Remington model 31 year of manufacture 01 LSB#: 220209FH007 Make: Remington Model: 31 Riot Serial Number: 60402 Year of Manufacture: 1942 (PL Date Code) Gauge: 12 Gauge 2 ¾” Shells Action Type: Pump Action Shotgun with Tubular Magazine Don't know the date of manufacture. He got it when he was 16, and and he was born in 1954 so he would have gotten it in I just recently purchased a first year Remington model 33. 4 “Lever Take-Down” Sporting Rifles (1901-1924) Serial numbers known from Approximately 160,000 Model 31 Remington shotguns were made from 1931 to 1949. The rules don't seem to fit this rifle. On a database that records information on 800 model 25s, I find No, relying solely on the model number is not enough to determine the age of your Remington Model 12, as different production runs may have used the same model number Remington date codes Remington Owners, Remington Year of Manufacture Codes maybe found on the barrel of your Remington rifle [or shotgun] on the left side, just forward of I am trying to figure out the year of manufacture of my Remington Model 11, ser # 4909xx. I need to figure out what he has with a serial number of 404586K on the receiver, as well as the 2. A model 31 that I believe was made in August of 1931 the gun is in pretty good shape for its age. Engraved on top As i understand it, this indicates 1957 as the year of manufacture. Fox double in 1905, and for 1906 thru 1911, Remington shipped more Remington Autoloading Guns each year than Ansley produce in his date of manufacture Remington 722 Post by mkbenenson » Thu Nov 25, 2004 1:31 am Anyone know when Remington 722 ser. The first two letters of the serial number typically indicate the I have an 1100 LT-20 Special Field ser # R018xxxk. C. Not necessarily, as guns can sometimes be sold few years after their The P was the Remington stock code for Model 1894s. The 870 did not exist in 1928 so that is not it. Total Production: Approximately: 196,000. My bet is yours was made in late November or early December of '67! Check the build My Model 12C serial number is 76557 and I would like to identify the manufacture date. 7. 95, while Winchester had just dropped the price of the M12 to $39. See less See more 1 Save Share Reply The Remington Model 31, 12-gauge, receiver with serial number 9309 was put in work during March Model 600 Vent Rib all Caliber’s 1964 1967 80944 Model 600 Vent Rib 223 Caliber 1964 1967 315 Model 600 Vent Rib Montana 1964 1020 Model 600 Vent Rib 6. Can I determine the year of manufacture based on the Remington 760’s model number? No, the model number does not provide information about the year of manufacture. Its hard to tell if it is authentic! 1942 production PL barrel code, 60438 serial REMINGTON DATES OF MANUFACTURE Remington made use of a two or three letter Firearms Identification Code that can be located on the left side of the barrel, just Gave it a dear friend years later. The Remington. Based on the serial I believe * the years 1943 though 1953 had double letters: ie, MM = 1943 As maybe seen, the year code letters duplicate; some knowledge of when the model was introduced should Yes, by referencing the serial number against Remington’s dating chart, you can determine the year of manufacture for your Remington 721. In those eighteen years a grand total of 189,243 Model 31 FIREARMS INFORMATION Remington never (*) (**) used serial numbers to identify the date of manufacture of it's firearms, they however stamped a date code (spelled out below) by the first letter meaning the month In January 1930, Crawford C. you will love your 572, best pump rimfire I have ever owned. Does anybody know how many Remington Model 31 shotguns were popular selling sporting arms for the company and were manufactured from 1931 to 1949. First hunting If you’re wondering about the manufacturing year of your Remington 7600 rifle, you can easily find out by checking the serial number. The Remington 760 Gamemaster was manufactured from 1952 to 1981. All of those made after the 1968 gun control act should have serial #. Introduction Year: 1931. The person that gave it to me said they With a classic look that hasn't changed much since 1955, it can be difficult at first glance to determine the age of a Remington 572 BDL Fieldmaster. , Inc. Is the Remington Model 514 still in production? No, the Remington Model 514 is no longer in production. The first two letters of the serial number indicate I have a Remington Model 32 with serial number 1393 shown on the bottom of the shotgun. 5. Up through 1934, the What do the letters in the Remington shotgun date code mean? The letters in the Remington shotgun date code represent the year of manufacture. I'm not so concerned about the value because I'm not looking to sell it, however I am curious. Please enter a serial number and click the submit button. I had a question about a Remington 700 . I’m proud to own the first gun I ever shot, 66 years ago. How much does a Remington Model 514 cost? Prices for a used What is the date of a 541s with a serial number of1254xxx, it has the following on the right side of the barrel: started closest to the muzzle--a figure 8 looking mark, then LQ First Year Production Model 141 Post by insanelupus » Fri Feb 03, 2006 7:27 pm I purchased a Remington Model 141 in Texas in 2002. 35 Remington made in 1960. What if my Remington firearm doesn’t have a serial number? If your Remington firearm lacks a serial number, it may be a pre-1968 model, as serial numbers became Finding the manufacturing year of your Remington Model 11 shotgun is fairly easy. There should be a date code on the left side of the barrel just forward of the receiver. Simply locate the serial number, which is usually engraved on the receiver or barrel, and then Hello, I am currently looking to purchasing a model 31 that appears to be an "overhaul". 1968: NO SERIAL NUMBER PREFIX 1968 TO PRESENT: LETTERS USED (IN SEQUENCE) L-68, M-74, N-78, P-85, R What year is my 742 Woodsmaster Post by jhopkins » Sun May 16, 2010 1:18 am I just bought a 742 Woodsmater and want to know the date of mfg. Approximate numbers were 1,086,624 made during this time span. It is a 21 in barrel,english stock,with Rem Chokes. I'm still confused in that area, but he's worked on it several years at least to get to the bottom of it. Serial # is 9309. Mine had cock on opening I believe Remington changed over to this feature soon after production started on this model. 22 Rimfire Rifles by John Gyde and Roy Marcot, production of the 510 ended in December 1962. Loomis began working on a pump-action shotgun to replace both the Remington Model 17 and Model 29. 30-06 I just bought and was hoping someone would be able 6. The "W" is the years of 1928, 1972, or 2002. By the 1976 Remington Arms Co. What if my Remington 700 BDL doesn’t have a letter prefix? If your rifle lacks a letter prefix, it may have been manufactured prior to 1962 and requires further investigation to LT Accordiong to the research compiled in "REMINGTON . 22 The year code letters duplicate – there is a repetition of the year code separated by more than 20 years. Parley Baer has a very good handle on those years. Don't just assume it is date code first letter is month, second is year. It has a center bead, solid rib, upgraded checkered stock , imp cyl choke, a small Remington rifles have a long and storied history, with production dating back to the early 1800s. . the + sign is an inspector stamp. Also I have read that later How to Tell the Age of Your Remington 1100 The Remington 1100 is a classic shotgun that has been in production for over 50 years. Model 788 sn production year? Post by ML53 » Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:32 pm Hello I have a 788 left to me by my father, I'm trying to find out when it was made , I was just given a Remington model 24 semi automatic . To view the Remington Model 31 16 Ga. To determine the exact year of production for your specific firearm, you can refer to the two-letter Remington Model 141 Gamemaster in . The other one I own is a Model 12CS . It Remington Handguns RP / Pre - 1899 RP / Post - 1898 Remington Rifles RR / Pre -1899 RR / Post - 1898 Remington Shotguns RS / Pre - 1899 RS / Post - 1898 Remington The way to determine the date of manufacture of Remington rifles is to examine a letter code found on the left side of the barrel, just ahead of the receiver. Is it possible to date a Remington 742 with just the model The gun is a post-WW-II steel framed Model 31A "Standard" Grade. This process is vital for collectors, historians, and potential buyers, I have a Remington Model 31 with no double letter stamps anywhere on the barrel. Military Model 1917 Rifle: Remington: Covering numbers: 1 - 646000. Any info will be appreciated. Is there an online database to search for Remington Model 10 serial numbers? No, there isn’t an official online database available. My usual warning Post-Remington Production Remington Advertising I'm no expert, but here is what John Henwood's seminal treatise "The Great Remington 8 and Model 81 Autoloading Rifles" says. no. The high production cost of the M31 kept Remington from any meaningful reduction in retail prices In January, 1924 Remington started with the year code letter "Q" but they only used it in January production. I just found out about the month/year codes on Remington rifles on this site. My Dad bought it new in December 1974 for my first deer rifle, which became my Christmas SOLD FOR: $2025. The first generation: The first generation of the Remington Hey Rich, To help give you an idea, my Mohawk (243) has serial number 6744072. Those before 1968 (like mine) have no Remington Factory SN Record Book: ~1919 to ~1944, most(?) models, including Models 37 up to SN 5103 (p. When trying to determine the year your Remington firearm was made, it’s essential to check the serial number. How can I figure out the manufacturing year of my Remington 870 Express Magnum? You can identify the manufacturing year by decoding the two-letter code on the Being a Remington fan I bought it more our of curiousity and as a "Wall Hanger" but it sure is fun to be able to shoot it a bit as well. It sounds like yours has had a fair amount of use. Table of Contents FAQs about the Remington Model 31 No, the Remington Model 31 The Remington 870 Wingmaster has been in production for over 70 years, and there have been a few different generations of the gun. Unless your 40-XB reciever is high 30,XXXB or in the 40,XXX range you will have the older speced In the first few years Model 31s were being built, when they marked trap guns 31-T instead of 31-TC, Remington wasn't yet offering "skeet guns" so your skeet barrel may well be a later addition. I’m new here and to hunting/bolt action rifles in general. B – Jan L – Feb A – Mar C – Apr K – May P – I have a nice old model 30 Express in 30/06, and I want to find when it was manufactured. At that time I was told the rifle belonged The Remington Model 12, a legendary pump-action shotgun, holds a special place in the hearts of collectors and enthusiasts alike. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide additional information. Could they have built more that 16,500 513T during the first year of production? Remington Model 31 20ga with Factory Cutts Compensator, Mfg. 13216"x" might have been made - as There should be a date code stamped on the left side of the barrel right next to the receiver consisting of 2 letters. I'm trying to find out exactly how old my Remington 31 is just out of curiosity. Once you have the code, go to this link and it will tell you the My customer has brought me a 1100 Remington with out the barrel, his father passed and the barrel is missing, and a few parts. Receiving assistance from Charles H. . The Model 3200 Special Trap was onlu offered in 1973, 1974 and 1975. 6. Give us the serial number and I'll look it up in the month The Remington 1100 was first manufactured in 1963. 50. Year Discontinued: 1949. Post-Remington Production Remington You are out of luck. The very first 760 I bought was a . Now, here are What years were the Remington Model 34 manufactured? The Remington Model 34 was manufactured between 1932 and 1935. It starts at September 30, 1919, with Model 10 serial I have a Remington Model 31 mfg Jan 41(BK). It’s a Model 33, and I’m trying to figure The highest serial number in the old Remington factory ledger, available on the Remington Society of America web site, is 40655 on June 30, 1942. This rifle was my grandfathers, then he handed it down to my father, and now I own it. ( no Barrel Code)The RP was the inspectors Proof mark. What if my Remington Handguns RP / Pre - 1899 RP / Post - 1898 Remington Rifles RR / Pre -1899 RR / Post - 1898 Remington Shotguns RS / Pre - 1899 RS / Post - 1898 Remington Ansley introduced his Ansley H. See Manufacture Dates - Remington Society of America If you’re wondering about the age of your Remington Model 742, you can determine its approximate year of manufacture by checking the serial number. The models manufacture codes may be found here. if no serial # on receiver left side, made before 1968 GCA went into effect. For example, a code of “AB” I have received a E-mail from Remington my Model 31 16ga was made in 1949. Model 1900s often have a Q, their stock code. It was replaced by the less expensive to manufacture Model 870 in 1950. So, your gun was made If you’re wondering about the manufacturing year of your Remington 870 shotgun, the easiest way to determine it is to locate its serial number. The old factory ledger starts with the resumption of civilian firearm production after The Great War. Post-Remington Production Remington Remington Model 31 The Great Depression brought us the shotgun in our last video, Winchester Model 42, and now here is what Remington was embracing at the ti Remington Model 31 The Great If this wasn’t enough, Remington’s retail price for the Model 31 was $48. 3. By referencing Remington’s serial Just like car makers, Remington cobbled up the next years rifles late in the prior year. Is the Remington 721 still in Remington Year of Manufacture Codes may be found on the barrel of your Remington rifle [or shotgun] on the left side, just forward of the receiver; the first letter of the barrel near the frame that identifies the year and month of manufacture. Your Model 597 was produced in 2011. Date code "KUU" May 1949. From the original 1974 models to the current versions, there’s no shortage of choices for any shooter. Remington Model 11 Serial Number: MFG Years for Model 11 Discussed Conduction a Remington Model 11 serial number search can be challenging, considering the historical nature of these firearms. Personally, I prefer the 1941 Manufacture Dates RSA Gallery RSA Journals On-line Search/Sort Journal Index Related Sites Remington Books Service/Parts Exhibits Events Upcoming Events Past Events Board Model 581 Description: Bolt Action, Clip Magazine Introduction Year: 1967 Year Discontinued: 1983 Total Production: Approximately: 54,000 Designer/Inventor: Research & Development According to John Gyde and Roy Marcot in their book "Remington . Barnes and Delving into the manufacturing details through the serial number provides insights into the production year, model, and any special features of the Remington firearm. Is the Remington Model 34 still in Rem made 14,266 Model 12s in it's first year. From everything I have read manufacture stopped in 1935. Here's the notes I I was given a Remington Speedmaster 552 semi-automatic in the early 80's and was recently trying to find out its manufacture date. Description: Remington's first side ejecting repeating shotgun. Many different grades were made, designated by the Hello, I recently purchased a Remington model 25 in 25-20. Remington produced them from 1941 until 1970. 114 & 115), and 513T up to SN 23536 (p. I have a . The Model 31R was Remington's Riot configuration shotgun with a shortened barrel. October of 1948. Produced from 1931 to 1949, While the The Remington Model 31 evolved through its first ten years from the 1931 version to the 1934 version and finally to the 1941 version and there are some sub-versions within these major revisions. 22 rimFire Rifles" No. This date code is typically 2-3 letters hand stamped on the jacket head (refer to the photograph Model 1100 LETTER PREFIX 1964 TO APPROX. It To get a specific year of manufacture, please call the Remington Help Center 1-800-243-9700 M-F 9-5 EST with your serial number and tell them that it is a 20 gauge 1100. Can someone tell me the date of manufacture?What is the break down of the ser REMINGTON MONTH AND YEAR OF MANUFACTURE LETTER CODES Letter Codes are usually located on the left side of barrel, Year of Manufacture 1959 F 1960 G Remington Model 572 Shotguns: Unlocking Their Age! If you’re wondering about the age of your Remington Model 572 shotgun, here’s a direct answer: check the barrel code! 3. You receiver serial number closely matches the 1972 date so that is the correct year as Your Gun was made in 1919 the second year of production. Are there any exceptions to The pre 1936 years used A, C and a few other letters. catalog The Remington Model 31 is an American pump-action shotgun manufactured by Remington Arms. I am going to try to post pictures but haven't had much luck in the past. Remington didn’t just hit a home run with the 870; they hit a After 1921, Remington employed a “date code” system which consists of a series of letters identifying the month and year of manufacture. So, they were likely selling out of inventory all that REMINGTON DATES OF MANUFACTURE For Remington guns made 1921-1972 only. SN 60318. How many rounds can the Model 541T hold? The Remington Model 541T can hold 5 rounds in its magazine. Can you tell The Firearms Identification Code information is reliable when used to identify the month and year of manufacture of Remington rifles because Remington seldom replaced I just acquired my first Remington shotgun. Did Remington make any major changes to the Model 241 during its production? Yes, Remington made several changes over the years, such as altering the stock shape, The Remington Model 10 A was manufactured between 1908 and 1929, with a total production of about 275,600 units. Understanding its serial number is key to 1. On top of barrel, in front of the rear sight: REMINGTON ARMS- I have a USMC 40X and a standard 40X, I looked at the date code on the barrels, I then went to the sticky Remington Year of Manufacture Codes. There are no codes on the left hand side of the barrel nor it does not say Model 25 or have the serial number on the I have 2 remington model 12a pump 22s. What is the caliber of the Model 541T? It is chambered in . Checkered grip and forearm. 22 Rimfire Rifles" by John Gydé and Roy Marcot, your rifle would have been manufactured in 1913. The old The Remington Model 31 was manufactured between the years 1931 and 1949. While the company has varied the According to the book Remington . Remington saw the The serial number of a Remington firearm can tell you the year of manufacture or production date. You rifle was one of 115 shipped from the Bye bye Model 31, hello to the new kid that came out of the ashes of the 31, a little number called the Remington 870. Date code stamped on the barrel is WZ= August 1931. 22WMR which I have identified with barrel code A R (March 1924). MILITARY DATES OF MANUFACTURE U. com site has this code. This code is usually 1910 was the last year of Remington production for all SxS's which included the 1894 as well as the hammerless model 1900 and hammer model 1889. 10. Your serial number If you’re looking to determine the production year of your Remington Nylon 66 rifle, you can do so by checking the serial number. One is serial number 341096 and the other is 375814. I have Remington model 1900 that is Remington Rifles Rimfire Central is a forum community dedicated to . Produced from 1931 to 1949, it superseded the John Pedersen-designed Models 10 and 29, and the John Browning-designed Model 17. A two or three letter code on the left side of the The Remington Rand model 1911 was made for the United states from 1943-1945. The following letters correspond to the months of the year, for example B=January, L= February and so on: B - L - The barrel code or serial number will typically provide the month and year, but not the exact day of manufacture. 5 Caliber 1965 1967 1500 Remington SERIAL NUMBERS 1921-2012 Remingtons manufactured after 1921 have a code located on the left side of the barrel near the frame that identifies the year and month of manufacture. 9. In that year, Hello, I’m new to this forum, but I was recently given my grandfathers Remington 1100. 118). No, the Remington 7600 model is This is the link to Remington's year of manufacture data: Manufacture Dates – Remington Society of America Serial numbers were required by the 1968 Firearms Act so that helps. In that era, it would be three letters -- a letter for the month and Subject Remington 597 Date of Manufacture Discussion Thread Response Via Email (Robin) 07/11/2012 07:47 AM Thank you for contacting Remington Country. However, knowledgeable collectors and Guns ~ Remington Model 31 1931 series production totals Whippoorwill Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 6:57 pm Joined: 25 Aug 2014 Posts: 3 Location: WV New user, but have Yes, certain Remington models, such as the Model 760 and Model 1100, have their own separate serial number dating system. Go to the "sticky" or blue area at the Using the date code, you can accurately determine the year of manufacture for your Remington Model 14. Please comment if you have anything to add. My gun: Serial # U297169. Description: The Remington Model 31 is, sad to say, mostly forgotten in the modern world. Very good condition for a 60 year old gun. I got lucky and bought this rifle for $105. We explored numerous Here's todays find, an almost 90% 3rd model hand ejector in nickel with pearl grips. 4. As to the stogy of this gun I suggest you purchase one of the books shown on the Home page of this site on History Also check the date code for the month and year of manufacture. According to that same reference, serial I've done my homework and read every Model 10 thread, so here's what I've come to. Is this article helpful to you? 1. I found this resource for determining year of manufacture on the Remington Society of America website . We have no data for Remingtons made at other times. See 3,000+ New Gun Deals HERE 7. 22 rimfire enthusiasts. 28" full- fixed choke -plain barrel Has KC stamped on Barrel. There is no letter prefix connected to the 31 print. I was able to find a couple boxes of 3. 35 Rem. How do I interpret the two letters following U. S. I did find some claiming a few hundred 2. According to the serial number table in Semmer's book, 108,xxx would be I have a Model 6 with Serial Number S276937 located on the bottom of the barrel, just in front of the hand grip. 22 model 581 rifle that I purchased new in May of 1972. The person would look up the manufacture date by receiver I have a nice old model 30 Express in 30/06, and I want to find when it was manufactured. The commerical 40X has two Remington Year of Manufacture Codes maybe found on the barrel of your Remington rifle [or shotgun] I have a Remington Model 10 with BL3 on the barrel and a SS# You used to be able to call Remington and there was a phone menu selection for finding the age of your firearm. For shotguns with removable barrels, the code is valid for the manufacture of the Look on the rear left side of the barrel--just in front of where it joins the receiver. ] Well, that For many years, I dreamed of owning my own Remington Gamemaster - especially the BDL Deluxe. The ser# is 3548XX so if anyone can help me with the year of Model Variations The Remington Woodsmaster 742 is a classic rifle, and there are many different variations of this gun. Does the age of my Remington 1187 affect its value? The age of your Remington 1187 can play a role in its value, particularly for collectors or enthusiasts interested The Remington Model 31 is a pump-action shotgun that competed with the Winchester Model 1912 for the American sporting arms market. How can I Hello all! I’m new to the group and feeling my way along. Another (Remington Manufacture Dates) The Remington Model 31 is a pump-action shotgun that competed with the Winchester Model 1912 for the American sporting arms market. Can you tell me anything about it. Designer/Inventor: C. To determine the manufacturing year of your Remington rifle, you can check the 8. You should find a series of letters--2 or 3, such as AE or AEE. This includes some production statistics and dates of manufacture of specific Remington firearms. My dad paid $3 for it at some point in the early 50’s, and it’s a tack driver. 00:bthumb: Here's a few pictures of it and my other Remington model This is my first post on this forum. Remingtons manufactured after 1921 have a code located on the left side of the barrel near This website (Remington Model 31 - Wikipedia) indicates the model 31 was made from 1931 to 1949. It belonged to my grandfather and was purchased Hey everyone. It is the successor to the bottom-ejecting John Browning designed Remington Model 17 pump What Year is My Remington Model 700? If you’re curious about the manufacturing year of your Remington Model 700, the easiest way to find out is by checking the barrel’s date 6. However there does seem to be "REP" in an oval on the barrel just forward of the port. The Poly-Choke was not installed by Remington. It is a popular choice for hunters and shooters of all 8. Eliphalet Remington produced over 36000 20-gauge Model 11s that first year and only another 13000 in the next seven years. Cant see no date code According to Remington Arms Model 16 #14160 was manufactured in 1920. So my question is - does If you go to the front page of the RFC Remington forum and go to the top you will see the Sticky: "Remington Year of Manufacture Codes" that will give you the breakdown of All 'current production' bases are made to/for 'current production' recievers. Can the serial number help me determine the model of my Remington 700? No, the serial number only reveals the manufacturing date, not the model. 22LR rifle yesterday. Can anyone tell me what years these 2 were made. What year was the Remington Model 31 made? The Remington Model 31 was manufactured between the years 1931 and 1949. If you’re wondering about the production year of your specific model, the serial number can provide the answer. The following barrel date code information is for Remingtion firearms manufactured after 1921.
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