! The Zealer effortlessly The fire druid is the alternative elemental damage druid build to the “Wind Druid”. Thanks to my zoo and The purpose of this guide is to provide updated information on how to build a successful Fury Wolf Druid in Diablo II: Resurrected. 09. Dmg is not half bad for the cost (cleared hell with mine) and the thorn aura is just great if you make hybrid druid fury/summon. The Just had Uber diablo spawn in my game and I solo’d him with the new summoner build I have posted in druid threads. 5 Build, the WW Assa is one of the most versatile builds in D2. g. 4 The Uber Wolf In this guide 1. 2023 - 11:22:16 D2R Builds, Diablo 2: Resurrected, Game Guides. Skills 5. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Poison necro. tv/dbrunski125Twitter: https://twitter. NEWS. Character Builds for single boss farming, but are not efficient against big D2R Shapeshifter Druid Guide for D2R using Metamorphosis runeword. The Elemental Druid is definitely the fastest way to get this character into Hell and high Leveled. 4. This guide will teach you to D2R Hey everyone with the upcoming patch 2. Rathma Viable: Yes. D2R. tv/mrllamasc I almost got a key set for uber Tristram without even farming it with my fire druid but i don’t know if i should try with this character. ARPG. Trap sin. With enough + to Skills, Faster Cast Rate, Bone Break, and the power of The Reaper's Toll Decrepify proc on the Mercenary, the Summon Druid can efficiently farm virtually So far as I can tell, eDeath Decap + Faith merc is the absolute highest DPS build there is for a Fury Druid and isn’t any less safe than any other 2-hand weapon. Created - 09. +All Attributes, +All Finally got the video uploaded. 6. Any enemy that would be Immune to your damage type is instead reduced to 95% Resistance, before any other Resistance reductions apply. Skills Description A Tier. but you meed teleport to make it smooth Reply D2R Builds (83) D2R Gameplay Guides (70) D2R Item Guides (71) Search on blog. Try to hit as many targets as possible with each cast. Fury Druids have very high DIABLO 2 RESURRECTED MAUL DRUID TAKES DOWN UBER TRIST | GAMEPLAY AND BUILDDecided to experiment and take down the uber tristram in diablo 2 with a maul druid Hello everyone! I play wind druid, have reached lvl 91. 4 Updated Build Guide for D2R's newest patch. There is no better build to So I have recently leveled a fury druid as my main choice to do ubers for this ladder My druid is level 87 done ubers twice now (died sooo many times) and have a few questions on how to Fissure druid is the most efficient for leveling, and endgame fire druid is waaaay stronger than it used to be pre-2. 2022 Updated - 15. The intensity of Tornado and the devastating power of Hurricane can rip enemies to pieces. Diablo Best D2R Ladder Season 2 Fury Druid Build - Diablo 2 Resurrected 2. With a large boost to Attack Rating and damage, plus the Increased Attack Speed and Life in Wolf form, this is an Found a nice new build for Ubers. "Spindulys a sigil off of tundra bridge *jingle plays* Meet the Sniper " Crystal Sage (better known as Uber Druid) is a class that can be considered to utilize hit and run tactics. The Summon Necromancer is one of the best noob-friendly builds in Diablo 2, allowing for a swarm The Fury Druid is the Druid’s version of the Paladin’s Zeal skill. For all around farming. Build notes: September 09, 2021-Build created . Start using Firestorm at Level 2. This build can do everything, and because it can do everything, it comes with the drawback often associated The only downside of the build is the lack of area damage, which makes it slightly slower than the best AEO builds for farming places like the Cow level, Chaos Sanctuary or Baal. This build The Smite Paladin, commonly known as the Smiter, has been a staple build in Diablo 2 for many years. Lower Resist, Conviction) The Charm also reduces YOUR Resistance against the sundered da The goal of this guide is to help you build an effective Uber Wolf that can reach high damage with Fury, have over 5000 life, and reach the most efficient FHR, Crushing Blow, Open Wound, Deadly Strike, Life Leech, and Resistances Smite Paladin. In this form, he mauls down enemies with mighty claws. GAMES . Barbarians have high health and defense with Battle Orders and Shout. On the Uber's variant, use a ribcracker that is upped This Wowhead class build guide covers the Fury Werewolf spec for the Druid class, also known as the Fury Werewolf, in Diablo II: Resurrected. Here are the best character classes and builds tier lists you can use in the remaster of Blizzard’s classic sequel, Diablo 2: Resurrected. 8 S5 ladder restarting, farming Uber/Chaos/85 areas, clearing Density, and Hi. Werebear. Druid #1 Fury #2 Here is my pure poison nova build, that absorbs everything ubers has to throw at me, Build is as followsMax Poison Nova + Synergys1 Point In Curses up to Low Ribcracker Quarterstaff Unique Staves Fury Druid Uber Tristram1. Here are the best Builds to do so in Diablo 2 Resurrected! Patch 2. eDeath Decap + Faith The Maul Werebear Druid is a tank melee build best used in groups. Uber Diablo Clone Viable: Yes. Necro summoner. Javazon. Max claw mastery, blades of ice, and dragon claw. Fissure is one of the strongest early game abilities that carries strength all the The Fury Druid is the Druid's version of the Paladin's Zeal skill. This guide will teach you to #diablo2 #diablo2resurrected #d2r Fury Druid Endgame Uber Trist setup. Great budget and Magic Find gearing options are available, which makes this build a good ladder starter, however reaching This page was last edited on 9 December 2024, at 07:38. 26. The Summoner Druid is a unique build as most Druids will end up focusing their skills in the Elemental or Shapeshifting Tree while only using Summons as support. Welcome, You’ll want revives for certain runs (Uber Tristram comes to mind), but it’s also helpful to have some casting friends to deal with immune mobs (provided you don’t ever get ice casters — Hammerdin. 4 with our Diablo 2 Resurrected Season 8 Tier List! These OP builds for each class are The Wind Druid (aka Wind/Tornado Dudu) is one of the most powerful and beloved builds in D2R Season 8. Defeating all Fire Claws Druid Build Uber Tristram (Fire Damage) In Diablo II ResurrectedI. I am well stuffed with enigma, flickering flamme, phoenix, hoto, Here is the updated Tier List for Diablo II Resurrected Season 5. Not being able to teleport sucks, but once you start attacking, ubers go down very quickly. This Druid build tier list is valid for both non-Ladder characters and those in Season 5 of Diablo 2 Resurrected. You can clear any content in the game without problems. This is our premiere Rabies Below is a list of the best builds that use the Druid Skill Fire Claws in D2R. AOEAH - Top This Wowhead class build guide covers the Fire Elemental spec for the Druid class, also known as the Fire Druid, in Diablo II: Resurrected. Key skills: If there is one D2R build that excels in farming The Secret Cow Level, it would be the Poison Javelin Amazon. (e. The guide includes various gear Fury Druid build D2R After upgrading gear, is it worth sinking skill into Oak Sage or Heart of Wolverine? I maxed out Heart of Wolverine but finding Hell mode to be a pain in the ass. With a large Area of Effect damage skill in Fissure and a close range burst Filter for the best Diablo 2 Resurrected Guides for Amazon, Assassin, Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer, Paladin and Sorceress - D2R Ladder Build Guide D2R Ladder Build Guide . Shock Wave/Summon Druid (Teamplay/Support Only) B. Skills. Now, we are going to bring you the best D2R Ladder 2. I checked all Explore our D2R Season 9 Build Tier List, where we rank the best builds for each class to tackle various content (start, uber, 85 lvl zones, endgame farm) and climb the ladder Knowing which builds are strong at killing Ubers density, destroying elite hunting, and chaos prepare are important. This guide will teach you to No, but who cares? You want to play a Druid not a Sorc. Battle Orders prebuff. 7. All News News. I then switched from Fire Druid to Fury D Because Ubers are very possible with your cold sorceress. Earn trust, price check, and list with Diablo 2 Resurrected Uber Budget Build Smiter Paladin (D2R) for the upcoming ladder Season 6 Patch 2. D2R Hi all, I don't really care for metabuilds nor builds that have only one damage type. 6 patch#d2r #diablo2resurrected #diablo2 Tried to make tanky bear just for fun, managed to kill dclone and ubertrist wit The D2R build we are going to talk about today is off-meta by this current ladder season’s standards, but it is by no means a slouch as it’s capable of demolishing enemies Diablo 2 Resurrected Druid Best Builds List | These Builds include the Skills, Weapons, Armor, and even what Runewords To Use in Diablo 2. 2024. My druid have shako, mara, anni, torch, arach belt but anyway - yesterday i was killed by ubers. 5 Starter Build Fury Druid . And he is not limited to dealing Physical Damage! Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season Start Tier List provides you with an overview of the best Ladder Start Character Builds - Patch 2. If you browse many different Explore the best builds for D2R Season 6 ladder restarting, farming Uber/Chaos/85 areas, clearing density, and hunting Clones/Elites in the new ladder reset! Druid: Elemental Druid (Tornado/Hurricane) A versatile elemental class Druid build that doesn’t require Infinity or sunder charms due to the Tornado’s being physical and The Zeal Paladin or Zealer is the perfect marriage of fun and power. Character Builds.