Puppy linux on mac Windows, Mac OS/X, and Linux have very different windowing systems which require different code. clm1919 Posts: 86 Joined: Sun Jul 14, 2024 12:24 am Hello mates! Been a while since I've needed to use Puppy Linux but there is a situation where it might be useful. The problem with using a lot of installer programs to do a Puppy Linux install to a USB drive. Murga Forum; Linux on Intel Mac-Mini. Anybody have any experience using Puppy on a machine like this? I have and have used Puppy with the classic (old) kernel for older processors. While Puppy Linux isn't based on a Recent Debian/Ubuntu/Mint failed. The problem only occurs with Puppy Linux. Follow If I load a 16GB swap partition then let Puppy grab 1/3 of that as pseudoRAM then the Puppy handles dvd and video file processing jobs easily). WOW! As I am such exited by this project, that I dreamt about a Installing puppy on a mac? Post by Mike3 » Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:49 pm. Top. Mac OS X like icon and mouse themes. puddleman's post was not the one I recalled* and was searching for: just the first I encountered using this search engine, https: ↳ Puppy Linux International; ↳ Für deutschsprachige Anhänger; It will add this Puppy key, to the other ones, loaded on the computer. Apt --> because Puppy uses a completely different way to install software. g. I've tried several Linux builds on my Mac, but I've never found one that was quick enough for the old Macintosh and newbie friendly. None of my new world macs have floppies (of course. whereis -->it is a command in my Bionicpup64 8. Among these are non-English puplets and special purpose puplets. Mike Walsh Posts: 6351 Joined: Sat 28 Jun 2014, 12:42 Location: King's Lynn, UK. Puppy Linux Documentation - it's a wiki! There are no comments on this page. Simplified-Chinese supported. clm1919 Posts: 79 Joined: Sun Jul 14, 2024 12:24 am What works, and doesn't, for you. sfs file, as well as the the . Excellent tutorial explaining step-by-step installation of puppy linux on a USB stick that will boot on APPLE Macintosh computer Do you want to try Linux without committing to a full installation? Unlike other Linux distributions Download an ISO image of an official Puppy Linux distribution from and use it to create a bootable USB or DVD. 3. I guess we should count ourselves lucky that it's only a day early instead of a month early - that would be trouble, people would be asking Dual boot Mac OS with puppy linux using Grub loader. Puppy definitely has its own way of doing some things (and of working round some others). It runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. Its pretty foolproof and a really good way to get beginners into Puppy LInux (and other Linux OS), if one can boot the usb, which can be done from a running version of Windows (described below), once secure boot is turned off. Formatted partitions a Linux ext3 or 4 format. 0, an official woof build of Puppy Linux that is binary-compatible with Exploring FossaPup: The Ubuntu Version of Puppy Linux. About a year ago I bought a cute blue iMac off eBay for $150 for my little girl. Puppy on Mac: Keyboard backlight not working. Post by JPsDad » Confira as cinco distribuições Linux ideais para computadores antigos ou fracos: 5. Be specific, and please include Puppy version. My main drive is Linux Mint-MATE, been using Linux since 1998, and just like to checkout new arrivals. I have installed bionic on one last year and just installed fossadog on another last week. I'm planning on getting I just use Linux because Windows 10 sucks, and I normally use Linux Mint. 0 ,but may not be in other Puppies. Download the ISO (no need to burn it) and follow the installation instructions for creating a new image, selecting : Puppy Linux on 32-bit / 64-bit / MAC machines ? Post by Lorico » Mon 25 Mar 2013, 11:32. Why? Because I want a small transportable pen-driveable os that I can take with me to do work on foreign computers. What I want to do, is download Puppy, or aspects of puppy onto my flash drive, and use its portability to operate the basics, including calendar, text, browser, directly from the Flash Drive in other words run those operations from Flash drive, on both computers Hi friends, I am not able to connect internet through wifi connection with my wifi routers having setting of SSID hidden and with mac filters on while I am able to connect same wifi routers on different versions of puppy linux like, Slako 7, bionic 32 and 64, fossapup64, xenial64 through puppy network wizzard by putting ssid, essid, security to wpa, password and auto DHCP. I created the install USBs with Balena Etcher. I couldn't say for sure, though. Fast and versatile. Customisable within Installing puppy on a mac? Issues and / or general discussion relating to Puppy. 8 Start Puppy Linux. Puppy is now on the internal drive sda2 you can shut down, (don’t save the session) remove your CD/USB and reboot. The boot problem occurs with all official versions of Puppy Linux (64 bit). Our issues with Puppy Linux are He wants to apply every known techique out there to Puppy Linux, and - furthermore - he thinks we're going to run our asses ragged, rushing around, writing scripts and compiling applications JUST FOR HIM. Is Linux Ubuntu the default flavor of Puppy, or are others (like Debian/Sarge) available? 2. Skip to content. - Install rEFInd onto Macbook - rEFInd automatically loads and detects Live-USB puppy. 5. Only issue is hardware compatibility. What I want to do, is download Puppy, or aspects of puppy onto my flash drive, and use its portability to operate the basics, including calendar, text, browser, directly from the Flash Drive in other words run those operations from Flash drive, on both computers Macpup is a minimalist desktop Linux distribution based on Puppy Linux. 0 is trivial to get running in Parallels 3. Help! Top. clm1919 Posts: 83 Joined: Sun Jul 14, 2024 12:24 am Anyway, I was wondering if someone knew how to boot a live USB onto a Mac. 230 Installing puppy on a mac? Issues and / or general discussion relating to Puppy. Sudo just lets you do a command as root if you are not root. Puppy Linux has drive icons on the desktop. I'm planning on getting Can I install Puppy Linux on a 64 bit intel mac? I will go with a usual Puppy, not a mac specific one, will it work (i. It prompted me for user ID and password and I have no idea what to put in. 3a iso on your system and manually transfer the puppy_mpdpup_0. I could put in a few paragraphs of theory here on exactly how an operating system works, and the construction of Macs vs. Last edited by lizardidi on Sat 29 Jun 2019, 02:05, edited 1 time in total. This forum member; PowerPC is working on a project to port puppy to older macs. 6 posts • Page 1 of 1. Licenses; Puppy Linux Distro House Training. Puppy Linux Discussion Forum. I was trying out Mac OS X Leopard on a virtual machine It's a bit slow, probably the graphics of this OS or maybe if I increase the number of cores of the virtual machine it will run faster. Using an image of Puppy Linux version 2. This thread is Similar to Puppy Linux, it aims to provide a fast and efficient experience but is more focused on Debian’s package management and traditional Linux usage patterns. 6 kernel. iso), click the disc on the far right and select it. Thanks for your help, because some people could think that is the same theme as the one I was using ( Os Catalina Gtk night) but there should not be similar, because as you can see in the image, now I can use and icons theme more similar to MAC. 8 posts • Page 1 of 1. clm1919 Posts: 113 Joined: Sun Jul 14, 2024 12:24 am This topic covers booting from either CD or USB. Installing puppy on a mac? Post by Mike3 » Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:49 pm. The Apple Mac Mini running a prototype PuppyLinux ( modified fatdog64) has done all that but not as cheaply is I Installing puppy on a mac? Issues and / or general discussion relating to Puppy. Which means recovering data on the Win side is a no-brainer - just boot a Puppy CD, and plug in a USB hard/flash drive. Linux To change your MAC address in Linux (and most *nix system) is easy as pie. thanks puppy-linux wrote:What I'm looking for is a simple linux that will host VirtualBox VM's - puppy is a good candidate because of the 2. Mount the 0. x ghz 4gig ram. I have done something into this direction also for my distributed super computer that i build some years ago. 5) First I setup the drive using Gparted program. I've used Linux Ubuntu before but it has been a while. I am currently using a Macbook (Intel core duo processor) with 1 GB of RAM and 120 GB hard drive, Debian being the operating system (I have uninstalled Mac OS X Tiger). 04 LTS trusty tahr packages, 3. Howdy, I recently inherited an old Mac G3 WallStreet It has a 266Mhz Processor, with 320 Gb RAM. New to Puppy and have questions? Start here. Ideally, one like Puppy, that will boot from CD for easy testing. Related Webpages. Puppy Linux offers various editions, so make sure to select the one that suits your needs. (Probably an observation relative to all Linux rather than just Puppy). Some Puppy versions work better on different computers. x to Series 6. House Training. Is it a big deal to convert puppy to run on Mac Hardware ala ubuntu? Looking forward to hearing from folks BigD. I did this all in a booted Puppy version (Fossapup64 9. 4 posts • Page 1 of 1. It is possible to make dual boot with puppy linux in Windows using Grub loader. 9. 2013-08-24 08:28:43; Public page Your hostname is 40. Re: Which puppy linux to choose? Post by Gnimmelf » Mon Jan 08, 2024 4:16 pm F96-ce is by far the fastest on my lenovo - i realy hope that this variant continues developin with new ubuntu realeses, when time is due bcm4211-43142-wl-64-k5453. Frustrated that you cannot add a up to date browser to your Mac Mini? Puppy Linux solves that issue and gives you a zippy environment that you can enjoy for Puppy Linux is arguably the best lightweight distro albeit with a few minor issues. foxpup wrote: Your screenshot is weird: boot,esp flag on ext3!! esp is always on fat. This is the general minimum requirements: BootFlash allows you to make a bootable usb flash drive installation of Puppy Linux. SheepShaver (Mac_On_Linux) New to Puppy and have questions? Start here. Puppy is not 'a distro' but a family of distros: all having some core structures unique to Puppys; each having it's own differences, sometimes major, and often those differences can Once you boot Puppy and are happy with what you see it is time to open the Puppy Installer from Setup in the main menu. 167. - Most standard bootable Live-USB will work. clm1919 Posts: 79 Joined: Sun Jul 14, 2024 12:24 am Puppy Linux is a family of distributions that provide a simple way to use Linux on lower-end machines. The synaptics package is installed and i already tried running the xorg configuration wizard. ) Yes changing your mac will mess up any fixed IP setups - where perhaps the router allocates a fixed IP based on the mac, but for most users that more often wont be a issue. After booting: Installing puppy on a mac? Issues and / or general discussion relating to Puppy. Post by clm1919 » Fri Aug 02, 2024 2:50 pm. In this tutorial, we will take a look at the Ubuntu version of Puppy Linux which is termed as ‘FossaPup’, and try to decode the philosophy behind this Linux distribution. They work, but are coded to look on the wrong device. Partitioned into several different partitions. John Murga Memorial; Links. In case you have an older Mac, get your hands on Puppy Linux to give the machine a new lease of life. Here are my findings: Because newer Apple computers do not have cd/DVD After thrashing around trying various things I have stumbled upon a way to accomplish booting Puppy Linux on our 2009 iMac (Snow Leopard) using a single USB thumb This page points to information all about how to install Puppy. There was an OLD MANUAL METHOD - superseded in 2021. Load up Puppy and click on- Menu > Setup > Bootflash install Puppy to USB. I searched your forums and didn't find anything similar to my question. Like wizard, let me suggest that you start your exploration of Puppy with Friendly-Fossa64. ) Here's where I am stalled: after a few tries, I finally got the puppy iso burned correctly to a cd. Is this a PA problem? Thx, etc . 2) I run puppy on a '08 Macbook. I can't guarantee that all features were working (e. I usually use it to recover files then back it up on messed up PCs but this time it's a Macbook. hope this helps you out. I am trying to recover some files from a Macbook and I'm having trouble booting Puppy Linux on it from my USB flash drive. I'm planning on getting Fatdog64 Linux is a small yet versatile 64-bit multi-user Linux distribution. For Puppy Linux. UnetBootin UnetBootin - for making a bootable USB in Windows or Mac OS. A USB drive with at least 4GB of space is recom Today, we're embarking on an exciting journey into the world of Linux as we guide you through the intricate process of installing Linux on a USB Flash Drive. Hey all, Just trying to setup a version of puppy linux 4. Mike3 Post by Mike3 » Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:49 pm. 0-uefi. We have covered how to create live USB sticks in Windows or Linux. a Windows, Mac, or Linux desktop machine. 20 kernel, this means it is a Upup. Anyone coming from Windows™, Mac OSX™ or another Linux such as Ubuntu, Fedora or Arch will have little issue getting used to it. Puppy Linux Documentation - it's a wiki! I have an old Power Mac that Puppy could work wonders on. Could Puppy be ported to PPC? I have an old Power Mac that Puppy could work wonders on. Just the ones it needs Puppy Linux Downloads. 4. LOL We use tachyon wave over subspace to bring you the latest news from the Inner Worlds; and it is well known than tachyon is very sensitive to calibration errors. If you come to this after reading Puppy Linux history, you are forgiven if you think that Puppy Linux as a nice, linear progression from Series 0. , sound) but it seemed like it was working well. See: Official Pup build recipes at Woof-CE on GITHUB Installing puppy on a mac? Issues and / or general discussion relating to Puppy. Quick links. Puppy does not provide what is needed for secure boot enabled. Once you have downloaded the ISO file, you are ready to create a bootable USB drive. " As with the word "hacking", there is no correct, single-word term that will satisfy everyone. If these don't work there is a bigger Puppy Linux Collection page. I could not get the Mac's "SuperDrive" to read the DVD's I had burned. The 500mhz machine running Puppy is the fastest system in the house, and I am tickled pink when I Puppy Linux on 32-bit / 64-bit / MAC machines ? Post by Lorico » Mon 25 Mar 2013, 11:32. I'm planning on getting Puppy Linux Wiki; Puppy Search Engine; Puppy Distro Archive; FAQ; Board index. 77. If you've used Puppy Linux only for many years, for example, it just won't likely feel as comfortable to use anything else. Post by Subito Piano » Mon May 13, 2024 3:35 am. What's new in Macpup 550: MP550 is based on Precise Puppy 5. Is it similar to doing it on a PC. However, I really like the Puppy, and the Dog os', and over several years, have "played around" with many. It has OS 9. So I am going to look through my fork of woof-CE at all of the steps and the configurations needed to get something more than default settings. Mac support for such antique gear is not so good I'd like to try some version of Linux on her computer. How to do a One-Click Installation of Puppy Linux distros need to be built on PowerPC architecture for that to work. 17-nolzma-seamonkey-fulldrivers. . The DVD's would mount the Linux desktop (old)Puppy Linux Discussion Forum. If you can no longer run even the regular lightweight Linux distros, Puppy Linux is probably the best choice for such users. Made a new partition table msdos. It is standard in most versions of Puppy Linux If no bootable version of Puppy is available UnetBootin can be used on Windows or Mac OS, or follow this guide for Linux. No problem with ROX, because we are working with THUNAR. ) But I have absolutely no idea how to do this. I love OSX but its expensive and frankly a little slow on G3 hardware. I didn't like the look and feel of it so I tried Lubuntu and didn't like it as Tahrpup is an official community edition (CE) of Puppy Linux, built from ubuntu 14. During boot up it freezes on "loading kernel modules". 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. 2. I burned them from the Mac and alternately from my Linux machine. iso), when I try to load it on the mac, I am facing the following issues: 1. If you like the Macis Puppy Linux, please help it. Puppy versions are more about someone wanting to produce a Puppy version, the way they want it to be. 0 if you are using a virtual disk. Obviously I know what to do on a computer designed to run WINDOWS, but I've barely even used Apple computers. Visit our download page on the Forum. I can boot EasyOS on my iMac from a USB Stick, but would like to try it on my WD Red 4TB External HDD (spinning platter *not SSD). fossapup not macpup)? I want to do a dual boot thing so that I can use both mac OS and Puppy Linux. I don't know It looks more like some kind of Linux distribution to me So my question is what's so great about it? What's it's specialty? Have anyone successfully run etcher in puppy linux? Or is there a "puppy-version" of Etcher? Thanks guys. J. Puppy Linux is designed to be a fast and lightweight OS that can even run smoothly off a USB drive. INSTALL To load this sfs at boot time, append boot options extrasfs=VALUE to some or all boot entries of your boot menu, where the exact VALUE depends on your specific boot drive (as in Puppy Linux 4. Puplets, meanwhile, are the third type of Puppy Linux distribution, usually maintained by the Puppy Linux community. For the last few weeks, I test run Puppy linux on an iMac (early 2008 model) with OS X 10. Heck, is it even POSSIBLE to run Puppy Linux totally in RAM on an Apple computer? Installing puppy on a mac? Issues and / or general discussion relating to Puppy. UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for Ubuntu, Fedora, and other Linux distributions without burning a CD. Since the early days of multi-session on puppy I wanted a box that was just a DVD with lots of usable RAM, simple plug into a HDTV and a remote keyboard. It has (I think - remembering not so good) 350Mhz motorola ppc and 256meg SDram, the ppc processors are said to be much more efficient than the equivalent clock speed of same era pentiums (this would seem to be true in comparison to the older PC I used to have). Puppies This category contains links to pages about Puppy versions and derivatives. Both Linux and Mac’s terminals say there’s no “lpsci” command, so idk. Puppy live cd on iMac If you have time and have access to a mac computer, please repeat some of the above tests and share your success story with us. Many people grow very used to what they are most familiar with. The boot always hangs on loading kernel modules. 3. A little misalignment could end up with problems like this. A puppy project started sometime ago, but is long time quite too. Users. Issues and / or general discussion relating to Puppy. com's Puppy forum, the issue of booting EFI motherboards on very recent PC's is discussed: click here this allows you to boot linux on your mac easily. If you are using a computer that meets the system criteria in General System Requirements, then we suggest you currently (9/24) try the mainline builds on the Puppy website. Close the virtual machine settings, select Puppy Linux and click ‘Start’. 14. Mike3 Posts: 112 Joined: Fri Aug 28, 2020 1:26 pm Been thanked: 1 time. This version's development has been lead by 666philb. People have installed Linux on Macs but I don't know anything about what's involved. Discussion, talk and tips. Visitor rating: No visitor rating given yet. You can use free programs like UNetBootin, Rufus, or Balena Etcher to create a bootable USB drive from an ISO file. Here on murga-linux. BTW, do they boot from a MacOS-install CD or any of the mac repair utilities like a diskwarrior CD? Download Puppy Linux from puppylinux. Licenses; Puppy Linux Distro Collection; Links. I even get it to pair. 2013-08-24 20:47:16; Owner: darkcity Your hostname is 40. A few questions, does it contain anything that already allows me to do this, if is there a simple way to install a bootloader onto a USB drive? Puppy Linux is a family of light-weight Linux distributions that focus on ease of use [6] and minimal memory footprint. Delete the puppy_mpdpup_0. PCs (or to use the more precise but less commonly used term, IBM clones), and the potential ramifications of both on Puppy Linux Wiki; Puppy Search Engine; Puppy Distro Archive; FAQ; Board index. They have to make something different, to make people think, they need to buy, the newer version. WOW! As I am such exited by this project, that I dreamt about a I am a Mac user who knows how to point and click, that's about all. e. How to boot multiple versions of Windows XP and Puppy Linux. Puppy Raspup 8. Moderator: Forum moderators. 1TB drive. If you don't need Mac OS, it's much easier to just set up an MS-DOS partition scheme on the drive and everything will be much more simple. Good luck. Originally created as a "fatter" (=more built-in applications) derivative of Puppy Linux, Fatdog has grown to become an independent, mature 64-bit Linux I'm normally used to the Windblows sort of systems, but if it is an Intel CPU in that Mac Mini, then it's at least theoretically possible. 17 (about 95 MB - puppy-2. 1 Precise. READ-ONLY Archive. Post by rickieasr » Mon 30 Jun 2008, 08:53. Macpup – a minimalist Linux distribution based on Puppy Linux. My Live-USB stick (precise) runs and boots on either a PC or a Mac w/ rEFInd. 53 Linux kernel. There’s that. A CD/DVD not a USB. no worries. However, they may work on some G4 models. But with each new version. And if none of these work, there are many more on the Forum here and here. 60 Further, this Mac has Bootcamp, and a Win XP installation. clm1919 Posts: 83 Joined: Sun Jul 14, 2024 12:24 am Puppy Linux Wiki; Puppy Search Engine; Puppy Distro Archive; FAQ; Board index. The features it will have. org using Safari (bionicpup64-8. It has been designed to avoid much of the learning curve those new to Puppy may experience. So I read through some guide on how to install Linux on a mac but it was for ubuntu I have not tried anything on the Mini yet, other than Puppy. x. Post by Mike3 » Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:49 pm. It really doesn't matter anyway. 1 which is okay, but pretty archaic. Beginners Help. Puppy (and many other Linux) are compiled (created) for a particular computer chip Most Macs are not compatible (the new ones can run Mac, Linux and Windows software) You can run Ubuntu on Macs and Yellow Dog on the PowerPC based Macs. Puppy Linux Linux distribution Operating system Puppy Linux Distribution Distro. It probably won't work on the original B/W toaster Macs. What is a Frugal Install? Is Full Install Secure? There are no comments on this page. I want to be able to visit both PCs and Macs. You might not want a lot of time-wasting (+ space-wasting) apps, but obviously if your machine has a purpose(to run VirtualBox), you must make sure you have the requirements for it. But that would not advance your knowledge. but can i dual boot Mac OS with puppy linux using Grub Loader from USB mem stick? If so, how can I do it? Pl. Installing puppy on a mac? Issues and / or general discussion relating to Puppy. WOW! As I am such exited by this project, that I dreamt about a Only use this sfs to boot model "MacBookPro9,2" - no other Mac models nor PCs. They are there for a good reason. Working on a 2006 MacPro 1,1 machine on OSX 10. I also do not go into installing Windows, as I only have an older version of Mac OS which doesn't have Boot Camp, nor have I Hey there, I'd like to put Puppy on an old world mac this is the machine I have, and I want to use is as a server (if possible) for a test run of a website. We are seeing GUI toolkits being ported to different architectures, and you can get things like Gtk and Qt for Windows as well as Linux. There are 3 main types of install; frugal, USB and traditional full For the last few weeks, I test run Puppy linux on an iMac (early 2008 model) with OS X 10. I can confirm that RUFUS can be used for many of the OS you mention above. Ease of use, lots of included help and hints Relatively small size, typically 800 MB or less. But I can't get it to connect and play any sound. Puppy does not have all possible Linux commands. So I read through some guide on how to install Linux on a mac but it was for ubuntu Puppy Linux advantage Ready to use with tools for common daily computing usage already included. Puppy Linux Forum; puppylinux. I wouldn't try them on any G3 or older since they are pretty underpowered for today's linux. A full-fledged computer that you can take anywhere, while still saving all your user data. Puppy Linux Wiki; Puppy Search Engine; Puppy Distro Archive; FAQ; Board index. Puppy would probably need to be recompiled to work with a PPC Mac. Applications such as AbiWord, Gnumeric Puppy Linux on 32-bit / 64-bit / MAC machines ? Post by Lorico » Mon 25 Mar 2013, 11:32. @Neo_78 I am joining your quest to learn how to work with woof-CE in a much more advanced fashion. Puppy Linux Family Tree. The software and programs they want in it. 2fs save file. I'm planning on getting get a macbook pro and I want to use Puppy Linux. It is a small, light OS, it runs in ram and is very fast. Macpup uses the Enlightenment window manager as its default desktop. 1. Refind is the way to go in my opinion. Thanks a lot @Jasper. Firstly - thanks to all the people here who have given me such encouraging support since i got here. No way do I want Puppy Linux to look and work like Windows OS. Install it to a USB stick and boot from that. Dear All, First of all, I love so much Puppy linux I discovered a few weeks back. Flash sites can be tricky with no more Adobe support for PPC. . And I read about Puppy Linux, which seems to be a good solution. com; does anyone know about a Linux that i can run on old Mac computers? SheepShaver (Mac_On_Linux) Post by clm1919 » Tue Nov 12, 2024 1:44 am. 8. My steps are different. 4) Puppy's handling of swap (and 'swappiness') has never worked correctly OOTB in my opinion. It uses Enlightenment as the default window manager and provides a user interface resembling that of Apple's Mac OS X. Rate this project. While touchpad support with two-finger right click emulation worked out of the box in LXLE, i couldn't figure out how to enable it in Puppy. I do not even think the people working on it's development, like a lot of it. You'd learn a lot about Linux (and Macs) by trying. Puppy Linux. However you decide to install (or not) Puppy Linux, we hope you enjoy using it for years to come! Notes. I'm planning on getting Installing puppy on a mac? Issues and / or general discussion relating to Puppy. Skip to content (old)Puppy Linux Discussion Forum. still i cant get pupy usb to boot. MU Posts: 13649 Joined: Wed 24 Aug 2005, 16:52 No, not a live cd. I think there's a version of Knoppix for Macs. Yes you can install on a macbook. (or at least I think it is okay) but the pentium doesn't want to boot from cd rom. I want to see if I can get a real grip on configuring woof-CE to build much more detailed to certain specs, different Puppy's. The interface is a typical WIMP style (Windows, Icons, Menus and a Pointing device). But the boot loader files in the Puppy ISO are still written for booting from a CD/DVD install. Puppy, em inglês, significa filhotinho e é esse o conceito dessa distribuição do Linux. pet is for Puppy version using the 5. WOW! As I am such exited by this project, that I dreamt about a I run mac systems normally. I'm planning on getting Sudo is in Puppy but not needed because you are root. Mac users can use the open source tool Etcher to create a bootable drive instead. So I read through some guide on how to install Linux on a mac but it was for ubuntu Puppy Linux Wiki; Puppy Search Engine; Puppy Distro Archive; FAQ; Board index. Why Choose Puppy Linux? Puppy Linux is a strong choice for users who need a lightweight and portable operating system that runs efficiently on older hardware. Last edited by ozsouth on Thu Jan 23, 2025 3:52 am, edited 130 times in total. Macpup - a puplet by runtt21 which takes its design inspiration from Mac OSX™. Just select with arrow key, and press enter. And I just want an alternative to Mac that isn’t Windows since Windows is huge and I don’t like it. Puppy that will boot a Mac Core2 Duo from flash drive. I use it for all my uefi machines. Puppy cannot see the Mac side of the hard drive, (it's HFS+, and Puppy shows it as present, but empty), but CAN see, and mount, the Windows partition (NTFS). ↳ Italian Puppy Linux Forum; I'm using 5. The program is doing a good install. Do I need to partition the flash drive if I want to use a portion of it for Puppy and another portion for file storage? I'm having trouble booting a live puppy usb on a 2011 mac mini. Donate any amount of money through Paypal online, which is fast, free and secure! (You can use Alipay if you're in China Mainland. I could answer all your questions with 'Yes, Puppy can'. First, insert the flash boot media into another system, e. If someone could help I'll appreciate it. ENJOY the new Puppy Linux Forum @Clarity Wooww that is some great tech here ! Thanks a lot for the tip ! its for sure a great help if you have a office with lots of ThinClients and want boot them the easy way. My father has a Mac and I would like to be able to use Puppy linux on it (the rest of my machines are PCs). This adds a virtual CD/DVD-ROM drive. pets after that have automatic blacklisting, depmod & modprobe. ↳ Puppy Linux International; ↳ Für deutschsprachige Anhänger; ↳ Pour les francophones; I purchased a 512 mb ministick USB flash Drive. Unlike regular distros, Puppy Linux uses popular versions of existing distributions and it modifies them to run with lower Puppy Linux Wiki; Puppy Search Engine; Puppy Distro Archive; FAQ; Board index. My 2011 Mac Mini has a 64 bit processor, Radeon HD6630M graphics card, 16GB RAM and a 120GB internal SSD. Puppy Linux on 32-bit / 64-bit / MAC machines ? Post by Lorico » Mon 25 Mar 2013, 11:32. Hi again. I've tried live usbs with fossa pup and bionic pup (64 bit) and I cannot boot them. BootFlash BootFlash - making a bootable USB in Puppy Linux. Until you run one, all your questions are academic. Usually you need to get into the computers UEFI bios setup and disable secure boot. I heard about EasyOS as a secure/private OS, and am very eager to use it. Well, simple is relative. Newer Linux kernel and built-in packages. If not possible, I'd like to use it as place to put my photos and such, so they don't slow down and clog up my other boxes I wonder if puppy can handle it (boot it via USB / CD, is frugally installable, and if Grub4DOS can live with it)? Does puppy recognize all the hardware (especially touchpad, audio and wireless internet)? The machine works fine otherwise, both running Puppy (this is not its first run as a Linux machine) and back when it was running MacOS. There's a Linux-newbie question hidden in this hastily written post ↳ Italian Puppy Linux Forum; ↳ Pour les francophones; ↳ Usuarios de habla Hispana; ↳ Standard Chinese Language PET's; Re: Puppy on Mac: Keyboard backlight not working Post by n-at-han-k » Mon Oct 21, 2024 12:06 am Apologies for bumping an old thread, but if I get stuck on this in the future, I'd like to end up here again and have the answer. 11. Anyone else know for sure? About a year ago I bought a cute blue iMac off eBay for $150 for my little girl. Please and thank you! To try Puppy Linux to see what version may work best for this computer. 10 posts • Page 1 of 1. I have Puppy booting from an external portable hard drive with a bunch of different Puppy versions on it. sfs file from there to the flash media. No list of lightweight Linux distros would be complete without Puppy Linux Documentation - it's a wiki! There are no comments on this page. Note: this is if you want to install Mac OS alongside one or more Linux distros. Lin'N'Win New B - install a bootloader to Windows box. 7. There are two types of puppy releases: official Puppy releases and Puppy derivatives. 1 that I can use on my macbook intel core 2 duo 2. 12 posts • Page 1 of 1. The Mini doesn't even try to boot from the CD when I hold down the "C" key, so I wonder if Puppy is incompatible with the system in it's current state. Includes all the latest fixes (old)Puppy Linux Discussion Forum. 6. When creating such pages, include CategoryPuppies at the bottom of each page so that the page shows here. Macpup is a full featured system That might depend on whether it was an Intel Mac, a PPC Mac or even older than that. Mostly just for running programs that don’t work on Mac. I purchased a 512 mb ministick USB flash Drive. Here are my findings: A. I don't have a mac. Install grub4dos from Windows. mistfire Puppy Linux has made an "all-in" commitment to "Direct to ALSA" sound architecture, and the Bluez (bluetooth) folks have made a commitment to the PulseAudio to ALSA to sound toolchain. I've tried several Linux builds on my Mac, Re: Linux on Intel Mac-Mini Post by clm1919 » Sun Aug 11, 2024 5:51 pm Sadly the MacMini went belly up - I might try to salvage the optical drive and I apologize to any who showed interest, but this project is on indefinite hold. The entire system can be run from random-access memory (RAM) with current versions generally taking up about 600 MB (64-bit), 300 MB (32-bit), allowing the boot medium to be removed after the operating system has started. Just look around, in the different topics for Puppy versions, in the forum section: Mainline Puppy Linux Distros. This screen appears after about 30 seconds so you can set the language to UK (old)Puppy Linux Discussion Forum. So I read through some guide on how to install Linux on a mac but it was for ubuntu Installing puppy on a mac? Issues and / or general discussion relating to Puppy. Creating a Bootable USB Drive for Puppy Linux "Changing MAC addresses -- Although physical MAC addresses are permanent by design, several mechanisms allow modification, or "spoofing", of the MAC address that is reported by the operating system. So I read through some guide on how to install Linux on a mac but it was for ubuntu Thanks for starting this new discussion. Linux on Intel Mac-Mini. The system that has a working cd burner is an imac running mac os 9. Before I download and start pulling my hair out with technical issues, I have a couple of questions: 1. I added the mac to the file. So I read through some guide on how to install Linux on a mac but it was for There may be other techniques; other ways. 2. 2 Final I struggle to multitask effectively under Windows / various GNU/Linux DEs since around the time Mac portables started shipping with the glass trackpads - three fingers up I read about Puppy Linux (since it works on low-powered machines) and gave it a shot. All it takes is two easy to script commands: I forgot to mention that lpsci part.
Puppy linux on mac. Moderator: Forum moderators.