Pa trout regulations. Permits are printed on the license.

Pa trout regulations The PFBC annually stocks approximately 3. com Pennsylvania Fishing Summary/Boating Handbook TROUT PERMIT A current Pennsylvania trout permit is required to fish for trout in Pennsylvania waters. The Summary Book is a summary of the laws and regulations applicable to fish and fishing in Pennsylvania. Under the proposal, the 22-acre impoundment owned by the PA DCNR, located within Whipple Dam State Park, would be regulated under Miscellaneous Special Regulations allowing for harvest of trout but catch and release for all other species. The Adams County Trout Unlimited Chapter IACTU) was started in 1977 by a group of anglers and conservationists interested in restoring and enhancing a section of Conewago Creek in Adams County, PA. to 7:30 p. Fishing Creek changes. 26). Commissioners adopted an amendment to regulations pertaining to trout stocking in Class A Wild Trout Streams (58 Pa. gov" or "pa. From 8 a. An angler “fishes for trout” when he or she: • Takes, kills, or possesses, while in the act of fishing,. All waters have been stocked prior to opening day, and in-season stockings are scheduled to replenish some of the most popular waters throughout April and May. 12a (Special Regulations Applicable to Lake Erie Tributary Streams) related to the opening day of trout season, the Board also approved an amendment to 58 Pa. FIELD DRESSING AND DISPOSAL OF FISH – and all forms of darters, killifishes, and These special regulations apply to Largemouth, Smallmouth, and Spotted bass in the waters listed below. 7 through Dec. Code 61. Make some more experiemental holes to measure the ice as you move from shore. For the past 10-plus years, Trout Unlimited staff have been working in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission with additional funding from the Foundation for PA Watersheds, the Heinz Endowment, and others to complete Unassessed Waters surveys in streams across the state. Trout Fishing Regulations Tournaments and Derbies Takes, kills, or possesses, while in the act of fishing, a trout from any PA or boundary waters. 731667 1. (Adult Anglers need an annual fishing license and current trout/salmon permit) Get the youth permit/ buy the youth voluntary license at HuntFishPA or at a licensing agent. One statewide opening day in 2022. 1 Wild Tout Waters – Commonwealth Inland Waters Regulations (58 Pa. Fishes in waters under special trout For more information about trout fishing in Pennsylvania, contact the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, 1601 Elmerton Avenue, P. Delayed harvest streams are also a great option for fly fishing as they don’t cleaned out on opening day! “The PFBC annually stocks approximately 3. Under these changes, Fishing Creek, sections 07 With their License OR Permit, they can take a total of two trout (combined species) with a minimum length of 7 inches. (March 28) -- The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) announced today that several changes are being made to trout stocking locations in Bucks County. Special regulations in this region: Stocked Trout Waters Open Year-Round; Catch and Release All Tackle; Catch and Release Artificial Lures Only; Catch and Release Fly-Fishing Only Under the program, approximately 9,600 large trout will be distributed among the streams. The waters listed here are open to trout harvest during the “extended season” (see Commonwealth Inland Waters). Names of water bodies, roads, etc. Code § 57. 5 : 7 inches : 5-streams, lakes and ponds (combined species) Extended Season (stocked trout waters) Jan. An angler “fishes for trout” when he or she: Takes, kills, or possesses, while in the act of fishing, a trout from any PA or boundary waters. 5 pounds and measure at least 14 inches long. Authorized devices for game fish, baitfish and fishbait. Stocked Trout Water [view regulation] : BRADFORD Gaylord Creek – Little Schrader Creek (confluence with Marsh Creek downstream to mouth) – North Branch Sugar Creek (Alparon Park Fairgrounds downstream to mouth) – Schrader Creek – South Branch Towanda Creek – South Creek – Sugar Creek (confluence with South Branch Sugar Creek downstream to SR 0006 in Pa. Code (Fishing and Boating Regulations) that reference dates for Opening Day of Trout Bellefonte, PA 16823 | Phone: 814. Regular Opening Day of Trout Season - April 2 at 8 a. 5147 | fishandboat. 18 inches : 3: American Shad** Open year-round: No minimum : 3: American Eel: Open year-round: 9 inches: 25 All Species of Trout and Salmon. It originates in Michaux State Forest in a series of three tiny brooks draining from South Mountain just south of Walnut Bottom, runs generally west to east some fifty miles emptying into the Susquehanna River at New Cumberland, PA. Plus, Lake Erie boasts another 470,000 acres for fishing opportunities. "While many anglers still HARRISBURG, Pa. 2 million adult trout in 697 streams and 129 lakes open to public angling. Special regulations in this region: Stocked Trout Waters Open Year-Round; Catch and Release Artificial Lures Only; Catch and Release Fly-Fishing Only Regional Opening Day of Trout Season : The trout season begins earlier in 18 southeastern Pennsylvania counties. This species occurs on Atlantic Slope from southeastern Pennsylvania to North Carolina, and the Mississippi River basin from western Pennsylvania to Missouri and The minimum size limit for harvested trout is seven inches. During the extended trout season (September 5 – December 31, 2023, and January 1 - February 19, 2024), the daily creel limit is three trout Double Digit Cast after Cast Fly Fishing Action during a PA Cold Front! Permits are printed on the license. Commission staff solicited feedback regarding a potential regulation Description of Pennsylvania’s Trout Anglers 2. opener Trout—minimum size limit— 14 inches; daily creel limit— 2 trout per day (combined species) from 8 a. The proposed rulemaking would simplify Official Pennsylvania Fishing rules and regulations. 1984, effective 12/29/1984, 14 Pa. Lake Erie Permit or Combination Trout/Lake Erie Permit. com for our main website. Whipple Lake was drawn down in 2019 for dam structure improvements and sediment removal. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania government websites and email systems use "pennsylvania. Open to fishing year-round. on the Friday before the opening day of the regular trout season: 15 inches : 3 (combined species)**** Trout - Rainbow and Salmon** Fishing; Special Trout Fishing Regulations [35 Pa. 63. Stocked trout waters (lakes) that are in the Big Bass Program are closed to all fishing from February 20 until the opening day of the trout season. 12 (Seasons, Sizes and Creel Limits—Lake Erie, Lake Erie Tributaries and Presque Isle Bay Including Peninsula Waters) that would Trout - Brook and Brown** 8 a. Opening Day of Trout Season for counties in this region: April 2, 2022. See § 61. on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC), in consultation with the Office of the Governor, Pennsylvania Department of Health, and Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) opened the statewide 2020 trout season. The extended trout season is in effect from the day after Labor Day until the third Monday in February of the following year on stocked trout waters. (March 27) – The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) reminds anglers that Mentored Youth Trout Day will happen on Saturday, March 30, 2024, beginning at 8 a. There are over 15 special regulation trout streams in southwest Pennsylvania that extend the regular trout season to year round under Catch-and-Release regulations. Code § 65. Anglers 16 years of age or older are adult anglers and need a valid Pennsylvania Fishing License and a current Trout Permit. the day after Labor Day until 12:01 a. (August 31) – The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) is pleased to announce a new state record Brown Trout! On the morning of August 8, 2020, angler Robert Ferraro, 68, of Erie, departed Walnut Creek Marina along with three friends aboard his boat, 'Heartbeat,' to enjoy a day of fishing. Over time, the Chapter grew to expand conservation and restoration efforts to include: • Conococheague Creek • Latimore Creek • Marsh Creek The Commission will consider removing segments of Saucon Creek (Section 5) and Monocacy Creek (Section 7) in Northampton County and Codorus Creek (Section 4) in York County currently managed under the “trophy trout artificial lures only” regulations and adding them to the list of waters managed as “artificial lures only trout slot limit”. A trout permit is not required to fish in lakes and ponds that have been designated as stocked trout waters open to year-round fishing unless the person takes, kills, or possesses, while in the act of fishing, a trout or salmon on or in these waters. The PFBC also plans to stock about 9,600 trophy golden rainbow trout that weigh an average of 1. Most ponds lack suitable spawning sites, so trout rarely reproduce in Pennsylvania Note: If you are fishing trout in inland lakes and ponds prior to the 2025 fishing opener, use the regulations in the Guide to Wisconsin Trout Fishing Regulations, 2024-2025 [PDF]. The following state map shows The PA Fish & Boat Commission stocks Lake Winola with trout several times during the year. All fish caught other than trout must be immediately returned unharmed. 31 These maps overlay Pennsylvania fishing and boating information on top of base geographic maps provided from other source providers. 1 million rainbow trout; 640,000 brown trout; and 440,000 brook trout. 3. The publication also touches on pond safety and regulations and includes references to several other print and Web-based resources. 15 million adult trout in more than 720 streams and 120 lakes open to public angling. (WTAJ) — Hook, line and sinker — Officials announced the first day of trout for 2025 and that licenses and permits are now available across the commonwealth. Weather National Weather Service Link 1 Strategic Plan for Management of Trout Fisheries in Pennsylvania . 2634] The Fish and Boat Commission (Commission) proposes to amend Chapter 65 (relating to special fishing regulations). on the opening day of the regular trout season through Labor Day. are all part of this base map. Locate Keystone Select waters here. Sunday, May 26, 2024 and Thursday, July 4, 2024. Trout Fishing Regulations Tournaments and Derbies Mentored Youth Program Stocking Trout Stocking Warmwater/Coolwater Notice of Stocking Cooperative Nursery Program Open to fishing year-round. Buy a Fishing Permit. During the extended season (September 1 – December 31, 2020 and January 1 - February 28, 2021), the daily creel limit is three trout of combined species with a minimum size In October, PFBC will stock approximately 87,900 trout into 93 waters, including 53 lakes and 40 stream sections, including 16 Keystone Select Trout Waters, which are managed under Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only regulations. Each year, anglers make a beeline for Pennsylvania's 85,000 stretches of streams, rivers, lakes and ponds that teem with a variety of trophy-sized bass, crappie, trout and many more! You can purchase your very own Pennsylvania fishing license online via the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission website or you may opt to buy it from accredited Extended Trout Season Regulations. com). the Friday before the opening day of the regular season for trout the following year. Fishing in stocked trout waters. Trout that are stocked during fall and winter can be fished for immediately, and anglers ages 16 and older must have a valid Pennsylvania fishing license and trout permit. (c) Notwithstanding the requirements of this section, an angler in a boat may possess bait and fish caught in compliance with the seasons, sizes and creel limits in effect for the water from which taken, provided that the boat angler floats through the trophy trout area without stopping or engaging in the act of fishing or the boat angler puts in or takes out his boat at an access point Commissioners approved the publication of proposed rulemaking pertaining to the Extended Trout Season (58 Pa. From the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission. Fishing; Special Fishing Regulations [51 Pa. Fishes in streams and rivers designated as Stocked Trout Waters on March 1 through May 31. Yellow Breeches Creek is one of the Cumberland Valley’s famous limestone trout streams. 97 PALS transaction fee). 7, committee member Nate Walters brought up a discussion regarding the Strategic Plan for Management of Trout Fisheries in Many waters in Pennsylvania are on private property, the listing or mapping of waters by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission DOES NOT guarantee Berks Trout Run 2 Brown Outflow of Trout Run Reservoir to Mouth 40. 97 ($1 cost + $1 issuing agent fee + $0. Permits are printed on the license. Fishes in waters under special trout regulations. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Opening Day of Trout Season for this region is April 2, 2022. Time. Here’s a quick overview: Regular Trout Season: Begins at 8 a. 20 and Sept. 2 million adult trout in 697 streams and 126 lakes open to public angling. No trout may be killed or had in possession from March 1 to the opening day of trout season. HARRISBURG, PA (April 7) – Effective 8:00 a. pa. The closing of Brook Trout waters thing is something I have never heard of and sounds totally bogus to me. During the extended trout season (September 6 – December 31, 2022, and January 1 - February 20, 2023), the daily creel limit is three trout Opening Day of Trout Season for counties in this region: April 2, 2022. 325278 -75. Download the "pocket-guide" of seasons/regulations from the PFBC as that may help. In effect for all stocked trout waters (listed below) within the Northcentral Region. 1 until midnight, March 14 and May 7 until midnight, Dec. April 6, 2024, until 12:01 a. Special regulations in this region: Stocked Trout Waters Open Year-Round; Catch and Release All A current trout permit (or Combination Trout/Lake Erie permit) is required. (February 1) – Excitement for the spring trout fishing season kicks into high gear today as the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) is pleased to make its 2022 adult trout stocking schedule available using the FishBoatPA mobile app and website (www. Fishing is permitted on a 24-hour basis. Birch Run Reservoir, Adams Co. In these counties (and designated waters crossing into these counties), trout season will begin 8 a. 4. , April 3. Pennsylvania boasts over 4,000 acres of inland lakes, offering countless opportunities for fishing activities. Box 67000, Harrisburg, PA 17106-7000; call (717) 705-7800, or visit the agency's Web site at www. Current State Records Bass, Largemouth (Micropterus salmoides). on the first Saturday in April and runs through Labor Day; Minimum size: 7 inches; Fishing hours: 24 hours a day after the 8 a. In this article, we will also review the fishing regulations and fishing season in Pennsylvania for 2022. Pennsylvania Fishing Brown Trout Brook Trout (Wild) Size Small to Medium Location North Central Pennsylvania Nearest Towns Galeton, Pennsylvania Season Year – round Access: Easy to Difficult Special Regulations “Heritage Trout Angling Regulations All barbless hooks – lower 7 miles fly- fishing only. It starts at an abandoned hatchery and meanders through a fly fishing-only section, which converts to normal Pennsylvania trout regulations closer to Newville. Additional regulations map apply–see Trout Regulations. 2021 Mentored Youth Trout Day: March 27 (statewide) Take part in the Commission’s Mentored Youth Trout Day. ) downstream to SR 34 BEDFORD Yellow Creek – 0. Anglers commonly view the beginning of stocking season to be the end of February, when adult trout stockings begin for Stocked Trout Waters (view these waters on our County Guide interactive map) in preparation of the opening day of trout season. 2 million adult trout in 701 streams and 128 lakes open to public angling. . When a water is designated as a Class A wild trout stream, it is among the "best of the best" of the wild trout streams in Pennsylvania. Fishing; Special Fishing Regulations [53 Pa. Thousands of trophy size brood trout are also stocked throughout PA waters. Find the rules and regulations for all the ways boaters enjoy Pennsylvania's waters. It is not, nor is it intended to portray, a verbatim reproduction of the text of the laws and regulations. NW – NC – NE – SW – SC – SE: Listings of stocked trout waters for counties/regions. Trout Fishing Regulations - Definitions & Listings: Stocked Trout Waters; Stocked Trout Waters Open to Year-Round Fishing The regulations apply to trout only; all other species, inland regulations apply. Trout—inland regulations apply. • Fishes in any Class A Wild Trout Waters or Wilderness Trout Streams or their tributaries. At the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission’s meeting on Tuesday, Jan. ; The daily creel limit is one trout – except for the period from the day after Labor Day to 8 a. The scheduled stocking dates for 2022 at the access are: Saturday, March 6, 2021 and Tuesday, April 6, 2021, both at 12:30 pm. 35 0 Berks Unt to Monocacy Creek - alsace twp t-539 2 Brown HARRISBURG, Pa. Waters under these regulations – listed by county: BLAIR Little Juniata River (Blair / Huntingdon) – 13. 4691; amended September 22, 2006, effective 1/1/2007, 36 Pa. The 0. 15" 3 (Combined Species) Trout - Lake TROUT Pennsylvania is home to some of the best trout fishing in the world! Wild and stocked Brook (native, state fish), Brown and Rainbow (including steelhead and golden rainbow) Trout are found in PA waters. Larvae, known as ammocoetes, generally prefer sluggish areas with deposits of mud, muck, silt, sand, detritus and coarse woody debris. Pennsylvania waters and Extended Trout Season Regulations. com. CREEL LIMITS APPLY to the majority of trout fishing waters. Trout Fishing Regulations In addition to amending 58 Pa. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Lake Winola is stocked with trout water and open to year-round fishing. Pennsylvania’s trout fishing seasons and regulations vary depending on the water type and location. (February 2) – Excitement for the spring trout fishing season kicks into high gear today as the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) is pleased to make its 2021 adult trout stocking schedule available using the FishBoatPA mobile app and website (www. During the extended trout season (September 3 – December 31, 2024, and January 1 – February 8, 2025), the daily creel limit is three trout of combined species with a minimum size of seven inches, unless a water is managed under special regulations The stream is narrow and uniformly shallow in the upper (southern) reaches. Trout Fishing Regulations Tournaments and Derbies Mentored Youth Program Stocking Trout Stocking Warmwater/Coolwater Notice of Stocking Commissioners adopted an amendment to regulations pertaining to trout stocking in Class A Wild Trout Streams (58 Pa. 8a). m. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) is finalizing its Strategic Plan for Management of Trout Fisheries which involves wild trout and finding places to stock 4. Users are advised that regulations summarized are subject to change, which, as made, are printed in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The trout will be stocked at a rate of 175 to 225 per mile of stream, which is comparable to the numbers of similarly sized fish in Pennsylvania's best wild trout waters. We decided to drive the entire stretch to see the water before fishing in a particular location. O. In November and December, an additional 25 lakes will be stocked with approximately 28,600 trout. Youth under the age of 16 can join a mentor (adult) angler who has a current fishing license and trout permit to fish on Saturday, March 27 on stocked trout waters Under the program, approximately 10,000 large trout, 2-to 3-years old and measuring between 14 to 20 inches, are distributed among these select waters under the Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only special regulations and one water managed with Miscellaneous Special Regulations. A creel limit of three trout per day and a minimum size limit of 7 inches apply during this season, except Class A wild trout streams where the creel limit is 0 and areas with special regulations. Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission . 1 mile downstream of T-340 (Russel Tavern Rd. Methods of fishing. And remember, life jackets save lives and are important year-round. Learn the definitions and listings of trout water classifications and how they are regulated. (February 1) – Beginning today, anglers looking forward to Pennsylvania's popular spring trout season have another tool at their fingertips, as the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) is pleased to make its 2023 adult trout stocking schedule available using the FishBoatPA mobile app and website (Fishandboat. The portion of the Delaware River between New York and Pennsylvania – Jan. C. on the opening day of the regular season for trout through midnight Labor Day, except during the period from the day after Labor Day to the opening day of the regular season for trout of the following year, when no trout may be killed or HARRISBURG, Pa. All species except trout—inland regulations apply. REFUGE AREASon streams are CLOSED TO ALL ENTRY AND FISHING during the period February 21 through June 14. Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission : This is the legacy site of the PA Fish and Boat Commission. Inland regulations apply for other fish When fishing for trout and the waters of Lake Erie, Presque Isle Bay and their tributaries, including waters that flow into those tributaries, anglers need a valid Trout Permit, Lake Erie Permit or Combination Trout/Lake Erie Permit. Trout fishing in Pennsylvania is regulated by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) to ensure the sustainability of the trout population and maintain a healthy fishing environment. Trout Fishing Permit. on September 5, 2024, until 12:01 a. • Fishes in waters under special trout regulations. us. Since the PFBC does not control the In an effort to protect wild trout, the board voted to change the regulations on 12 stream sections where brown trout will be catch-and-release only, but other species of trout like rainbow can be harvested under statewide general regulations. 01 million rainbow trout; Hook, line, and sinker— Officials announced the first day of trout season in 2025, and licenses and permits are now available throughout the Commonwealth. ALL TACKLE TROUT SLOT LIMIT . "The release of our trout stocking schedule is always a welcome Pennsylvania Fishing Summary/Boating Handbook for more information. Licenses, Permits & Fees. com Pennsylvania Fishing Summary 2025 MENTORED YOUTH TROUT DAY March 29 (Statewide) FISH-FOR-FREE DAYS May 25 and July 4 Preliminary results from these surveys indicate that these streams may be eligible for consideration for inclusion on The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission's list of Stream Sections Supporting Natural Reproduction of Trout (wild trout stream) and may support wild trout populations sufficient to designate a stream section as a Class A wild TROUT FISHING REGULATIONS Many streams, lakes, ponds, and reservoirs are officially classified as “stocked trout waters. on the Friday before the opening day of the regular trout season. Special fishing regulations for inland trout streams in New York. One statewide opening day of trout season, April 2, 2022. 3 million Rainbow Trout; 707,000 Brown Trout; and 168,000 Brook Trout. 359. Keystone Select Stocked Trout Waters. Anglers should consult the Summary of PA Fishing Laws and Regulations for more details. (October 20) – During its formal quarterly business meeting held virtually on October 19-20, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) Board of Commissioners voted to adopt an experimental fishing regulation on a newly designated Keystone Select Stocked Trout Water located in Centre County. These figures include approximately 2 million rainbow trout; 640,000 brown trout; and 500,000 brook trout. Throughout the 2023 season, the PFBC will stock approximately 3. In 2019, the number of trout that will be stocked remains consistent with previous years over the past decade. SEASONS, SIZES, AND CREEL LIMITS – Except for trout season, which begins at 8 a. The Miscellaneous Special Regulation along section We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It is often found in stocked trout waters. Trout Fishing Regulations Tournaments and Derbies Throughout the 2022 season, the PFBC will stock approximately 3. Minimum size – 18 inches, caught on, or in possession on, the waters under these regulations from 8 a. 51-mile section of stream managed under Catch and Release Fly-Fishing Only regulations has been extended downstream 0. Fishing Regulations Seasons, Sizes and Creel Limits Trout Fishing Regulations Tournaments and Derbies Mentored Youth Program Stocking Trout Stocking PA Trout in the Classroom . While stocking is not permitted or advisable in the vast majority of Class A wild trout streams across Pennsylvania, there are 13 stream sections currently stocked by the PFBC that meet internal decision-making Many streams, lakes, ponds, and reservoirs are officially classified as “stocked trout waters" (PFBC GIS data at PASDA). through Sept. The Creek begins at Pennsylvania Furnace and parallels PA 45 for about 13 miles to the town of Spruce Creek, where it feeds into the Little Juniata River. Inland trout streams are managed by category: wild and stocked, stocked-extended and wild quality, wild-premier, and catch and release Forming NY/PA border (Wild-Premier) April 1-October 15, Daily Limit-1, Any size; October 16-March 31, Catch and Release only, Artificial Learn about regulations for unpowered boats, like canoes, kayaks, rowboats, stand-up paddleboards, etc. 2 million adult trout in 696 streams and 128 lakes open to public angling. (January 24) – The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) began its quarterly business meeting, held virtually with Commissioners and PFBC staff participating remotely, by reminding anglers about the upcoming statewide trout season and the importance of being safe on the ice and water. View the Boating Handbook The intent is to align the permit for the application of extended trout season regulations to waters that are not stocked trout waters and the beginning of the extended season closure period (third Monday in February), and to place the application review responsibility more appropriately on the PFBC bureau directly responsible for consideration Pennsylvania is home to over 86,000 miles of streams and rivers, along with 4,000 inland lakes and ponds. An angler “fishes for trout” when he or she: • Takes, kills, or possesses, while in the act of fishing, a trout from any Pennsylvania or boundary waters. PA Trout PO Box 5148 Bellefonte, PA 16823. An angler “fishes for trout” when the angler: Takes, kills or possesses, while in the act of fishing, a trout from any Pennsylvania or boundary waters. ” This means that these waters contain significant portions that are open to public fishing and are stocked with trout. ; The daily creel limit is one trout except for the period from the day after Labor Day to 8 a. While stocking is not permitted or advisable in the vast majority of Class A wild trout streams across Pennsylvania, there are 13 stream sections currently stocked by the PFBC that meet internal decision-making Trout Fishing Seasons and Regulations. The waters listed here are open to trout harvest during the “extended season” (see page 10) . This means that these waters contain significant portions that are open to public fishing and are stocked with trout. GENERAL FISHING REGULATIONS Sec. gov" at the end of the address. Waters under these regulations – listed by county: ADAMS Conewago Creek – 1. Fishing in areas or waters where fishing is prohibited. Fishing Licenses & Permits; As a result of the change to the Opening Day of Trout Season, several regulations within Title 58 Pa. Trout Fishing Regulations: DELAYED HARVEST ARTIFICIAL LURES ONLY : Open to fishing year-round. 7 miles; from the railroad bridge at the east (downstream) border of Ironville downstream to mouth CAMBRIA A current trout permit (or Combination Trout/Lake Erie permit) is required. This classification helps protect water quality and wild trout populations when development is proposed in a watershed. 5. Seriously, the only closed waters are MOST stocked trout waters from March 1 till opening day. Anglers ages 16 and older must have a valid Pennsylvania fishing license and trout permit. com Pennsylvania Fishing Summary/Boating Handbook General Fishing Regulations NURSERY WATERS are closed to fishing at all times. 7597] [Saturday, December 9, 2023] The intent is to align the permit for the application of extended season trout regulations to waters that are not stocked trout waters and the beginning of the extended closure period (third Monday in February), and to place the application review 8 www. 6. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) stated that the first day of trout season will Pennsylvania’s Trout Season Opens April 25 – Get Your Fishing License and Plan for the According to Pennsylvania’s antidegradation regulations, Class A designation automatically qualifies a stream for High Quality (HQ) designation from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). B. PARTNERS OF PA TROUT. This updated plan for 2025-2029 was developed based on input from PFBC Commissioners and staff from the bureaus of Fisheries; Hatcheries; Outreach, Education, and Made possible through a unique partnership between the Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited (PATU) and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC), Pennsylvania Trout In the Classroom (PA TIC) is an interdisciplinary environmental education program in which students learn about current and past impacts, management, and protection and Fishing; Special Fishing Regulations [51 Pa. 15" 3 (Combined Species) Rainbow Trout and Salmon: 8 a. The Commission is publishing this proposed rulemaking under the authority of 30 Pa. If the state park waterbody is designated as Open to Year-Round Fishing per the PFBC Fishing Regulations and is stocked with trout, anglers may fish it, but must immediately release any trout caught. Title: Microsoft Word - Stocked Trout Waters In-Stream Restriction Blanket Waiver 2023 and Water quality, habitat degradation, and climate change effects continue to be the primary threats to wild Brook Trout; however, there may be certain streams or watersheds where Brook Trout-specific regulations are warranted to ensure adequate protection and conservation is afforded to Pennsylvania’s only native streamdwelling salmonid. PA Trout PO Box 5148 HARRISBURG, Pa. Special regulations for bass are in place at Lake Winola. Bass, Rock (Ambloplites TROUT PERMIT. 6028] [Saturday, September 18, 2021] Trophy trout regulations are applied to some wild trout and fingerling-stocked waters and were established decades ago when a 14-inch trout was substantially larger than an average-sized hatchery fish, and perhaps was considered a ''trophy'' at that time. 3 oz. Code § 69. of the first Saturday in April of the following year The 2024 PA Trout season officially begins on the first Saturday in April, and the action remains strong through the summer, with special regulations extending into fall and winter for certain areas. An angler “fishes for trout” when he or she: • Takes, kills, or possesses, while in the act of fishing, Multi-Year Fishing Licenses–page 5 FishandBoat. Fish-for-Free Days allow anyone (resident or non-resident) to legally fish on Pennsylvania waterways on the designated days with NO FISHING LICENSE REQUIRED (Trout/Salmon and Adult Trout. Waters under Cost to fish on Mentored Youth Trout Day. B The PFBC also plans to stock about 9,600 trophy golden rainbow trout that weigh an average of 1. Spring Creek is managed under Catch-and-Release – All Fishing; Special Fishing Regulations [53 Pa. Contents. Unless otherwise specified by special regulation, inland daily limits and minimum sizes apply. S. About Spring Creek; Fishing Regulations. Northampton: Minsi Lake: All species except trout—catch and release/no harvest; it is unlawful to take, kill or possess any fish except trout. Trophy trout regulations are applied to some wild trout and fingerling-stocked waters and were established decades These figures include approximately 2. Anglers should note these changes in advance of the opening day of trout season on Saturday, April 6, and adjust their plans as necessary. "While winter seems to be here to stay for a while, the release of our Opening Day of Trout Season is April 2, 2022. Learn more about our stocking program and where we stock streams and lakes with Trout, Muskellunge, Walleye, panfish, etc. The regular season lasts until Labor Day. Instead, they must be immediately released during the extended fishing season. The provisions of this Chapter 63 Spruce Creek is emblematic of the fertile limestone streams of Central Pennsylvania and is considered one of the finest trout streams not only in Pennsylvania, but in the nation. 1 miles; from 0. If you are planning a trip up to Pennsylvania for some trout fishing, definitely put Spring Creek at the top of your list. Special regulations in this region: Stocked Trout Waters Open Year-Round; Catch and Release All Tackle; Catch and Release Artifical Lures Only; Catch and Release Fly-Fishing Only Never Fish Alone: A buddy can save your life in an emergency and help you get warm and dry after a dunking. These waters are open to trout harvest during the “extended season” (see Commonwealth Inland Waters). and federal government websites often end in . com Pennsylvania Fishing Summary/Boating Handbook Statewide Opening Day of Trout Season Stocked Trout Waters of this Stocked Trout Water is also a Class A Wild Trout Stream-see chart on =Section(s) regulations on page 16) Lake Irena Lake Took A While (Riverlands) Lily Lake Moon Lake Sylvan Lake MONROE: Hidden Lake Many streams, lakes, ponds and reservoirs are officially classified as “stocked trout waters” (PFBC GIS data at PASDA). on the opening day of trout season through the last day in February. It is used for a handful of pages that use features or applications that are not compatible with the main site. Trout Fishing Regulations in PA. 431] [Saturday, January 23, 2021] Section 03 was managed with all-tackle trophy trout regulations for 19 years from 1995 to 2013. The Miscellaneous Special Regulation along section The laws are quite simple. Trout caught in class A designated wild trout waters cannot be harvested. fishandboat. Anglers should consult the Summary of Stocked Trout Waters: One statewide opening day in 2022. Possession of fishing license and verification of license purchase. License and permit information, season dates, size and creel limits and more. state. Bureau of Fisheries . 1983. The Mentored Youth Permit is free - OR - The Voluntary Youth License is $2. the opening day of the regular season for trout until midnight Labor Day: 9 inches : 5 (combined species)**** 12:01 a. 31 miles to the McConnells Mill State Park lower property boundary. (relating to the Fish and Boat Code) (code). *Adult anglers are prohibited from possessing trout. Trout that are stocked during fall and winter can be fished for immediately. In effect for all stocked trout waters (listed below) within the Southcentral Region. Special regulations in this region: Stocked Trout Waters Open Year-Round; Catch and Opening Day of Trout Season is April 2, 2022. During 2012, Commission staff conducted a review of the management of Penns Creek, Section 03. 12:01 a. Minimum size – 9 inches, caught on, or in possession on, the waters under these regulations from one hour before sunrise on June 15 to one hour after sunset on Labor Day. fish. October 2009 Please use Fishing Special Regulations Map for regulations associated with a wat 292,504 Keystone Select Stocked Waters The PFBC has initiated a new stocking program that provides anglers with an exciting opportunity to fish for larger trou Anglers ages 16 and older must have a valid Pennsylvania fishing license and trout permit. As with past practice, the average size of the trout produced for stocking is 11 inches in length. of the first Saturday in April of the following Local, state, and federal government websites often end in . To participate on MYTD, anglers over 16 must be Throughout the 2024 season, the PFBC will stock approximately 3. PA Trout PO Box 5148 Bellefonte, PA The Executive Director or designee may grant a permit to apply extended trout season regulations to waters that are not stocked trout waters upon written application of the owner or lessee of the lands on which the waters are located. 1. HARRISBURG, Pa. on the opening day of the regular season for Fish-for-Free Days. Fishing Regulations HARRISBURG, Pa. 5504] [Saturday, September 2, 2023] The intent is to align the permit for the application of extended season trout regulations to waters that are not stocked trout waters and the beginning of the extended closure period (third Monday in February), and to place the application review 32 www. An interdisciplinary environmental education program where students learn about impacts, management, and protection and enhancement opportunities of Pennsylvania's When is the first day of trout season in Pennsylvania? There are several important dates for trout anglers this year: March 30 – Statewide Mentored Youth Trout Day 8 a. Trout Fishing Regulations reference various regulated waterways within each PFBC Region. Trout regulation maps. Harrisburg — Pennsylvania Fish & Boat commissioners, at their recent quarterly meeting, voted to approve changes to fishing regulations on portions of Fishing Creek, Clinton County, and on a portion of Muncy Creek, Lycoming County. 2 million hatchery trout To complement thousands of miles of wild trout streams across Pennsylvania, the PFBC will stock approximately 3. Before sharing sensitive or personal information, make sure you're on an official state website. The portion of the Delaware River between New Jersey and Pennsylvania – open year-round. The daily limit is 3 trout (combined species) during the period from 8 a. TROUT PERMIT: A current Pennsylvania trout permit is required to fish for trout in Pennsylvania waters. "The release of our trout stocking schedule is always a welcome HARRISBURG, Pa. 2 million adult trout in more than 700 streams and 120 lakes open to public angling,” said Brian Wisner, Director of the PFBC Bureau of Hatcheries. The Tiernos were among thousands of anglers across Pennsylvania to cast their lines on Saturday, the first day of trout fishing season. Fishes in any Class A Wild Trout Waters or Wilderness Trout Streams or their tributaries. Trout Fishing Regulations; Requirements and Law; Regulations by Species; Pennsylvania › Fishing. Donald Shade, Waynesboro, PA 11 lb. Search streams across Pennsylvania best known for their trout populations. (October 4) — The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) is seeking public feedback on a new Strategic Plan for Management of Trout Fisheries in Pennsylvania. FISH-FOR-FREE DAYS - 2023 Sunday, May 28, 2023 & Extended Trout Season Regulations. This is a statewide event open to youth anglers ages 15 and under and their licensed adult mentors on hundreds of waters in all 67 counties. gov. “These figures include approximately 2. 1) Search waters across the state with special fishing regulations, stocked trout, and Class A fishing. In effect for all stocked trout waters (listed below) within the Southeast Region. After opening day, in-season stockings continue for these waters. These figures, which are consistent with the number of trout stocked over the past decade, include approximately 2. 31. Lakes. regulations allow for the harvest of two trout, per day, greater than or equal to 14 inches in length, from opening day of trout season through Labor Day, with catch-and-release angling for the remainder of the year. It is essential for anglers to familiarize themselves with the in the state to ensure compliance and contribute to the BOW AND ARROW (including compound bows and crossbows) may be used for taking ONLY carp, suck- ers, and catfish on all Commonwealth waters,day or night, with the following exceptions: (1) bow fishing is strictly prohibited in stocked trout waters during the closed season and (2) bowfishing is strictlyprohibited in special regulations trout waters. During the extended trout season (September 3 – December 31, 2024, and January 1 - February 8, 2025), the daily creel limit is three trout of VOLANT, PA – APRIL 17: Sarah Tierno, 7, catches her first-ever trout with help from her father, Gary Tierno, on the Neshannock Creek April 17, 2004 near Volant, Pennsylvania. This closure does not pertain to stocked trout waters (lakes) open to year-round fishing. , all regulatory periods in the fishing regulations are based on the calendar day, one of which ends at midnight and the next of which begins immediately thereafter. Trout Fishing Regulations Tournaments and Derbies Mentored Youth Program Stocking Trout Stocking Warmwater/Coolwater Learn more about boating regulations including about waterways in Pennsylvania that have special regulations such as electric motors only or horsepower restrictions. This amendment is necessary to improve trout stream angling opportunities and experiences to best meet the preferences of anglers while providing additional protection to wild trout during the extended season. 2010 - 2014 . These assessments are targeted using a variety of factors, Please use Fishing Special Regulations Map for regulations associated with a wat 292,972 Keystone Select Stocked Waters The PFBC has initiated a new stocking program that provides anglers with an exciting opportunity to fish for larger trou HARRISBURG, Pa. 9 mile; from mouth of Maple Run (Jacks Run) upstream to cable near Red Bank Hill The mission of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission to protect, conserve, and enhance the Commonwealth's aquatic resources and provide fishing and boating opportunities. Test the Ice. 1 through Feb. Tiger Muskellunge is a muskellunge hybrid. Stay alert for differences in the ice thickness and appearance as you move. 2 million Rainbow Trout; 686,000 Brown Trout; and 293,000 Brook Trout. Only one of the 3 trout daily limit may exceed 18 inches in length. 4 www. A current Pennsylvania trout permit is required to fish for trout in Pennsylvania waters. These streams 4 www. * Except those species in waters listed in the Brood Stock Lakes Program. Please visit fishandboat. Drill or spud a sample hole from a pier or dock, if available, before venturing out. Remember that the facilities at the 121 state parks and 20 state forests will be closed until April 30. 2. In effect for all stocked trout waters (listed below) within the Southwest Region. exq zhdbu njbzvrl tpnnb vpvhfg pli hkzopmqpj xis abzht fcf