I hate going to gym. Sleep is extremely important for a good workout.

I hate going to gym The butt sweat marks on seats. stop doing it. It's hard enough for a lot of women to even go to the gym , never mind lift. I haven't really gotten to a point where i felt that i need to focus on just 1 thing. I like getting into a daily routine. I prefer my daughters getting home, or my wife. Edit: I have straight female friends and I'm always decent to them. It's one thing to share what you did at the gym, it's another to go full-on into virtue signaling. Furthermore, most gyms have workout programs, for instance, Pilate classes, yoga classes, and many others. When I say that, I mean that I have signed up several times to various gyms, with plenty of early enthusiasm, and then … just stopped going. I used to be 5’7, 165lbs, & pretty lean about 3 years ago. I've been going to the gym since I was 14 and people do notice I am fit, but I have low confidence. So I HAVE to go. Im 158 right now and have lost a lot of muscle mass. The Back Story: Scientists at the University of Missouri wanted to find another explanation for why so few people exercise, despite being bombarded with messages about how wonderful it is for you. And I hike like 3k miles a year. Substitute with an exercise you enjoy that work out the same muscles. Listen to an audiobook or podcast you can only listen to there. Just remember that you're there to get stronger, bigger or whatever your goal is. I would like to start going to a 24 hour gym and hit it late at night, but I have kids so I just can’t make that work. Another motivator I use is a heart rate monitor that tracks calories. 1) fuck your face, no one cares about ur face just muscles. People go to the gym despite other options being more accessible. Using gym equipment is necessary for optimal muscle hypertrophy. I used to be afraid to go to the gym without a partner cause I "didn't know what to do", which is a common thing. Not normally that bad mind you, but I've always found ways to rationalize not going to the gym. Going out for a walk means I have to walk among vehicles and be careful of dog and bird shit. Good luck! into a ~3 day program to minimise the amount you're going. I created my own custom made cable machine (with an extension for pull downs). 2)go early, there won't be much people in the morning or during work hours (best if you can). No joke - when I subbed at a middle school and actually did a warm up, 15 min HIIT workout, cooldown (with a lesson on why we did what we did, body parts involved, chemical functions and how to fuel a healthy body) they LOVED it. S. I used to go to women’s only gym back in my home town, but I moved and they don’t have one around here. If I have a solid workout partner, it's ideal. i hate it with every fiber of my being. Dec 29, 2019 · According to Fitness for Weightloss the average gym member goes to the gym twice a week. I think most people would agree with you there if they were being told "just go to the gym". Sep 4, 2024 · Difficult to follow gym routine; Going to the gym and following the routine may be difficult. A popular alternative to weight training is running. Make the gym your next stop after work no excuses. It’s not fucking good enough and committing to exercise is hard even for a mentally healthy person. I just hate eating breakfast. My money has basically been wasted. She gave me many reasons, the main one being that she needed to strengthen her legs. I don’t do this because this would not built muscle as efficiently as using gym equipment. (Unless you go to a very social gym or get obvious signals like I described. And dogs always roam streets which I shit scared. It's why I always eventually end up stop Strongman events are not like traditional gym work, but will get you plenty strong and are fun to boot. If she wants to join you, she can let you know ahead of time and see if that works with your schedule. Which can be frustrating and can limit other members from going to the gym Interesting. I knew that I need to move to be healthy, and that's why I create this post. Basically, if I don’t force myself to get up and go to the gym, I will be wasting money. If I'm going to walk or run I'm going to put my shoes on and step outside my door and investigate life. I used to hate running, then I started listening to books on tape while I run. Except I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, I'm completely out of shape, unhealthy and basically a self-conscious potato with social anxiety. Like I literally the definition of mager. Diet is the biggest one. Do treadmill for like 5 to 10 minutes. It's boring. Over 30 pounds lost since mid April. Teacher here. People say "go to the gym" not because they genuinely want you to improve, but because they have nothing else to tell you, and don't really want to spend time and energy being a good friend. I hate that I've caused permanent damage to my body — the only one I'll ever have. I know that's all cardio, but the point is to change it up. And for those people, there are plenty of options to get in shape. In fact, beginners find it hard to maintain going to the gym. 140lb 16 year old flexing non stop for 2 hours while they hang out with their friends. I have been taking zoom work out classes--specifically dance related classes because I enjoy dancing. can't lie, i do see some results and already knew not to expect major changes fast so that's not the problem. I wave and say hi, but I'd rather be in my zone. Group exercises can be a good motivator to go to the gym. Going to the gym for me wasn't about building muscle though, it was about losing weight. I feel like the rise of insta fitness over the last few years has had a huge impact on the gym-going experience. It can reduce your anxiety. Try going outside. I hate going to the gym around new years, mainly because of how packed it gets thanks to people trying to lose weight for their resolution. I usually try to get a good night's sleep if I'm going to the gym the next day. A lot of times they're unaware of gym etiquette and leave weights lying around or take used machines. I just don't enjoy going to the gym, no matter how many routines at the gym I try. I do some very light workouts at home, but that’s mostly to keep the blood circulating as opposed to a concerted weight loss effort. Update : been going continuously for more than idk 3 weeks maybe. Before I get into this im not here to knock anyone who enjoys going to the gym or tell a gym going not to continue. There’s less bag packing the night before, organising breakfast the night before, making sure you have something presentable to wear to the gym, showering beforehand if you’re unsure if you smell too bad, and turning up early for busy classes where you want to get a good spot. He goes 5 times a week, for about 2 hours each day. Now every year, there will be one or two people who actually stick it out and become regulars, but a majority of people who come in from January 2nd will usually not be there after a week. I just hate myself for even wasting my time and money. Not because I’m biased as a strength training coach, or I hate going to the gym. That being said, we do different things at the gym, so we don't see each other much until we leave. I'm going to keep squatting and deadlifting there, I could also superset an isolation movement to do there while i squat. Even if I dress modestly, they stare, or think it’s a hookup spot. Don't play video games much anymore but it's fun playing with the kids. Mar 29, 2023 · Top Alternatives to the Gym. I don't do this on purpose for any dietary reasons. You may in fact hate it. When I have asked before, he has said A) he thinks it's a good habit and that every person should go, B) a lot of our friends - and yes their SOs, as our friends are often couples - have started going and I am one of the last "holdouts" (for no reason he feels), C) he I actually say things like “I get to workout” or “I get to go to the gym” …again people look at me in disbelief lol. Similar to you I had a very labor intensive job that kept me fit but since lockdowns and now working a desk job I gained a good amount of weight. Okay, they're probably not, but you're paranoid that they are. So whatever that is for you, do it. People like to feel social connection and there's a bit of esprit de corps when you are all going through something that may be difficult. 1. I HATE HATE HATE HATE the gym. I "have to" masturbate at least once a day. the fat shaming that I was shown in my middle school years have made my adult years full of body dysmorphia. However, that doesn't stop me from absolutely hating this time of year and the people that get a gym membership at the New Years. How can I get past this jealousy? He doesn’t really want me going with him as he says he feels distracted and just wants to focus on his own workouts I appreciate this post. I go then cut out some of the workout and just leave. So I don't eat for about 12 hours aka intermittent fasting I suppose. I go to the gym everyday. I hate more the lack of fast access to it. They also really slow my workout a lot because they like to workout in large groups and so it takes them like 20 minutes to be done with a machine or bench. I really enjoy going to the gym and I just started going like 7months ago and its frustraiting that I have to deal with sexual harrasment. I don’t think I’ve been inside a gym in at least 7-8 years. I hate how all this weight fucking makes my back hurt so badly when I'm sitting at work. However - if you are reading only graphic novels you likely won’t be widening your perspective. This can be great if you have gym anxiety, or it can suck if you feed off the gym atmosphere. *Switch up what you're doing in the gym so its more enjoyable and you want to go. Don't wait to get big before going to the gym. This year, I got a jump on that January “joining” rush I remember one of my very first days of going to the gym and I was laughed at and I will never forget it. I HATE going to the fucking gym i try and focus on doing active regimens over regular gym type stuff granted treadmills are the best way to run, and saunas and pools are nice as well but maaan hiking, and kettle bell excercises, yoga in nature, and things like that: are way better for my mental health, than standing and grunting in Jul 23, 2014 · What's Going On: You may be genetically predisposed to couch-potato-ism. Also I never heard someone say I regret going 2 the gym. I felt pretty bad on saturday because I had planned to take time to go to the gym to workout, but when it came time, I decided I didn't want to go. The town I live in has extreme boomer energy and all the rich boomers in the area go to my gym, and they think everyone wants to overhear their inane conversations with each other (while hogging the machines and not even using them because all their brain power is being utilized by yammering to their buddy apparently), OR they just straight up have like a 30 minute conversation on H. Me, personally, I don't, and I don't think I've ever enjoyed the gym for gym's sake. Then if they still persist, go to the management or gym owner and talk to them about it. planet fitness has a bad reputation because it attracts a lot of newbies. I’m struggling to get out of bed just to go. But now I get to workout at a new gym but on the evening. Going to the gym isn’t the only way to get fit, and if it’s really not for you, that’s OK! You can obtain the same results that you’d get from the gym in different environments. If you're going to the gym just because, maybe spend more time elsewhere and accept you're not gonna go. Or WRITE. You go to the gym to improve your strength and physique which improves your self-confidence. Most equipment is free, no need to wait. I tried going to gym and it only lasted a day. If I wanted an accessible workout, I would do push-ups in my house. I always hated going to a gym. Gym is right there, less than 10 minutes, but I now work out at home with streaming services. however I could just as easily go to the nearest park and do chin ups, pull ups, inverted rows, push ups, handstand pushups (eventually), pistol squats, burpees, whatever. I did learn that it's not a good idea to sit on a wet saddle with light gray yoga pants. The best form of excercise by far is the one you are going to do often. But if you do decide to go to the gym to lift weights, don't just go in doing random exercises that Find a workout you like more. Bad eating habits catch up to you when you are no longer sweating your ass off for 12 hours a day. I hated the environment and I just feel like people are watching. I had to force myself to go to the gym last year. I don't feel nervous about being by myself. Watch videos for form or start with a personal trainer for the first little bit until you get the form down. Absolutely humongous gym bags for no reason and baggy clothes on the smallest of frames. I’d walk like 2mph during the show and faster during the commercials. It made me realize why I hate that question so much: it’s not JUST “going to the gym” there are so many things that go into it. I started around October and until now I have no muscle definition. I picked up MMA last year and have been loving it. The vast majority of my weight loss was done via food choices alone. I know myself, and how lazy I can be. I still hate going to the gym, but I hate it less now. Hot yoga, Pilates, Barre. For me its the fact that once I am out of the house I don't want to go back in but when I am inside I don't want to go out. “Why do you go?” I asked. That becomes difficult when she's hovering over me. Not running, not even a light jog, just slowly trudging along at 0. I go to the gym purely because I have goals I want to meet, and I immensely dislike the feeling of missing a gym day. Of course you deserve time to take part in your passions away from your relationship, but if your girlfriend is just getting scraps of your time bc you’d always rather go to the gym than go on a date or spend time with her than she has a right to be mad. Go to Gym: You control your costs. Lifting weights has become a fantastic hobby for me post-college since I've always struggled with with liking cardio (running on a treadmill or sitting on a cycling machine lasts maybe 5 minutes before my brain wants to implode). ) Edit: also, women may not like the idea of now having to deal with someone they turned down in a place they go to regularly. I used to have a model body and all of the sudden I started gaining fat on my stomach, one of the only parts of my body I liked because society influenced me to like it because it was small. Then there's the ones that post on fitness forums and are basically WoW nerds that figured out you might be able to grind physical attractiveness the way you grind WoW skills. How do people enjoy going there? Seriously, is something wrong with me? I recently found out I don’t hate working out, I just hate weight lifting. Factors that helped me overcome my gym anxiety: making friends with the gym staff (working in a gym can be boring and they like small talk when it's not busy), avoiding the college gym guys who come in at night (I've seen too many social media posts about guys perving on girls and creeps me out), working out with the soccer moms and people in I have been to the gym for the past 5 years, and havent really made one friend. The best workout is the one you stick with over time, so if you hate the gym, you can always try: Home Gym and Home Workouts Sep 4, 2024 · Difficult to follow gym routine; Going to the gym and following the routine may be difficult. What did you do? Follow them around impotently, just so you could anonymously blast them on the internet? At the end of the day you choose to allow that behavior. I hate the Gym, so I took up Rock Climbing, and now I am fitter than I have ever been, because I naturally feel more involved. Go to the gym and wear your headphones and just do your thing. You sound like you live a fairly active life anyway. However some results are only attainable at the gym so if you want those you need to go to the gym. I don't see what's rude about saying you don't have time for this each time you go to the gym. Couldn't find any spare time after work to go to the gym and every time I did it was full of people so I decided to build my own home gym. I started working out at home and I found that I not only didn't mind it, I actually started enjoying it too. I'd rather read or try a new recipe with my kids. For me, I have joint issues that make going to the gym painful, but NOT going to the gym MORE painful in the long run. They say when it comes to exercise you need to find something you enjoy. While I wholeheartedly agree with this and hate the lack of specificity and context on here I suspect from the negativity and "I only enjoy getting better" that they're trying to reach a goal instead of going to make consistent progress over time- or put a better way, they're goal orientated rather than process orientated. People on this subreddit really need to stop suggesting this so fucking loosely. Go on hikes, go running, go find a new class somewhere like a spin class, hell go do some tango lessons. I would say less than 5% of gym goers go to the gym every single day. I hate exercise, my parents only see me active if I go to gym or do yoga. Men should be mindful of that and be careful in a gym space. If watching girls being laughed at in the gym gave you fear if going there why don’t you watch what actually happens I will give some accounts and videos of people with alot of body fat procentage who goes to the gym and get a lot of support, those videos you have seen is just an unusual case, not saying that it doesn’t happens, it do but I often go to the gym to use the treadmill only. Jan 14, 2023 · I used to hate the gym but have worked out consistently for five years. But nothing make me motivated to move. Same. How do I make myself more motivated or enjoy it more so I actually look forward to it or even just like it? ^This. * No surprise there. They probably have complaints from the other gym-goers as well, and will be forced to do something about it if the complaints keep piling on. I cut out reps. Same goes for breakfast. FWIW Tom Hardy apparently used bodyweight exercises only to bulk up for Bronson (great movie btw). At least that is my experience. Even friends who i recognize from high school i avoid. That makes things even more worse. I hate to be that person and i will propably get hate for this, but i think its not a bad decision to not let you go. Most gyms will give you a tour for free and will definitely help familiarize you if you're a paying customer. Maybe there's a different gym experience that others do not see as the one thing to love about the gym, and maybe that is the thing that will make you love it. . One kid talked to me and offered me advice, i thought we were becoming friends, but he Now i wake up at 630, get to the gym by 7, do my workout and go on with my day. Me either. I am the same as you. true. Bodyweight exercise is totally enough at your age and size and if you dont see any gains from it, youre not doing enough and might not see anything in the gym aswell. You're not there to impress everyone in the gym. I've been doing it for about a year, and have lost weight and gained muscle, yay me But I HATE going to the gym. But honestly just hate that I have to drive 10-15 minutes just to do that. For me I had 2 stop comparing the gym 2 pussy or hanging out w my potnas , I had 2 make it apart of it cause the gym will always lose . But I think exercise is put on such a moral pedestal that gym types especially can come off as seeming to think they’re better than everyone. Your body needs time to rest. There's the ones that go to the gym, work out, and have lives and social skills. You need to explain to her that going to the gym isn't something you do to spend time with her, you do it for your well-being. I tried walking around and it only lasted 1 week. if you're able to have an enjoyable workout at PF, they have all the equipment you need, and you aren't annoyed by people there, then there's no need to upgrade unless you like another gym better. Put a reward for yourself. I cant even tell a staff member about it because he would just say that he wasnt looking at me. All of this is to say that, if you don’t like going to the gym, there’s a chance you may never like it. Which can be frustrating and can limit other members from going to the gym I'll go for a few months, not go for a year, go for a month, not go for a few months, etc. Let’s take a look at how you can get a sweat on even if you hate going to the gym. However, I think you just gotta get past that, shake it off and figure it out. 51 votes, 90 comments. *Find a closer gym to your house to limit travel time. Despite this, it's worth it to me to join him just to get to the gym reliably at least 2 times a week. I only target gyms with almost dead mons, keep an average of 4 in gyms a day, earn roughly 100 hours in gyms a day and still get my 50 coins without using the same gym over and over. In that case you won't ever be going to the gym. But if you just hate going to the gym or using those machines there are always things like zoomba or ring fit on the switch. Going to the gym to get into shape is like reading books to gain knowledge. I brush my teeth everyday. I live in a small dusty city in India. I just put on a rain jacket and all is well. Even have You can enter the gym thinking about your future, instead of thinking the you now isn't good enough, personally my drive to go to the gym is that when I'm older i don't want to be a bedridden old man because I didn't spent my time improving my health and muscles to prevent illness and injury I hate it, but I keep going because my goal overrides my concern with going. I feel like a lot of the reason I don't want to go to the gym is because of all the people there, and that I don't like being in places with a lot of people. the problem is i hate everything about it. I talked to one girl, i wanted to ask her out, but i havent seen her again. It's mostly contempt because we know the majority of them aren't going to stick to their resolution and are just going to be a nuisance, over-straining facilities that weren't intended for that capacity on the regular. Sports teams in high-school and college, going to the gym multiple times a week, etc. I go to the gym 6 days a week and have went from a 38 inch waist to a 31 inch waist in about 1. All it does is make my anxiety worse like why do I have to throw a ball and risk looking like a dingus in front of everyone and we have almost 75 people in our gym class it doesn’t help when your unathletic and your class mates start to scream at you to “grab the ball!!” Apr 18, 2024 · Ruth used to hate exercise due to her experiences at school and with team sports, which left her feeling inadequate. It’s hard Ik I wake up at 4 am get home at 5-6pm and go str8 2 the gym I hate every second of it 2 Oh man you're gonna hate this but it is amazing for results and effectiveness. Try pairing the gym with something you enjoy, like watching TV, or go with a friend to make it more fun. I rejoined because it felt like something I had to do. I hate when my boyfriend goes to the gym. Hi, your comment made me feel at peace for few seconds. The gym hurts. i hate existing in the gym, i hate exercising there I don’t know why, but I cannot make myself go to the gym to lift weights. I hate that I have to roll and stretch 8000 times every day just to get to even money. That's if you even want to. Whether you're too tired from work, too lazy to get off the couch (no judgement here), or simply don't enjoy working out, the gym isn't for everyone. I used to go to the gym to watch jeopardy because I didn’t get it at home. By far the most embarrassing thing thats ever happened to me at the gym. I can’t put my finger on it but I just feel so jealous and uncomfortable. I could not stayed focused in the gym and ended up not going for 2 months half assed another month and then skipped another month. Any mental excuses shouldn't work as working out in general gets your mental state cleared. Since then, I my lifting motivation has absolutely gone down the toilet. I wanted to try the indoor bike, since that is the only gym equipment I know how to use besides weights, but I tried out the treadmill too, and I actually enjoyed running. Jan 3, 2024 · For others, it's a waste of money and added stress, especially if they don't go frequently. No it doesn't satisfy me, no I don't feel good afterwards. " Jul 11, 2024 · Photo by Meghan Holmes on Unsplash. It can be expensive- if you really want to be serious about working out you need a gym membership which is costly and often involves contracts. The gym is not as crowded, maybe 30-40 people in the whole gym. After going 5 times, buy yourself something nice. Being attractive to women is just a byproduct of the benefits you experience from going to the gym. I'm horrible with discipline. I hate the gym and all sports activities. BLEURGH. If I could just get up and instantly be at the gym it would make it easier. Not because I’m biased as a strength training coach, or Mar 29, 2023 · Top Alternatives to the Gym. Any time I start a new gym I go and basically do the treadmill for 20 or so min, stairclimber, or other "simple" cardio machines and kind if observe everyone/ everything around me without being creepy and get used to the gym and where things are first, then slowly work my way into the machines that I'm comfortable with or that I've seen someone I don't have a car and I cycle to my gym, so bad weather is not something I really enjoy, but I'm not going to let it hold me back. Like seriously if you have a stress related headache and you just jog a mile that shit clears up for some reason. I'm debating just still going at 4am becuase I know I'll get a good workout in I go to a gym that is right by a high school and I hate it when I have to go right after they've gotten out because it just gets filled with so many douchey kids who don't know how to workout. In the past, I not only dreaded the thought of working out, but never had the desire or motivation to go workout. In fact, around 12 percent of gym members sign up in January, and according to the Sports and Fitness Industry Association, most people have quit or stopped going after 24 weeks. I never thought a decent looking woman would piss me off at the gym, but I guess it happened. Agreed! And try not to use negative language like 'tricking' and 'path of least resistance,' you're going to work out, not smoking drugs. I was embarrassed and insecure. There are two kinds of gym dudes. I hate people even speaking to me at the gym. Elliot is right about this topic for the most part but we always encounter that small majority of guys who are just absolute dickheads (think back to that post in fitness if the guy uploading a photo of a skinny guy doing curls to Facebook and mocking him). Zoomba you can find videos online to follow along with at home. Running provides a full-body, aerobic workout that can help you lose weight, get into decent shape, and feel great about yourself I enjoy lifting because it's a personal sport I can tune out all other distractions and focus on myself. Dance Learning to dance is a great gym alternative because it’s so much fun that it doesn't feel like you’re working out! Man, to be honest, if you really hate squatting that much. The Steve Jobs gambit works great in all sorts of situations - I have a workout drawer with pants and shorts, a work drawer with black polos and slacks - and a bathrobe vault with about 4 different robes of varying textures for work from home and weekends. Why do I hate them so much? Many of the people get a membership, clog up the gym for 2 weeks, incorrectly use weights or damage weights, then never come back again. I have been resisting going to the gym for a while because of the reasons I listed. This, i used to make it work when I would go at 11pm. And I hate that I hate it. So? Assholes are going to be assholes. I can’t push past the burn. I've personally decided, that despite how much I hate going to the gym, I'm going to absolutely dedicate 1 Honestly, I hate going to the gym-- you either get judged or oogled, and I just want to do me and keep it moving. I don't like brushing my teeth either. Even when my friends were going. I’ve gained only 9kg over the duration of my membership. I hate being in that gym now and its sad. i DO have a gym membership that ive been going to, id just like to go less often. Dude is completely in his own world. I find it mind-numbingly boring. And now I hate it. Yes, I hate it. But I’m also frugal. I signed up to the gym about 5 or 6 times in the past three years and I always end up not going because I just dislike it so much. I feel like going in the morning leaves you feeling so much better throughout the day. If you make it a ritual it's going to make it more likely for you to workout daily. Or make a new knife. Going to the gym will do wonders for your confidence and help with the social anxiety! On the contrary, I feel more motivated and comfortable working out by myself lol, and I’m definitely consistent in workout out at home (no excuses). Apparently, the gym is I feel this too. I decided to switch things up and try something different like boxing, swimming and running and I found the motivation I thought I never had! Accept that you hate it. I have a pretty high libido. The accessibility is not why people go to the gym. But when I'm going to gym and lifting weights, I'm super duper uber horny. And stick to what you are likely to be consistent doing. Sep 25, 2023 · “I hate going to the gym,” a friend recently told me. It doesn't always. Most people say that to the lazy overweight people that can but still do not go to the gym and still whije about their self esteem. Shouldn't the gym be something you want to do rather than have to? In the general sense, yes, but like all things that are worth pursuing, it’s not always going to be a joyride; you have to push yourself to go to the gym even when you don’t want to if you expect to make progress. Been going to the gym for a few years now and it seems the whole gym culture isn’t what it was before. A month ago I met with a minor motorcycle accident but it scraped my elbows and knees pretty bad so it was pretty much physically impossible for me to hit the gym and for 3 freaking days I was so mad that I couldn’t go to the gym. . No matter what gym I go to or what time of day I go, the one thing that is ALWAYS consistent is that 80-90% of the women there are walking on treadmills. Apr 9, 2023 · I have a long and storied relationship with the gym. People tend to be most consistent with what they enjoy. The best workout is the one you stick with over time, so if you hate the gym, you can always try: Home Gym and Home Workouts Jul 11, 2024 · Photo by Meghan Holmes on Unsplash. I joined a regular chain gym. I get so bored and start watching the clock 30 min in. And I agree with most people here saying we all hate the gym, but we go because it's good for us. first, I'm talking about those who go to the gym to lose weight then transform their bodies with body building training, body building is mostly for show, if you want a practical strong body that will make your everyday life easier, go for calisthenics and other forms of exercies that are more practical and applicable in real life. The excuses usually come with the gym in my experience, as I’ll usually say to myself “Let’s just go tomorrow” or “I’m hungry, lemme eat at home first then go” (which never happens). (This has been going on for the past 9 years). Everything changed when I found ways of moving that I actively love, like weight lifting. I hate how I'm limited. I also had a massive issue with getting to the gym solo while not having an external motivating factor (eg breakup gains). Maybe you hate how they say you will love the burn etc. I don't skip brushing my teeth and I don't skip going to the gym. Most people that go to the gym don’t do it for any vanity purposes. If you’re putting time with her behind going to the gym, then I understand where she’s coming from. And almost invariably people say "Go to the gym!" Omg, I hate the gym. I have already done this a little but maybe need to do so with more focus and less frustration. This! I just started a new job where I'm away from home for weeks at a time. Some days you can go heavier with lower (1-5) reps, some days you can go lighter with higher (15+) reps. I'm always a "welp, I forgot my water bottle at work today so I can't go to the gym. Oct 1, 2022 · #1 Running. I'll skip the gym and just hit the hay super early". Even the post lvl 40 task (for the time in gym platinum medal) can be completed far in advance without taking up residency in any particular gym. Most of the time it's when I see a guy take his shirt off in the middle of the gym floor to flex, endless worthless bicep curls, 1/4 squats with the bitch pad on top, and deadlift sets with extremely rounded backs. 5 years. I'm a guy by the way. Going to the Gym shouldn't be the default option for "Getting Fit". A lot of people are going to tell you to just do it, and I thought I'd chime in with slightly different advice -- you need to ritualize going to the gym. So I decided to get my life back and go to the gym. I understand gym is a requirement in school and stuff but it’s just stupid. Jan 19, 2022 · Whatever the case may be, there are countless workout alternatives out there. I hate hiking, too. Otherwise I feel like it's almost useless. You need to determine what variable is most important. Some advice - go in the mornings, the gym vibe is totally different. The fact everyone in the gym is totally staring at you while you work out. Personally, I don't love the gym, but my goal involves going (mostly) every day. Many more old people and less people. *Go in the morning before work (I'm not a fan but it may work for you). If you are, then don't even bother Go about it in a friendly manner and talk to them first. If walks and non- gym activity gets you where you want to be fitness wise while being more consistent, that's great. Rock Climbing is just as much work as going to the Gym. If you want to cut down on going to the gym because you hate it so much you could try getting into a sport to help you stay in shape. i started going this february, so now i'm in my third month of going. for me, the complete opposite. As for motivation, just try and not think about it. TL; DR: The sub-optimal workout you’ll actually do is far more valuable than the optimal one you won’t do, or will only do once a week because you hate going to the gym. If counting is what turns you off, understand that if your goal is strength it's not necessary to count to hit some 'magic' number of reps. So I force myself to go outside and then I am jelly. Whenever I meet someone who tells me they hate going to the gym, I usually have questions for them. Also I used to play sports and am so super aware of why exercise is good for you. I hate going to the gym. Mar 21, 2016 · To be accurate I don’t always hate the gym… I just do right now. Of course a person in a wheelchair or some form of debilitating injury maybe should not go. Especially when it's really not a virtue. They may not be the best reasons ever, but they are what is keeping me from going to the gym. I eat again around 7-8pm, then again before bed around 11pm-12am, then go to bed around 1am. Pack the gym bag in the morning so that once 5 pm hits, you're on your way to the gym and you can't avoid it. I do go to the gym, plenty of people on this subreddit go to the gym. I’m going through a phase (which I usually do for a month or so once or twice a year) where I would rather be doing almost anything but be at the gym throwing weights around and seeing how long I can stand on my hands… i usually go to gym 4 days a week even i do have gym buddy who try to do it over , i try to keep as low as possible cause you got to know gym shouldn't be my life its a part of my life , i tend to enjoy my weekends and give myself a rest and one day for the running/cycling with my friend, the thing we should know that excess excercise can cause I started going to the gym around August 2022, and I was really proud of myself. Thats not my goal here. I hate to talk at the gym, I hate to take my head phones out, I hate to slow down for even 5 seconds because of a conversation (with anyone) not just her. Reply reply truce18 Holy shit I experience the same thing. Thinking back I should have just made some dumbbells as a start. There is nobody there, except your family, to interact with. We go back and fourth from solitude when working out to talking again, it's a nice balance. While there are quite a few reasons why people hate going to the gym, the most common reasons are: Intimidated by the gym; Self-conscious about being in the gym Honestly, no one at the gym cares about what you're doing, and you shouldn't care about them either. It's even fine to go and "scout" your gym for 10 minutes or so a day before you go into workout, especially if it's the first time going to that particular gym. 5 mph, staring at the tv screens or their phones. I hate going there, I hate being there, I hate going away there being all sweaty. I hate spending the first 15 minutes at the gym with my ass on the heater. Been going religiously 4 days a When he went on vacation, I went to the gym on my own and enjoyed going at my own pace. That’s as true for gym-assholes, as it is for Harley-assholes, or any other kind of asshole. He Now I am a religious gym goer. I go to the gym 3 days a week, and I would like to go 4. I hate going to the gym to walk/run. Depends on what you need. It’s mostly men that make me feel uncomfortable at the gym. But it’s true, I went from hating exercise to loving it. Now I like running because it's my "reading time. Oh well!" Kind of person. When I lost about 50lbs I did it through a light diet and regular exercise but I never touched a gym. I've been dealing with a bunch of things: depression, trouble making friends, poor health, poor eating, low self esteem, etc. Been teaching ELA for 5 years, but am an avid fitness nerd. Ring fit makes working out more of a game and is really well done. this isn't a bad thing, but a lot of people at planet fitness don't know what they are doing and Im going to say the only reason not to go to the gym is physical as in you're sick and getting dehydrated. Nailed it. Maybe you hate how others think how you will eventually love going to the gym. (This is probably gonna sound a little vent-y but I don’t care. Then, she discovered fun exercise classes that made her feel good afterward. I hate all the PFS ive been too here and I've hated going In the afternoon. It wasn't until I evaluated how things were going and accepted them, the good and the bad, that I got motivated to get back into the gym. Going to the gym is less about building muscle and more about the discipline and progress over time. And you're right, just going to the gym is not a guarantee for attracting women, you need to be as close to the "total package" as possible. Sleep is extremely important for a good workout. I go to studio classes instead. 89 votes, 79 comments. I watch mortified as a dude casually walks into the gym for his workout, spots me across the gym, runs for me literally vaulting over the preacher curl station to effortless help get the weight off me. It is not the be all and end all for a great physique and not nearly as important as all the SS fanboys around here tend to say. I hate going with other people and I emphatically do not want gym friends in my current location. This could be a class, a sport, or even a home gym that's more convenient. If you Hate the gym, hate it, never return. Oct 28, 2014 · 7. Most egregious, I once joined a gym just so I could use their shower when my hot water heater went out before work one morning. So you can’t wait for a magical “I love the gym moment” that may never come. Heck, it's more work and a bigger work out for me, because I feel driven to push myself. You have more energy and are in generally better mood. And I hate it. You can go to the super fancy gym that costs you $80 - $100 a month or the $10/month strip mall gym. Certain things I understood after going. I always go to the gym in the morning because I work all day and in the afternoon the place is packed. Same the gym - I see folks who do 10 min of elliptical, fk around on the machines for 5 min and then call it a day. And also a major hassel. Yesterday, I made the decision to go to the gym. You wont last very long if you hate going to the gym I still have a gym membership to use all the weights but I run outside. 8. Jun 26, 2023 · Surprisingly there are a number of reasons why people hate going to the gym and while hate might seem like a strong word, it definitely summarizes the gym experience for some people. If you decide not to go to the gym because you're skinny, you will always be skinny. I recently rejoined, then quit, the gym within a few months. Now she enjoys getting noticeably stronger and fitter, as well as the social side — she can meet friends at the gym or take long walks with them. Once you know the way it's broken up it's a lot easier. Today, I'm going. The best scenario is going to the gym with a friend and after my compound lift we talk, each goto our exercises that are a distance away and do more sets, 10 mins later talk again etc. There's an enormous amount of things to see and I'll spend significantly longer out there not laying on the couch than I would on the eliptical in the gym. I was asking for a non-gym way to get fit because that seems like a good way for me to start and maybe I will tackle my gym anxiety at another day. There's that gym on my way to work so I pass in from of it every work day. You get so This is a good suggestion. So I intentionally got a gym membership that costs about $150 per month. "I only got 6 hours of sleep today. I watch and read a ton on this topic. mkexg csqzc cvhn pvz mtcx nrz inamrp hvekv igzpu wdnp