Negative test 3 days before period mumsnet. Did a test this morning but it was negative.
Negative test 3 days before period mumsnet I’m reluctant to do more tests in a few days as I feel I’m making myself sad seeing a negative and also wasting money constantly testing. confusing stuff! This is me now too. Today is d1 pf missed period and my test 2 days ago and today are negative. Been ttc. 21 days late, before I got a bfp, doctor told me i wasnt pregnant and wouldnt offer a blood test till over 4 weeks late. But at this point I’d just wait and see seeing as you’re due on your period soon anyway. MC in August. But today I’ve woke up and as soon as I’ve moved I’ve been sick 4 times before I left the house. Last cycle we tried. I always get period cramps a day or two before I’m due on. We tried have tried to conceive this month around my ovulation. All the wY until few days post the app saying ovulation day. Mostly because I wanted to open the bottle of wine in the fridge and whilst putting DS to bed suddenly thought I I only tested faintly positive on the day AF was due, negative until then. 15 for 20 which I thought was a good price little strips because I know I end up burning through them. I usually spot about 2-3 days before my period starts. I'm set to be a FTM (29 weeks pregnant). Basically as the title says - I'm now on the 4th day after my period is due. I tested the day it was due and the day after, both negative. Then on the 10th day of being late I had light pink bleeding and then the next day I got my ‘period’ (not sure if it was one) and it lasted 3 days which is normal for me. Has anyone had this before? It is so frustrating as no idea what’s going on. The cycle before I got pregnant this time I had my period 4 days early when I am never early either and was just (tmi) stringy blood quit light, I reckond I ovulated earlier than I expected. I had a negative pregnancy test on the day my period was due, started bleeding later that day and just assumed I wasn't pregnant. I just started tracking my period like 5 months ago so the cycle days in @BubblyOne00 I was 11dpo when I was sure but that was with the FRER test and I was pretty sure I had implanted about 3 days before I did a test at 11dpo and was negative. My period is due in 3 days, I have a 28 day cycle. This round dtd at ovulation my period is 2 days late. I had light bleeding for 3 days and super light blood discharge for 2 days. I did a pregnancy test yesterday and this morning and both were negative. Period due Sunday, still hasn't arrived. Feeling utterly frustrated and just want to know. I have been doing some cervical tracking, since ive been trying to get pregnant for around 8 months at this point. AF was due on Saturday and I am never late. The excitement l Hi, looking for advice/insightI'm 34 and ttc, never had a pregnancy before. LG tests should also be taken in the afternoon/evening as that’s when the hormone is highest. I’m usually always spot on when it comes to dates I’m due on, they’re never delayed but here I am Yes, during my last pregnancy I didn't get a positive test until 3 days after my missed period. my last pregnancy I did not get my bop till a week after my missed My period is always very accurate or even early however I’m now 3 days late, and 3 negative tests on clear blue. i am currently 38 weeks and seeing if he will make an appearance today. I believe I ovulated on the 4th and I have a 26 day cycle. I have taken 8 pregnancy home tests which have all come back negative. I have cramp just like usual menstrual cramp that I've always got. Eventually after 8 days late I took a I am due my AF tomorrow and this week I’ve felt sick on and off. hi i was due to start my period 10 days ago and still no sign i have took 3 pregnancy tests now each one has come up negative it is I am now 6 days late and absolutely no signs of AF coming. Most likely, if it’s negative now and you know when you roughly ovulated, then it’s probably your period is delayed. Period is due on 2-3 days. I’m jumping in on here too! I’m now 1 day late, negative test this morning. Anyone have any idea Hello, I am 19 days late for my period. I'm confused now because I had the spotting implantation bleed when my period was due the 1st time in July this lasted just 2 days before dying off with old brown blood and then this month the same thing with a light bleed then dying off. When I stopped contraception my periods did take over two months to return and now I’ve had 3 periods since all being 28 days exactly now nothing. is it possible to have morning sickness weeks/days before testing positive on a pregnancy test? With my first pregnancy, I didn't get a positive until what should have been day 3 of my period. Last time round I somehow Yes, I took pregnancy tests from the day my period was due, but they were negative. My last period started on Christmas day. I did one last week 3-4 days before period (about 3rd wee of the day!) and got BFP v quickly. My first born took 6 weeks+ to show up a positive test so could some of I was wondering your experiences on having a late period with negative test. Also bear in mind that the claim that they can detect x days before your period is due is based on you ovulating on day 14 of your period. I panicked so took the MAP (EllaOne) the day after UPS and took a test on 08/05/2024 which was negative. Some help please. Hi there, I did get a negative a few days before about 12dpo then a faintest positive the day after AF was due. Stopped testing. Continued to feel very, very sick until about 13 weeks, vertigo and everything. My period was due 5 days ago but nothing yet. I did a lot of pregnancy test in the past week and some of them negative some with the faintest line but you can actually see there is one. Hi, so I'm 3 days late form my period, I've been getting so many symptoms, you name it I've got it ( I am feeling super sick) but I keep getting negative results. Hi. I think you're still in with a chance. It was then the next day and I took another cheap test and it also said negative. Quote React I'm not normally this late,& it's just nice to know if you get what I mean & my doctors are useless it would be about 2-3 weeks before I get an appointment, negative test 6 replies AmyLouise2510 AF due in 2 days. I have sore breasts and feel tired. I was inexplicably 2 -3 weeks late, not pregnant, no reason for it at all that I could think Can you get pregnant 1 day before period & then have period? Am I pregnant? 3 days late for period but negative test ? Babyfever123. I felt absolutely awful two days before I tested which were 3 days before period was due. 2 days ago started spotting, that's 5 days earlier than I expected anything and now am having what seems like a light watered-down period. I know that some poeple get this before period and read that you feel nauseous because of pregnancy hormones which i don't have as tests are all negative. Now every symptom has gone. Even as my lines get darker I have to wait atleast 30 minutes to I'm 3 days late for period with many BFN and one test with a faint line You’re meant to read the test within the time frame it states. Stress and other factors can delay period. I'm 2 days late for my period too and had 3 negative tests. even went to the hospital today and negative test!! I am normally very regular, every 28 days. Your luteal phase will usually always be the same length. I've had slight cramps, mood swings, nausea, headaches and I'm exhausted. My pg test two days ago was negative. I've posted a similar post a few days ago. Ive only had negative tests, no sign of a line. Really confused and not sure what to think. Still negative tests. I also though I might be pregnant with ds as had sharp pain in my ovary not long after I had likely ovulated. I was sure I wasn't pregnant, but I had one test left and decided to use it at like midnight and the line showed after a few minutes, really I never have a late period. I tested 4 days before my period was due and got a negative. I tested 5 days before period was due with dd and a week before my period was due with ds. I'm 3 days late, and have lots of symptoms. I didn’t have many pregnancy symptoms Am a day late for AF but test is showing negative. You’ve probably just ovulated a few days later than usual. I have sore boobs, light cramps but other than that no My period is 6 days late, so I didn’t test Skip to main content Skip to main navigation I took both tests from the chemist’s cheapest pregnancy test double-pack yesterday and both were negative. Tested the day after I was due and got a positive and am now 12 weeks. If there is still nothing in a few days I will test again but will all the lofty claims of the testing kits and their ability to detect hcg at 100 paces, it Im really hoping that I am. My sense of smell is hightened and been having cramps. I am currently 5 days late, I am like clock work with 28day cycle. Is there still any hope?! Never been late before but the preg test boxes all bang on about 99% For a positive test 4 days before my period was due and then came on 1 day late and negative tests are so I know it was a chemical. With negative tests you’re probably not pregnant. Really hope you get the answer you want OP 🤞 I am a very impatient person and I cannot wait to see if I am pregnant . My period which is usually regular is now 4 days late, I've had no normal symptoms of my period like I usually do a few days before it comes on (cramps/backache). That doesn't stop me from driving myself crazy though! Going by other threads it seems to be quite rare that people go on to have a BFP when they're in this situation. When I did a test the first time (on a Wednesday), I was a few days late, and I got a negative, but then a really faint pink line appeared over an hour. But I've had early positive tests in other pregnancies so really shows that every pregnancy is different. I took a test already which is negative but something doesnt feel right. Last month I had a bfp 3 days after my period was due and had bfns everyday before that. Hard to wait though I tested this morning with the 6 day early test which came back negative. Tested yesterday evening and BFN. No spotting. I took a test after a niggle of feeling a bit bloaty in my stomach and boobs, with slight cramping like a hotmama with dd I did a test on 15 days after ovulation, 3 days later and another 3 days later all negative, then doctor did a test and it was positive. As of 2 days ago, so 5 days after my period was due, I started to get really achy boobs same as I would get after ovulation, and started getting all my usual period symptoms but still nothing. Pregnancy test is negative. Is this normal? Thanks, L I have had 27 day cycles for the past few years, never been late even by a day and I’m currently on day 2 late (was due Friday morning) with no sign of period pains just a weird tingling sensation in my back, sometimes high then goes low. I have. Unfortunately it was a chemical but no you're definitely not out yet. Period is due tomorrow. I'm now on day 31 so 5 days late and I'm never late. So I am a little late. As I wasn't preg, had an early scan this time which has confirmed I'm only as far as I thought I was. With second one I had a 3 day bleed so assumed not pregnant, then bled again 10 days later thought it was strange and did a test. I've taken at least 4. I have had cramps like AF is coming for past 8 or so days with no bleeding or spotting plus also have fuller boob's and nausea. Bfn on pregnancy test taken this morning (but not first thing. Since Monday I have woke up feeling very sicky and it last a few hours and then goes. It's driving me nuts - just want BFP or AF now! I take it there's not a chance that I actually am pregnant? I'm usually so regular! What's weird is I usually have bad cramps but haven't had any this month. I got negative pregnancy tests until day 42 with my first child! I kept doing tests and they kept coming back negative so I went to a wedding and drank way too much wine. I had lots of cramping the day my period was due so was sure it was coming but nothing. Every test every morning before that was negative. I always test my LH right up until my period and for the last 5 months it's been 0. No sign of my period but nega I'm 13 days late for my period, Pregnancy test negative, no period 9 replies chloesweetie23 · 02/04/2019 10:23 I'm 13 days late But I was 4/5 days late for af before anything showed up. So now all I can do is wait! But the first response test says it should be able to detect pregnancy from even before a missed period and I am now 5 days late. Period 7 days late but negative first response test Sod’s law, I took 3 tests - on 2 days late; 5 days late; and 8 days late and all BFN, so rang doc and booked appointment - that Hopefully I'm just having a weird cycle too. I have done 6 pregnancy tests and all of them have come through as negative. 03/08/2021 at 10:38 am. I've had mild period pains, and my boobs have definitely grown, DP keeps mentioning it, they are quite small normally. I have started to track them again. I have had this with both of my babies. I left it about 2/3 weeks before I did a second test but because I was on the pill I was convinced I wouldn't be I actually had 4 days in a row of faint lines on frer, so when period was late I tested with a normal test and it couldn't have been any more negative 😑. i normally get tender/swollen breasts up to a week before my period however nothing yet. Risk the wine if you think it's worth it to you. I had a negative pregnancy test yesterday so unsure what's going on. I'm usually fairly regular but I've been a bit all over the place for the last few months. go on i had done the first test the day before and it was 100% negative! To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. 5 year old dd who we conceived in 2-3 cycles. pulling sensations and nausea. I started to take pregnacare before conception tablets a week later. I am now 18 I'm currently the same, day 32 no sign of af but have done a cheap test and negative. I ovulated last Tuesday and Wednesday used the fertility sticks. Getting waves of sickness, frequent headaches that are becoming more frequent as the days go by, boobs felt sore this morning and yesterday. Last night, had some light spotting, which I never have before a period, so thought it might be implantation bleeding. Decided to use clear blue ovulation tests for the first time last month, and got our solid smilie on the 14th of Feb!!! We are now 22 DPO, and 7 days late on what should have been my period, but I’ve had 2 negative clear blue digi tests ( one last Tuesday and the other today ). Started testing today got a negative my period is due on the 8th march 6 daya from now am I too early to test. I went to see my gynaecologist on Tuesday and he's prescribed me progesterone to take (Duphaston - apparently no longer sold in the UK - I live in Belgium). Anyone ever had negative tests before a positive? I'm due my period in 3 days but I feel pregnant 🫣 I've had 3 negative tests, however none Skip to main content Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to talk navigation Advertisement Sign up Search Has anyone done an early detection pregnancy test (10mIU) the day period was due and got a negative then gone onto have a positive? With my other pregnancys iv found out before i was due on so i thought definitely i was out, Hi all, As title says, my period is 4 days late and I'm still getting negative tests. For the majority of people though (not everyone though) they will test positive the day before their period is due. And positive at CD34. I tested again yesterday and today with FMU and both were BFN. This month i am a few days late. There is absolutely no sign of any blood though. My cycle is usually 33 days. 3 months later, I had a feeling I tested 2 days before missed period and BFP Nor does it take a week for HCG to build to detectable levels - it's detectable on sensitive tests 2-3 days after implantation. Have been feeling somewhat queasy of late, too. If no sign by Friday I'll test again. I have a friend in the same boat as you, I wanted to make a post asking about symptoms everyone got before they got their BFP and id i should lose hope after getting a negative test at 12dpo when AF is due in 3 days. I'm 3 days late. The last time I had sex was 24th August 2022 (with protection). You cannot get a positive two weeks before you are due. My cycle varies from 25-29 days but I am now on day 32 with no sign of a period. Would just rather af come than this dragged out not knowing part as it messes with your head doesn't it! Was desperate to try again straight away, Second pregnancy, missed period, positive test - ended in miscarriage. I ended up being 10 days late and during that time I took 5 clearblue tests and all of them came back negative (not even a slight faint line). I had my HCG done which came back as normal. But I decided to bite the bullet and buy a cheap test and the test was negative. I I was 8 days late a few months ago & usually regular as clockwork. My period is 6 days late, so I didn’t test early. 1 or lower for 3-4 days before my period. Still negative. I took this ovulation test today and it was positive. I got my first period on May 9th and my fiancé and I have been TTC since. This cycle I'm on day 41 with a negative test this morning . x. I have been feeling really off, sore boobs, headaches, bleeding gums and stomach cramps. Not even a hint of a line. I am 3 days late from my period. Tested again the next day and got a VERY faint line (husband didn't believe I was pregnant it was so faint!). With my son I got a positive test at 9 dpo, and I miscarried in December but with that pregnancy I got my bfp at 10 dpo. AF was due 1/2 days ago and haven't had the usual signs and symptoms of it coming. Have also been trying for 2 years+ I did have af like pains a few days ago so thought it would soon be here but now that seems to have stopped again. I also tried a frer but it''s negative. The accuracy of most tests is much lower before your period is due, even when they say they can pick it up. I then took a digital test that same day, which showed I was pregnant by 1-2 weeks. I've had a mixture of positives and negatives. I’ve been caught before by first testing on day 33, thinking it HAS to be positive because my period was late, only to have a random 34 day cycle. I tested everyday, as my period was still late. If you still don’t get your period in 2-3 days then test again in case you’re one of the ones who take longer to show positive. Andnothing. We were devastated and I went into hospital in May to have a medical miscarriage. I had 2 very very faint positives on cheap tests. That faint line is now a 2 and a half year old! My cycles are usually 29 days. I got my BFP 18 days after my period was due. i have had no symptoms for pregnancy, but also no symptoms of my period. Ive done countless tests and yet negative results. My next period isn't due until the 6th of June, but I caved and took a FRER today and it was stark white negative. I wake up at 2am and can not get back to sleep I’ve never had this before! I’ve done 3 tests and all negative - 2 were clear blue and one cheap one. but my period is to start in 3 days? Ive never had this happen before and wanted to know what it means. Tested the day before period due and saw a line, tested the day after period due and no line. I took a pregnancy test this morning and it was negative. Negative tests can end up looking kind of positive if left out for a while. Did you take more OPKS later? I get a strong positive 2/3 days after my period but it will go negative by that afternoon/evening. That was a tough one to recover from! I’ve only had one positive before, my first cycle, and that was I believe the day before my expected period that month (was ectopic though). I would wait a few days and re test. Today is the day my period should arrive I did a test (clear and simple brand) it was negative. Do people test early or wait untill a missed period? Ive tested early (3 days before period due) and sadly its come back negative! Feel sad & upset, another month & im out! Was hoping it would of happened again by now. I thought I had a UTI and went to docs a few days before my period was due and they did a test which was negative - but the Dr was REALLY keen I did another one in a few days, which I did (I think about 2 days after my period) and obviously that one was positive. My cycle has been 33 days for the last 3 months (can't remember before that) but I'm not on day 35. I got pg with DS2 the day before I supposed to have my period. I took a Clear Blue non digital test this evening and it was negative. Last cycle 35 days . I don't believe this is a true O. Last month my period was 1 day late, which is odd for me. I'm 8days late & have had a negative test, not much use but only time will tell. Samantha B(1738) Aww that gives me hope! I’m so impatient I hate not knowing so many people find out so early. But the bleeding never got as heavy as usual and seemed to slow up much earlier than usual too, so I took another test just to check and got the surprise of my life get a positive result! Hi all, I'm 20 days late on my period, 56 days since last period and still getting negative tests, my first response tests have a faint line but not sure if it's just an evap, I would love to know if anyone else has tested positive this late, thank you 😊 💗 A week or so after that I spotted for around 3 days I assumed I was going to spot for a week or so before my period (like I did last month), but it lasted 3 days. A couple of months ago one of my cycles was 35 days. Taken lots of tests and all BFN but a pregnancy might not be detected until a week after period is due so will keep doing tests. The day after my missed period I took a Clearblue early detection pregnancy test (which i I'm currently 4 days late, sex 2 days before fertility window and then 2 days after fertility window and getting negative tests (I haven't done them on my urines of the day). I dont notice any symptoms but I had some mild cramping all I'm 5 days before my period, so 6 days before a missed period, with a BFN on FRER. Very frustrating so I know how you're feeling. So yes, entirely possible. I've been having what I think is my period pains but it's been happening for 4/5 days Hi, my husband and I are trying to conceive baby number two. I have a hosp I have had this the last two months (that I am aware of because I didn't test prior to those) as well. Just after people thoughts is it worth the wait till after a period is missed? Or would the heartache still be I am 4 days late today, currently ttc and made sure we made the most of our chances in our fertile window last month! I have had cramping like my period is coming for the last 7 days but still nothing. So 4 weeks would make my expected period to be this coming Tuesday (so from wednesday I would be classed as a day late). It's 34 days since my last period but I'm always quite irregular so no idea whether I'm late or not, did a test just now which came out negative but I can't explain the weird mouth thing any other way (and I did have sex roughly around ovulation time). Hi, My period was due 3 days ago but hasn’t arrived, I have however had lower back pains and felt a bit twingy. I'm now 6 days and had negative tests. I'm 4 days late and usually have 29 day cycles. My app is saying I’m now 3 days late (CD46) and the pharmacist told me to test 3 weeks after taking MAP. Took a test this morning and it’s negative. My period is now 3 days late. I had sex on day 22 of my very regular 28 day cycle - without protection as convinced it was a safe time. I've just tested now and I took an early test day before my period, negative. Have attached my flo for reference. I had a misscarriage 2 months ago. My breasts are normally very sore five days before my period, but they aren't this time round. I didn't get a positive until 5 days after my period was due - after 2 negatives in between. After my 2nd loss I stopped trying as I couldn't bare the heartache. I genuinely think it was my mind/body & the pressure I was putting it under TTC, because in 20 years of having periods I have never been more than 3 days late, absolute max. So my period was due 13th and now i'm 7 days late. Ds arrived nine months later! I suppose I should wait at least a few days, from the replies here it seems like most of you waited a few days between doing tests, I was just impatient doing 2 in 2 days. I'm pretty sure from my opks that I just ovulated late (cd21). Has anyone had this - potential implantation bleeding but a negative test because it’s too early? I used a clear blue 6 days early test. You just can't. Took a FRER HPT this morning with first pee of the day and it was BFN. The Dr thought I could just be getting ready to ovulate, i took a test Christmas eve which was negative and another a few days before this also negative but dont want to keep taking them. I was due 2 days ago and tests are negative. Turns out looking at my baby's size at 12 weeks that I probably ovulated a few days earlier than usual (and than indicated by temping and OPKs) that month so was actually about 11-12DPO. I had intense pain the day before my period was due and put it down to period cramps but nothing. Give or take a day. In answer to. I had sex once 2 days before predictive ovulation. I bought about 3 packets of first response tests. 8 I had 3 faint positive tests 2/3 days ago, but this morning it was negative. Do not test again until you miss your period. Tested three days before and got a negative. Does anyone find that with the ultra early clear blue tests that you need to wait for atleast half an hour to see anything let alone the 3 minutes it is advertising. So i just bought, and did (in the shop toilets) the tesco preg test, and it has shown up negative. With dd I was constantly peeing and as soon as I had the same symptoms I tested. I'm 7 days late been burning tests also but I bought a load from ebay £3. Could I still be pregnant? I've never t Skip to main content Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to talk navigation Advertisement Sign up Search TTC baby 3, My cycle has gone from 28/30 days for years to 35 last 2 rounds. Could it be late because of these tablets ? I’ve read the reviews how it delays periods :/ but would taken them for 7 days do that that quick? Hi everyone, I'm pretty worried as my period is like pretty much like clockwork every month with a 32 day cycle give or take a couple days since I was 13 (I'm now 21) but my Flo period tracker has been telling me to take a test as I'm now on cycle day 43. My last period was the 25th august and I usually come on between 3-4 weeks. Periods have actually been fairly consistent for the last few months. I had already taken an early pregnancy test and it was negative. Also I usually get spotting a day or so before. Anyone else had any experience of this? My period is 13 days late today. Got a negative on clear blue digital Then two hours later (because I was really impatient) got a positive on the other digital. 3 negative tests so far too. The day before period i have some cm which was brown/ purply in colour - like old blood, no more since. Usually AF is regular with a 27 day cycle. I've been reading a lot of posts about BFNs but no AF and the majority of the time it's just a late period. Last 6 months cycle have been regular and on time. Been testing every day now and the test line is as dark as the control line. 3 days late for period but negative test ? Early pregnancy signs and symptoms. A week building upto my period ive had brown discharge when I wipe, I had a little jelly type discharge also. Have sore boobs, and have had period like cramps for 3/4 days solid now, however no Skip to main content Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to talk navigation Advertisement Search This is my first time trying for a baby so I don't really know what to expect, but I'm a bit worried that my period is over 10 days late but I'm still getting negatives tests. I took a pregnancy test on Wednesday (Clearblue normal one) but it was negative. It's now day 40 and still nothing! I've suddenly gone completely off meat, my stomach is bloated + hard, my boobs are killing and sensitive to changes in Just curious can you have a negative test 3 days before period and still be pregnant? Has anyone took one of those first response pregnancy tests that can tell you 6 days before your missed period? And if it was negative did you end up really being pregnant My period is due Friday, so I was just wondering if anyone had tested negative and then after missed period positive. Did a test this morning but it was negative. I’d recommend doing basal body temperature testing as well as LH testing strips - I used Natural Cycles to guide this. I Hi i had unprotected sex several times in the week before my period was due. In fact was lighter then Both my pregnancies I got a positive result 4 days before my period was due and didnt have any symptoms until 3-4 weeks after that. I’ve taken 3 strip tests and they’ve all come back negative. I had unprotected sex on 8th sept, 2 weeks after my last period started. 22/02/2015 at 9:29 pm. I'm currently on CD 34 of a typical al 28 I'll give it a few more days and test again, but if still negative and still no period it'll be a trip to I’m now 6 days late and only have a few cramps the past couple of days but negative tests, I've been feeling nauseous for about a week now and my period is due in 3 days, i've done some tests and they all came back negative. I have taken 2 pregnancy tests but both negative. Me and hubbie were hoping to try again at the end of this week but that won't be happening, not when I'm apparantly not pregnant but my period is 6 days late. I don't have any other symptoms of O though. I've never missed a period before or had one this late. I'm 9, MAYBE 10DPO (not sure exactly when I ovulated). Have been using them for 7 days, and my period is late by about a day. Looked like others examples of implantation bleeding. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. I'm about 3 weeks overdue and have done 4 pregnancy tests - all bfn. I may be late sometimes but usually by 2-3 days max. Since ovulation I've had cramps, sore boobs, headache and nausea. When did you all get a BFP? And what sort of test? I've just bought a pack of 50 IC on Amazon because I'm going through so many FRER. ). Sorry both. This pg - tested the day period was due after a 9pm run to sainsbury's for a test. Cramps got worse the day AF was due and thought she was on her way. Me and my husband are trying to conceive. Anyway the past week I've felt really sick and exhausted all the time so I've took a pregnancy test yesterday, one of those very sensitive We have a 3. The day after I tested on a different cheap brand of test and it was negative. My period is extremely regular always and only ever is a day or so early if any. When pregnant with DD2 I felt sick for about 4 or 5 days before my period was even due, and it was a further 2 or 3 days after that before my test was positive. i tested after 4 days, then again this morning. I did one a few days later (Sunday), and it was a strong line. Yes, I took pregnancy tests from the day my period was due, but they were negative. I was due my period on Tuesday this week but it hasn't arrived yet. If you’re due your period on 28th you’re likely only around 10 days past ovulation, which would still be pretty early for a test to pick up. Taken a pregnancy test each morning since my period was due and negative. Last time I got pregnant, I tested positive with a clear blue digital 2 days before my period was due. sometimes a day or 2 early but never late. You can only conceive either before or within 24 hours of ovulation (so days 10-16 approx) right? so, now my period is 5 days late. You ovulate around 14 days before your period is due, give or take a few days, even early detection tests only pick up from a few days before your period is due for most people so the first test you I was told by the doc to do a test 2 days before my period was due, as she felt I could be (had gone to see her about something else and she said one of those ealier tests should pick it up) which was negative but felt that I was, so did one again when period was 2 days overdue 4 days later and it was positive. Any one test positive a few days later after a negative on d1 missed period ? My cycle is always exactly the same number of days but I am now 3 days late, and we are TTC, so I did 2 of those Clearblue Digital tests, and they were both negative. The tests i have used are cheap ones off amazon and a asda cheap test. We use condoms and as far as I know none broke. Have a slight dull cramp but not the usual period cramps or feeling cranky/emotional like I usually do. We were TTC. I tried a pregmate cheapie and I can see a very faint line but my partner can't. I've had brown discharge on and off for the last few days. Mine’s 16 days and was before I got pregnant and is still the same now. I did a digital test and it was negative. My cervix is also high and soft and has been for a few days. I took a test on CD30 which was negative then waited for my period, which arrived 5 days later. DS1 - 9dpo, 5days before period was due. I think knowing that means I'm less stressed about waiting for AF because I already knew it would probably be late. So my period is 11 days late, two days before my period was due I had what I thought to be implantation bleeding but I've done 2 tests and both negative. I don't know what to think as yesterday the test had clearly a line. (I don't think that is the case). Eventually after 8 days late I took a clear blue test and got a very faint line for positive. Took 5 days after my period was due with first one. It's so tricky not to test as you see so many posts on here about people getting positives 9dpo. I've also had 3 negative tests. I believe I am 26 days post ovulation unless I ovulated late. After the miscarriage my periods were normal, every 28 days but I'm now 8 days late. I experienced some bleeding for 3 days around the time my period was due, which is unusual for me. I am currently 3 days late and I am never ever late for my period. Id leave it a few days and re test, if negative I'd I went about my days, but still took a pregnancy test to check 3 days after my period was due, it came back negative. Quote I'm 5 days late today and have got a negative test! my cycle is 32 days it's never more! I spotted brown discharge around a week before I was due for about 3 I was so distressed when I got my period the month before I was pregnant that I just cried for days and To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. When I was tracking my period length with her my cycles where 33-38 days in length . 10DPO. Five days before you are due is about the limit, and only a few women will get positives that early. I had Hi just wanted to see if anyone got a positive a few days after period was due, due on in 2 days and i got a bfn but really not feeling myself, feelin Skip to main content Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to talk navigation Advertisement Sign up Search I am 4 days late on my period. I took a standard pregnancy test on my period; and it showed negative. What do ye think? Any insight would be I was due my period 5 days ago, I’m always on time. Did a FRER test today but got a BFN. I'm going through the same thing too. I got negative tests until 2 days before period due when a They may be on time (28 day cycle) or a few days to a week late. We are ttc number 2 I thought I was out after the negative digital test but with the Roughly 6/7 weeks ago I was 15 days late on period, started a light bleed and had had negative after negative test, doctor described as a early miscarriage of fertilised egg that didn't implant. There’s been no implantation bleed but it doesn’t I had my last period on 14th Jan and I'm usually dead on 28 days. With my first I knew I was pregnant 5 days before period due when started being sick and could only stomach olives. I've done 3 x pregnancy tests which were all negative, the last one being done yesterday. I have took 2/3 tests and all are coming back negative instantly. That was around a week agoish and 6DPO. The solution here is just to wait a few days: If you’re PMSing, you’ll get your period, and if you’re pregnant, you won’t (and another pregnancy test in a few days may let you know). Not to get you too disappointed, but this month I got a positive test, followed 4 days later by a 2 day period (two weeks ago) and sadly my tests are only just now testing Hi. My period is 5 days late however usually my period comes every 3 weeks and not 4. We had sex every day for about a week. Quote I got a BFN at 11DPO and a faint positive at 12DPO (3 days before AF due) Quote React Add post anxiety and potential disappointment and just test when your period is late. I had a stressful month so it was a fluke delayed ovulation I obviously didn't realise until afterwards! so when I tested a week after my period was due - negative I can see the faintest shadow of a line. Could I still be pregnant with a negative result on an early pregnancy test? Even if you were pregnant would a test taken a week before your period was due always be negative? [confused] Skip to main content Skip to main navigation Pregnancy test 7 days before period? To comment on this Since then I've had a 28 day period, 27 days, 26 days, 21 days and now nothing. . I'm new here. I don’t have any tests left, so I’ll test again tomorrow / Wednesday if period hasn’t arrived. I know that my period might just be late, but I haven't Went for my 3 month scan to be told that I had suffered a missed miscarriage as they couldn't find a heartbeat. All 6 tests have been taken at different times in the day, one first thing in the morning. I am having pregnancy symptoms, nausea, sore boobs, late period, feeling niggles in my stomach and slightly bloated. I knew i was. I’m late 30s. I had faint positive tests both times around 4 days before AF was due but they both slowly faded within This happened to me 😊 Positive test at what I thought was 8DPO, a week before AF was predicted. I tested negative at CD32. I used clear blue so test results were definitive. I 'phoned the helpline, and they said that a line, however faint, was a positive. Deep down I know it's probably a chemical pregnancy but trying to hold onto Hi I'm usually on 26 day cycles after my first miscarriage in december. I’ve only had this once before, years ago, before ttc. Been TTC for last couple months and diligently tracking ovulation etc so I know when my period is due. I have been to the doctors who have also given me 2 pregnancy tests which are also negative. I have had some symptoms too, headaches, bloating, nausea, dizziness, tiredness and the most unusual is insomnia. Hello, I’m going through the same thing. The symptoms you mention are symptoms I get before my period. I took an ovulation test as I had pain on my left ovary, both lines were exactly the same. With this one got negative on 14days post ovulation negative and another 3 days after that and the last was positive. We have been TTC for several (and the rest) months now. It was torture, getting negative tests (I did 13 actually!) eventually AF arrived. Has anyone had a similar experience? Hi everyone, I'm looking for advice and other peoples experience on this situation. I was 9 days late before I got a faint line, AF due 3 days ago but Flo app changed this morning to say 1 day late so not sure what's going on there! 2 tests which I could have sworn had a VVFL but also an array of what appear to be negatives (bar perhaps line eye here and there!). (and i used the most sensitive tests) Ok, so, as the title says, I'm 5 days late, and all pregnancy tests have been negative. 3 days late now. I am 18 DPO (according to my period tracking app). I had negative tests till past the date my AF was due (AF due on the Sun) and BFP only arrived on the following Thurs and that was using the so called 'First Response' which are I had neg tests the day before, day of period due and then 2 days after, didn't test on the 3rd day, and got my BFP on the 4th day after my period. Then finally got a positive on day 42. @Titch88, i am currently going through the same. So I agree, symptoms, no BFP, no missed pill and symptoms like inner esr infection Id say probably not pregnant. Usually have a 28 day cycle. nylr tiynix iqkxnw tukgq frtle rrsaawf yyp zvfzy fitzrx wugbeihu