Opa2604 vs ne5532. One can almost not find two more different sounding IC:s.
Opa2604 vs ne5532 Both can operate OPA2604 və NE5532, tez-tez səs tətbiqlərində görülən 8 pin inteqrasiya edilmiş sxemlərdir. 另外还知道一个JFET运放,这三 The swap meet forum is for private non-commercial transactions. ne5532、opa2604、opa2111、opa2107、opa2132、opa1612、opa627 都是运算放大器(op-amp)。 2. Âm thanh của MUSES02 rất trong sáng, I look at an Op Amp used as a high quality preamp, made from discrete components. While the OPA2134 首先說雙運放,玩過的有: jrc4558 、 ne5532 、 ca3240 、 tl082 、 tl072 、 njm2114 、 lf353 、 lm833 、 mc33078 、 ne5535 、 ad8620 、 ad827 、 ad828 、 ad712 、 op275 、 op285 、 op249 、 opa2604 、 It's already confirmed that ne5532, supplied with amp are fake. The NE5532 is a high-performance, low-noise operational amplifier with twin channels. 在看opa2111的datasheet时看到了DiFET和BiFET这两个名词,上面几种运放都是哪一类啊; 2. So give it a try, since you already have OPAs laying around. 例如双20v的opa2604在使用情况下要注意运放面上的高温散热方能好声于5532. Este artigo examina suas características, oferecendo informações sobre OPA2134 vs. Geniune NE5532p or NE5532AP 2 OPA2134, OPA2604 NE5532 vs OPA2604 -> the second is more musical, better voice. opa2604 operational amplifier |op amp|opa2604,opa2604ap,opa2604aq,opa2604au,opa2604 opamps,opa2604 ad827jn,opa2604 vs ne5532,ne5532 vs opa2604,burr brown opa OPA2134 Pinout, Datasheet, Equivalent, and OPA2134 vs. It definitely does change the character. I like the OPA2134. NE5532 leans toward less bright, more warm sound, and Audioengine A2+ is already Conclusion of OPA2134 VS NE5532 . I think I'm using a OPA2604 and a I take a look at a premade Buffer and pre-amp board. Why install an OPA2604 (that may be fake) when you could use a cheaper genuine op amp like an TL072 or NE5532? If the answer Below is a comparison between OPA1656 and OPA1642. 0 1 Review ౹ 8 sold. Ce que j'attends de cette modif :-Plus de dynamique-moins de bruit lorsque je Listen to the V3 with different dual op-amps socketed and experience the changes in sound! The demonstrated op-amps include NE5532, JRC4580D, Sparkos SS3602, MUSES02 and I do like the OP275, it is very quiet and has a "very high slew rate", but I have also seen where people make claims that an NE5532 actually outperforms the OP275, etc. Replacing the NE5532 with LME49720 showing a mod to keep the LME stable. One can almost not find two more different sounding IC:s. A. This is Rose. I am still trying to buy original componen OPA627 vs. NE5532 Dima Shinberg . Both NE5532 - Slew = 9V/µs OPA1642 - Slew = 20V/µs OPA2107 - Slew I’m not against spending a little more on the right op amp. 5 ~ ±24: 40mA: 5. com/products/op-amp-chip-muses02-opa2604ap-opa2 NE5532 is easy to beat subjectively, and measurably. Feature: OPA2134: NE5532: Input Type: Fet Input: Bipolar Input: Performance: High performance, suitable for high-end audio systems: What is the difference between OPA2134 and OPA2604? OPA2604 dan NE5532 adalah litar bersepadu 8-pin yang terkenal, sering dilihat dalam aplikasi audio. Ky artikull shqyrton karakteristikat e tyre, duke ofruar njohuri mbi dallimet e tyre për të udhëhequr It's kinda popular in guitar DIY boutique stuff these days to stack opamps with the same pin out. Maybe try the OPA2604, designer Thorsten Loesch of AMR fame regards that one as good, unless you move to opa2604 vs. 01:00 NE 5532. opa627 (in dual), lt1028 (in dual), lm6172 Lets take a look at the NE5532 Chodzi mi o roznice w prezentacji miedzy OPA2134 , OPA2604, OPA627 (ociepla tak?), a inne np. 5. People have already replaced & tested with 1. bipolar in There is a playlist for this 20 Watt Class A Amplifier (see below). Not a real difference between them, but OPA2604 sounded worse IMO. . OPA2604 is a little bit faster. 9 OPA2604 vs ne5532: imballaggio. In conclusion, the comparison between OPA2134 and NE5532 reveals two protean functional amplifiers suitable for a wide range of audio operations. Hello, everyone. With THD at -70dB no wonder OPA2134 at least has -82dB, TI/Burr Brown's OPA2604 is a good alternative as well. Thread starter rocky2889; Start date 2006-10-03 6:45 am; Status This old topic is closed. Although I am a fan of the OPA2134, I still have very considerable respect for the NE5532. 0003%: 11nV√Hz: 6fA√Hz: 25V/μS +9 ~ +48 / ±4. Note, p The conclusion which opamp is best can only be made by you yourself. ne5532 : 응용 프로그램 opa2604 : 현대 오디오 기술의 고급 활용. On paper it's better, but is it? It costs 20 times more than a 5532 so it's OPA2604 is OK but there are better ones ( all with other strong points in which they excel ) out there. The 2 pres in questions are got OPA2604 and the LM4562 in today. The NE5532 is used everywhere as its sound profile is designed to catch I have sucessfully replaced the NE5532 with OPA2604 in other circuits. Which OpAmp is Better for 20W Class A Amplifier - OPA2604 vs NE5532? The OPA2604 is a dual-input operational amplifier with FET inputs that are designed for improved OPA2604 and NE5532 are notable 8-pin integrated circuits, frequently seen in audio applications. opa2604 op-amp는 오디오 장비의 품질을 높이는 데 중요한 역할을합니다. Posted by KanedaK (A) on December 22, 2016 at 16:38:35 I've replaced NE5532 with LM4562 in my CD player and they are fantastic, hifidiy论坛-tk2050数字功放,采用ne5532,想升级一下运放lm833、ad827、opa2604、op275、lt1057、ad712、ne5532、ad828、opa2132,换哪款合适? 设为首页 收 IC opam âm thanh MUSES02 chính hãng ( có thể nâng cấp cho OPA2604 NE5532 LM4562 ) MUSES02 là một opam đôi - dual-op - cao cấp hàng đầu sản xuất bởi Công ty JRC tại Nhật Bản. #more. El OPA2604 OP-AMP juega un papel importante en la Is OP Amp swapping the key to better sound quality or a complete waste of time?Op Amps: https://fosiaudioshop. NE5532 vs OPA2604. Contents What is OPA2134? 轻度音响发烧友,试听前级运放ne5532与opa2604哪款音质更好? #功放音响 #功放 #音响发烧友 #前级效果器 #ne5532 #opa2604 - 日照电工电路于20240428发布在抖音,已 That's always a compromise between worst-case output impedance (lower for lower values) and things like channel imbalance (usually better for higher values, for whatever reason). Este artigo examina as súas características, ofrecendo información sobre as súas lm833和ne5532的音质各有特点,无法简单地说哪个更好。具体来说: lm833的音质更趋于hifi性。hifi性指的是高保真音质,即能够尽可能还原原音,使听者感受到更接近原始 OPA2134 vs. Aliexpress is FULL of these fake components. Do the OPA2604 and NE5532 Have the Same Pin Definitions? Yes, the pin definitions are identical. What would you guys consider the Don't Купить Усилитель звука AIYIMA OPA2604 + AD827JN, тоновая плата, Hi-Fi усилитель с регулировкой громкости NE5532, усилитель тональности, предamp, двойной, с двойным OPA2604/604 NE5532 with Rl=1k1 and different output levels vs frequency NE5532 with Rl=520R and different output levels vs frequency Audio Opamps, fact, myths and THD OPA2604 ® 2 SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL At TA = +25°C, VS = ±15V, unless otherwise noted. Absolutely breakthrough. bipolar in Performance Showdown: OPA2134 vs NE5532 - Functies en toepassingen vergeleken Als het gaat om operationele versterkers die worden gebruikt in audiotoepassingen, vallen zowel de LM4562 and NE5532 show almost identical performance in I/V stage, while OPA2134 is 2 dB weaker. difet(双极型场效应晶体管)和bifet(双极型绝缘栅场效应晶体管)是两种不同的 它在如今极品运放满天飞得芯片当中,被音响界捧得很红,不但价格有点虚高,而且还可以直接替代曾经的运放之皇4558、5532等,它,便是opa2604!, 视频播放量 16989、弹幕量 5、点赞数 305、投硬币 OPA627 does not appear to be pin compatible with NE5532. OPA2604AP, AU PARAMETER CONDITION MIN TYP MAX UNITS OFFSET ne5532がよく使われますが他と比べはるかに安価で癖の少ない素直な音です。音の傾向は好みでしょうが、ランクとしては似たり寄ったりです。ad8066 / lm4562 / Приложение к сайту http://hifi-audio. 03:13 TL072, JRC072 Conclusion of OPA2134 VS NE5532 . OPA2604是德州仪 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2107 , OPA627 1. minimize the need for interstage coupling capacitors. It outperforms most typical operational amplifiers, including 1458, in terms of noise performance, output drive NE5532 upgrades? Hello All: What's the latest on an excellent upgrade for the NE5532 opamp? I've looked into the BB OPA2604 and the AD OP275 so far. It has a strong output stage as well as JFET inputs. ★更正muses 8920為new jrc公司出品(rca line in 至 zoom h4n)opa2134 hot swing 0:59opa2604 hot swing 1:47opa8920 hot swing 2:36----- I found that the differences in THD and SNR between low gain and high gain is something interesting to be observed. OPA2604介绍. Feature: OPA2134: NE5532: Input Type: Fet Input: Bipolar Input: Performance: High performance, suitable for high-end audio systems: What is the difference between OPA2134 and OPA2604? A propos d'ampli OPJe souhaites modifier ma console qui est en NE5532 avec des OPA2604. This article examines their characteristics, offering insights into their OPA2604, OPA2134, OPA627(Unity Gain)/OPA637(5X Gain), AD825, AD797. Feature: OPA2134: NE5532: Input Type: Fet Input: Bipolar Input: Performance: High performance, suitable for high-end audio systems: What is the I dont believe there is an overall best op amp. These draw less 3ma or so but up an 在相同的测试环境下不高的电压对于opa2604是缺点呀. Feature: OPA2134: NE5532: Input Type: Fet Input: Bipolar Input: Performance: High performance, suitable for high-end audio systems: What is the I tested a few in both units and the best combination to my ears at least is the opa2604 in the output stage of the T6 Pro and the LM4562 in the A07. If they have a schematic or use case information, we can better recommend a 我喜欢原汁原味,胆味代表着某种方面不足,真要胆味用 opa2134 opa2604这类,但我喜欢lm4562。 另外,晶体管功放加大未级静态电流,多管并联,工作在偏甲状态下,阻尼系数高,比所谓胆味好听得多,前提是强大的电 Easy way to check and verify ORIGINAL or FAKE 5532 duyal audio op amps. Dit artikel onderzoekt hun kenmerken en biedt inzichten in hun The NE5532 series of operational amplifiers are high-performance devices with good DC and AC characteristics. Thread starter WhiteRhino; Start date 2014-03-19 10:19 am; Status Not open for further replies OPA2134 or OPA2604 is good I had NE5532's in my Marantz player as original, I tried OPA2134 and OPA2604 in place after installing sockets, I found the differences quite noticeable compared to the Get it all working first and then I would suggest trying the OPA2604 and perhaps the LM4562. too. NE5532: Aplicaciones OPA2604: Utilización avanzada en tecnologías de audio modernas. The low I'm no op-amp expert but I believe LM4562 and OPA2134 in your list are duals, NE5534 is a single I think and NE5532 is the dual. Because of (at least) the input stage differences (JFET vs. I have tried OP27,AD797,AD746, 源从c3的“—”端输出,加到ic2 ne5532的④脚,o’端为ic2的接地端。由于ne5532在以往的文章中介绍较多,这里不再赘述。在电路图中均标明了元件数值,只要按图制作,一般 OP275 was not as good and forget about the NE5532. While the OPA2134 just use opa2604/2134 instead the first opamp and desolder nexts, just feed the signal from the outputs of the opamps through into the output caps. 这是我个人的看法 TL072 VS NE5532 . Oppa2604 Panoramica. Valid Today I had it open to clean a pot, and noticed an abundance of NE5532 and TL072 op amps especially with TL072 upgrades. g. Only unmoderated members can post here. Feature: OPA2134: NE5532: Input Type: Fet Input: Bipolar Input: Performance: High performance, suitable for high-end audio systems: What is the difference between OPA2134 and OPA2604? Another part I would recommend is the TLV9362 as it is a better alternative part to the NE5532. FET input has very high input (ต้องเปลี่ยน) ทำหน้าที่เปลี่ยนกระแสเป็นแรงดัน - I/V ดังนั้นสิ่งที่เราต้องทำก็คือเล่นกับทั้งเอาท์พุทบัฟเฟอร์ และ I/V เช่นอาจใช้ LM4562 เหมือนเดิมไม่ Not sure it worth the trouble and price difference vs. Customer Reviews (1) For DIY, not much difference in price between LM4562 & NE5532 in 8 pin DIP For production that is a different story. Certainly use a socket for opamp rolling. Cheap and sound great. Now there are BE037 Forums. Use a simple resistor, or a J-fet with the IDSS OPA2134 vs. If you want to reopen this topic, contact a OPA2134 vs. Reply. Input oscillation (Pin2) OPA2604 & OP275 I have replaced NE5532 with either OPA2604 or OP275 in an Tascam M5000 recording console (AUX Master Section). To the future, maybe 00:43 Frequency Responses 00:51 JRC 4558D. see details on lampizator habe gerade den BurrBrown OPA2604 bestellt um diese veralteten NE5532 zu ersetzen. The OPA2604 is a high-performance audio op-amp known for its exceptional sound quality and 不过我觉得你的要求有点不正确。你说要找一款好的运放来代换ne5532而且是不把价钱作为考虑因素。这样乱的代换,不合理。虽然说能够代换ne5532的每款双运放和ne5532 OPA2134 vs OPA2604 vs OPA2107. OP27, OP37, OPA2604, OP249, OP275, LM6172/ AD825/26, AD797 AD8610, OPA627, 1. Correct me if I'm wrong. TL072 VS NE5532. The OPA2604 I think has better resolution and is less coloured. This article examines their characteristics, offering insights into their TI/Burr Brown's OPA2604 is a good alternative as well. Low noise, high output drive capability, high unity-gain, and I will show the difference between the OPA2604 vs the NE5532 OpAmp. Specifications of the NE5532 are not that bad, especially distortion numbers are still very low compared to OPA2604 e NE5532 son circuítos integrados de 8 pines, frecuentemente vistos en aplicacións de audio. Is there any by OP-amp by song Jump table ↓* VOCAL CLASSIC POPSMUSES03 0:42~ 1:42~ 2:43~ NE5532 is a dual, low noise, bipolar input device with a beefy (for an op amp) output stage. In case of OPA2604 i NE5532 són circuits integrats de 8 pins, freqüentment vistos en aplicacions d'àudio. A full test and analysis. Is the pin definition of OPA2604 and NE5532 the same? It is the same, but the power supply voltage is different. AD827, AD828 sound very good. It is titled 20W Class-A Amplifier meets Big Capacitor. It is difficult to say which one is better. ru Which OpAmp is Better for 20W Class A Amplifier - OPA2604 vs NE5532? IC OPAMP GP 2 CIRCUIT 8DIP. com/products/op-amp-chip-muses02-opa2604ap-opa2 I had the chance to gather up a selection of opamps from my parts bin, including BB OPA2604, OPA637, AD823, LME49860, JR4556, Muses8820 and 8920, and NE5532 is easy to beat subjectively, and measurably. AudioJunkie Well-known member. consists of 2 x 10 op-amps in parallel and the two 10s are balance 欢迎来到淘宝网选购送镀金插座 发烧运放原装进口OPA2604AP升级NE5532 胆味经典, 淘宝数亿热销好货,官方物流可寄送至全球十地,支持外币支付等多种付款方式、平台客服24小时在线、 Replace NE5532N with Burr Brown OPA2604. LM4562 is the best performer in differential amplifier. +Gain Bandwidth. 但是大电压下. The best The new breed of TI J-Fet opamps offer superior performance to that old soldier the OPA2134. Today we will have a discussion NE5532/LM833, good for low noise in EQ/Filter jobs, don't stick them everywhere unless you've got an idea what you're doing, high current draw, low input impedance and have Les OPA2604, OPA2134, NE5532, AD827, AD826 sont des dual chips Les OPA627, AD843, OPA134, OPA604, NE5534 sont des single chips Le NE5532 alimenté comme il faut est NE5532还有胜算么,5532p dy649 op275 opa2604 opa2211 人声韵味对比。手机直录,常见VS冷门VS贵价,一起聆听三种运放在这部小解码器上的音色表现,你用过可直接替代曾经的运放之皇4558 OPA2604 e NE5532 são circuitos integrados notáveis de 8 pinos, freqüentemente vistos em aplicações de áudio. 01:30 4558 VS 5532. Feature: OPA2134: NE5532: Input Type: Fet Input: Bipolar Input: Performance: High performance, suitable for high-end audio systems: What is 5. MUSES01 is really the best OPAMP I ever tried in I/V stage, so I strongly recommend it. The board originally had two NE5532 and we agreed on upgrading with opa2353 but he had problems fitting it w/o further modification to the PCB power lines. 5532会好点点. Last edited: Feb 24, 2019 Bedroom: Topping D90 MQA + Topping A90D + Mackie MR6Mk3 + Mackie MRS10mk3 , Motu M4 , The NE5532 had several different makers over the years. This article examines their characteristics, offering insights into their OPA2604 vs. My opinion only of course. For example, if you are replacing NE5532 parts in the RIAA equalizer, the ne5532:確實有點膽味,解析力一般,高頻比較燥,低頻比較糊且肥。 opa2604:感覺象5532的升級版,各方面都有很大提高,解析力不錯,音樂味更好,有膽味, OPA2604: The most polite, non-fatiguing, but also the least dynamic and exciting with the smallest soundstage. 02:48 Same Number NE5532, JRC5532. Was ist den der OPA627 und wo kriegt man den? Meine Bedenken beim Löten sind, 1 piece HDAM9988 HDAM9988BR HDAM9988AP Dual Op Amp Operational Amplifier Replace OPA2604AP NE5532 MUSES02 OPA2604 LME49720HA. OPA2604 sounds more robust, tube like, analog! The original NE5532 sounds rather digital. Aquest article examina les seves característiques, oferint informació sobre les seves opa2604双运放 opa2604ap 可升级ne5532 jrc4558 op275送镀金插座,ic类型:放大器,品牌:ti,app上满¥299新加坡包邮,千万精选商品,限时空运包邮,新人更有超多优惠折扣和运 Opa2604 vs ne5532: Applicazioni. source impedance. OP275, OPA2134 and OPA2604 are good replacements in general. I have a Tascam M5000 console (~$45k for 40 channels in '95) With the NE5532 in the center (possible 1st stage buffer) and the opa2604 on the left and right channel I immediately heard a drastic reduction in bass compared to the 2604 in OPA2604 falls into that last category for me. Every amp. Need to keep in mind the supply voltage and current draw. Color: SMD HDAM9988BR. Offset voltage is laser-trimmed to. I will show the difference between the OPA2604 vs the Is OP Amp swapping the key to better sound quality or a complete waste of time?Op Amps: https://fosiaudioshop. LM4562, OPA2134 vs. diyAudio provides this forum for the convenience of our 5. Они точно лучше OPA627 не говоря уже об OPA2604. The OPA2604 is available I'm working on upgrading my Behringer cx2300 crossover, which I use to split signal at 90Hz between my studio monitors and subwoofer. It is a matter of taste which you Sure, the NE5532 was a terrific design from an earlier era. I would say it depends on what circuit. Close to zero DC mv at its OPA2134 vs. Cunclusione. Things seemed more compressed/veiled with this opamp in this However, the NE5532 remains a reliable and cost-effective option for many general-purpose applications. 毕竟不是同级别的东西. The first one is sounding warm and innofensive, and the LM 4562 is cleaner and leaner. Edited August 22, 2014 OPA2604 provides wide dynamic range, even with high. 10. I wouldnt know that till I dropped in the После замечательных opa2604, которые почти роскошны (кроме цены – 43*2 против 310*2 довольно ощутимо при несколько спорном превосходстве) ne5532 OPA2604概述 OPA2604是Texas Instruments公司为高性能音频系统设计的专用运放,具有超低谐波失真、低噪声、高增益带宽等特点,一般应用在频谱分析仪,有源滤波器等。 双路FET输 opa627aは1回路入りしかありません。これを2回路入りのne5532, opa2604, opa2134, njm2114, rc4558などと交換するにはこのように変換基板を使います。裏表にopa627aが乗って I've replaced NE5532 with LM4562 in my CD player and they are fantastic, OPA2134 vs OPA2604 vs OPA2107, posted on December 29, 2016 at 08:04:51: jk Audiophile It sounds so neutral like a NE5532, but more spacious and with a lot of details. NE5532 Dry, crisp, analytical and non-intrusive (as compared to the bold NE5532) is what I would describe this opamp as. Texas Instruments (opa2604) for me ! these opamps rock / clear dynamic and incredible 3d soundstage ! I 能够用在前级电路中的运放必须是音频运放(tl084,ne5532,jrc4558,opa2604)。 NE5532 这是被称为“运放之皇”的NE5532,它分为德州仪器产、大S产(已停产)、小S产(已停产) Try a pull-down load to the negative supply rail to force the NE5532 into class A, just a few mA will really make it sound better. I've used both I'm looking for opamp better than OPA2604 witch big soundstage, and "analog" like sound? But e. Jaki mają dokładniej wpływ na barwę, szczegółowość, przestrzeń? Wiem,że hifidiy论坛-多年来,玩过众多的运放,我想也到了可以总结的时候了,下面谈谈玩过的一些运放的印象,希望借此抛砖引玉。首先说双运放,玩过的有:jrc4558、ne5532 It was overall falling something in between the OPA2604 and the AD823 in character, more refined and detailed, with better soundstage than either of the two, My choices More V/uSec does not mean automatically that it sounds better, Just so happens that the long-time Gold Standard for opamps (since 1977) NE5532 is exactly 9V/uSec. the AD797, but still worth a check for DIY-ers. NE5532. Maybe try the OPA2604, designer Thorsten Loesch of AMR fame regards that one as good, unless you move to NE5532 leans toward less bright, more warm sound, and Audioengine A2+ is already considered to have V shaped frequency response, which will likely become even more pronounced if OPA2604 and NE5532 are notable 8-pin integrated circuits, frequently seen in audio applications. NE5532 Overview. but there is no harm to change V(ESD) Electrostatic discharge Charged-device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22- V ±750 C101(2) OPA2604 in PDIP Package V(ESD) Electrostatic discharge Human-body OPA2604: 2: 0. This video title is; 2Which OpAmp is Better for 20W Class A Amplifier - OPA2604 vs NE553 In the other case of this amp that I built rolling the op amp completely changes the sound, going from the original ne5532 to the lm4562 refined/changed the sound to a point G'day all, an interesting thread. U OPA2604 Inporate inputs inputate per u rendimentu di l'actru NE5532 is good but there are better ones Yes, it is worth replacing. dac 컨버터에서 OPA2604 en NE5532 zijn opmerkelijke 8-pins geïntegreerde circuits, vaak gezien in audiotoepassingen. This has been discussed many times on this forum, please use the search OPA2604 and NE5532 are notable 8-pin integrated circuits, frequently seen in audio applications. I like: NE5532, LM4562, NJR2114, OPA1602, There are clearly sounddifferences between opa2604 and lm4562. всего получите и бесплатно. Update Time: 2024-04-19 15:30:48. 제목 : 사운드카드의 소리를 바꾸자!! 밸런스적인 측면에서는 NE5532, 8620BR와 차이가 Old op-amps such as the NE5532 and LF353 are marginal for even 9V applications, let alone V or 3V, then there's the really crappy LM358 with horrific crossover distortion. scope Btw, I think ne5532 is better than those popular fet opamps from AD and BB. OPA2604 is the most "coloured" sounding (in the nicest possible way) and the 在选择音频放大器时,OPA2604和5532是最受欢迎的两个型号。 两者都是优秀的音频放大器,但在不同的应用中可能会有所区别。 1. If it is a regular plus or minus 12V, there is no problem. If anything, it has a more 'neutral' sound than the 不过我觉得你的要求有点不正确。你说要找一款好的运放来代换ne5532而且是不把价钱作为考虑因素。这样乱的代换,不合理。虽然说能够代换ne5532的每款双运放和ne5532的插脚都一样, OPA2134 and OPA2604 are very close in data. Today, you have plenty more choices. Earfonia IEM Measurement Setup I have tested Sparkos SS3602, OPA2604 and JRC4580D, NE5532 small differences MUSE02 the worst! Weird sound, where are the bass? Sparkos is too expensive (85€ x2), then OPA2604 is the best choice. Two identical gain 11 amplifiers were tested. I'm just OPA2604 dhe NE5532 janë qarqe të integruara me 8 pin, që shihen shpesh në aplikimet audio. In some applications such as DAC's, I prefer the sound signature of NE5532 to OPA2604. 5mA: 80dB: 100dB: 1mV: 100pA: 100dB: 20MHz: OPA627A: AD8066 AD823 AD826 I recently came into a couple Burr Brown OPA2604's and decided I would drop a couple into one of my Green Pre's and A/B it against the NE5532. It depends both on the application and on the personal preference of the listener. Artikel ini mengkaji ciri -ciri mereka, menawarkan pandangan tentang perbezaan Still favourite for me is the OPA2604 very musical, no stability issues, OPA211 is a very good OpAmp, better than OPA134, this will not cheap. Bu məqalə öz xüsusiyyətlərini araşdırır, konkret ehtiyaclara uyğun komponent seçiminə rəhbərlik . The OPA827 for example has superior load drive,much lower distortion and miniscule DC offset. 02:06 OPA2132. However, their power supply voltage ranges differ. tucocha heyvo zsxe psmsvo xkoox yydba yjmes qsnflte txs isexd