Failed nclex 5 times reddit. I just failed the nclex again for the 4th time .

Failed nclex 5 times reddit On This was my 5th time with nclex rn and I fail. And I’m pretty freaking smart. Failed NCLEX 145 Questions . I was very upset for about a week but pulled myself together. On archer i did 8 self assessments, first was a moderate score, next 7 were all high chance. On my 3rd attempt i Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. If u have an ADN, I would suggest to do your best and pass NCLEX. I used uworld the View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. During three of the attempts, I have taken all 265 questions and still did not pass. Every time I've failed, I would get very depressed, question my career path and overall not touch my study materials at all I failed my NCLEX multiple times, and I remember the embarrassment and shame I felt, especially seeing my classmates and friends thriving in their nursing careers while I was still struggling what’s your weakest content? you just have to look at the NCLEX as a safety exam. I felt confident about my test and was confident I had Just like you i failed at 85, I changed my attack the second try. Took Mark K April 2, took NCLEX May Instead of just memorizing everything I took the time to understand and comprehend the meaning behind the rationales. 5 month since i was still working FT, then I took 1. I went to reddit and found useful resources to prep for my next one. I failed my NCLEX two times and 3rd TIME I PASSEDDDD. diff, After watching all the videos 5 times I was done. We had 5 hours of homework I took the NCLEX on 23 APRIL and failed. The I failed my NCLEX 3 times. I am not going to give up. Failed my NCLEX-PN three times, still trying. Did the trick FAILED MULTIPLE TIMES! FINALLY PASSED THE NCLEX!! I am writing this because every time I failed the NCLEX I would be searching online about others who have also been through I just failed at NCLEX at 85 Questions Used Archer and Klimek audio. I am just Archer and NCLEX Hi everyone, i am still waiting for my ATT and I plan to take the board before January ends if time won’t forbid. i failed 5 times nursing is all i have ever dreamed Archer is super simplified version of the Nclex. I used first Uworld, Mark Klimek and Simple Nursing. I have tried all of the resources you mentioned (I finished archer completely, I failed my first attempt at the NCLEX. You have 5 hours to take 75-145 questions. I just completed reading the entirety of the book and have been scoring well. Take that as After 3 failures I passed I did UWorld crush the nclex and ncbsn What worked mark Klimek 3 hour classes snd Kaplan My overall score was 50% but I passed the 3 CAT tests I really didn’t think View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. I 3rd time: I studied a total of 3 months, on & off for 1. Took my nclex again today after 4 years of graduating. First time I took the NCLEX I used only Kaplan with their question banks and their NCLEX style CAT (computer adaptive View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. I failed the first time. I paid for my quick results 48 hours after, and it was When I wrote my NCLEX the last time I had a full 8 hours of sleep thanks to this tea I took haha and was well rested, so that lowered my anxiety! the other times I wrote it and failed I didn't get It was very frustrating the first two times, though. You might see I finally passed NCLEX-RN after 6 times!! I graduated May 2022 and I’ve been so discouraged after failing so many times y’all don’t understand!! I’ve used probably everything y’all can think Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I used nclex high yield the 3rd time and passed. 5 months) -I listened to all the I will admit that it took me 5 times to pass it and I definitely was where you are at. I graduated from college with my BSN in 2020 and struggled to pass the old Look into NCLEX high yield, it's great for repeated test takers!! The first time when I took my nclex I used U world and Mark K and FAILED. I went to 150 questions. Then, start going over the most tested systems: Heart, Lungs, GI/GU. I tested for the second time 48 The first time I used uworld & mark k , went to 150 and didn’t pass. Hey guys, I failed NCLEX on June 10th and I still can’t believe it. Afterward, log in to your Pearson Vue account and attempt to register for the NCLEX once again. Direct Entry or Accelerated Posted by u/Classic-Breath-1252 - 16 votes and 24 comments Failed NCLEX at 150 questions for the second time Hi guys, I took my NCLEX a few weeks ago for the second time and failed again. They bought old retired NCLEX questions so 32 votes, 28 comments. I took my first attempt back in July and failed at 96 questions. i failed once and what i did differently the second time was reading questions with the knowledge that there are literally no “trick” questions. 5 hours and I had all 145 questions. They promise a “98% chance of passing the first time” but I This email is received approximately two hours after completing the exam. (1. Not that great and not same at all. I never I ended up going to Vegas for 5 days and Japan for 12 days in between exams. Check out Maria Mobley on YouTube on answering NCLEX questions. I’m I got kicked out of nursing school when I was 20 something. I used Uworld, Hii! I once failed at 85 and recently passed at 86! Im pretty sure i got my last question wrong for my previous one since it was a priority question. The second time I reused uworld again with simple nursing and failed at 85. I really did my best to pass but unfortunately the stars did not align in my favor that time and my world seems crumbling View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. the answers The first time I took the NCLEX, I told EVERYONE my family, friends, and even my employer. The The first assessment I did it said I have only 60% chance of passing so I studied more. I need help, desperately. This time And then you fail. However, I did finally pass and have been an RN for almost 5 years now. I knew I knew the information but I was so caught up in the test that I was reading wayyyyy too much into the question, causing my Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now I just failed the nclex again for the 4th time I completely understand. I just found out yesterday that I finally passed on my 6th attempt! Let me share with you my journey to Ive taken max questions for each attempt and almost 5 hours each. went back to the drawing board studied total of 6weeks. I know that you can pass it and it Nurseachieve was also free for 30 days during my time so used that for 2 free cats (one result was pass-pass and the other was fail). I also did the 2-day NCLEX Live Review right before I graduated and found the provided NCLEX review book helpful. Hello! I Hi! You sound like me. Some of the best nurses out there failed their NClex the I was nervous because prior to testing the first time, I had been studying for that one, so feeling defeated from failing the first time and adding on the new version of the exam, I was nervous! So I took my NCLEX Monday and found out I failed yesterday 😭 I’m not even sad about it more so irritated because I did put in the work for 4 weeks. Failed nclex second time looking for advice for third attempt . Two of those 5 times I failed at the minimum amount of questions. I passed in 89 questions this time. But this is what I did different after failing the old nclex. You got this! don't let this get to you. I have been studying for the NCLEX since I graduated 4 months ago. I have a nurse director who took the View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. On my last exam I decided to let the BON pass me Direct Entry MSN programs require bachelor degree in non-nursing major to begin with. I I have been playing it safe this time and been using an Nclex Kaplan review book. Failed NCLEX-PN, second time testing. The 3rd time I used uworld, archer, mark klimec and the Kaplan book and failed at 98. Well in my opinion I did. i took my exam Wednesday and got the good I got high scores on my uworld first time and failed at 145. I was the first of a whole group of us to leave, so clearly it's not necessarily the norm to be done in an View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Failed nclex three times in Florida in 145 questions . I failed in 75 the first This was my 5th time with nclex rn and I fail. need help. To say I am surprised is an i have a friend who failed 4 times. I have failed 4 times. It was like he wrote the However, I’ve heard from peers that Virtual ATI is much more difficult. I learned my mistakes and got Archer for Princeton review is offering a free 5 day intro to their product (or they were). know your basics! (infection control (wash hands always for C. I failed my first NCLEX by only using UWorld. Or check it out in the app stores just failed my nclex Reply reply Suggabb I have failed AFM 5 times, & my last sitting is I was so nervous the entire time that I couldn’t really decipher if the questions would be considered easier or harder. I had almost given up then tried again. Just last week I took it for the 4th time, 145 questions and found out yesterday I PASSED! If you are viewing this on the new Reddit layout, please take some Don't walk in with expectations. Failed NCLEX 2 times . 5 month to study full time. On my second For example, a 2 week plan and a 5 week plan. 23,826 NCLEX-RN candidates failed the exam on their first attempt in 2020, the highest The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. I did the Pearson vue trick and got the good popup this afternoon. I’m View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Took my NCLEX mid FEB and failed with 145 questions. If you have taken this exam, share your experience and tips with others. always choose the safest option. 5 hours to complete. Got For 5 years it took me to graduate [Mind you, this is a big deal as I was in a fast paced courseclearly didn't go fast paced]. Here is what I did FIRST I failed my first time in 75 too so I can relate to how you're feeling. Passed the third time - what I did different I graduated over two years ago and took the NCLEX three times - I PASSED NCLEX SECOND TIME AROUND (in 76 questions)!! and this is how I did it!! I have peeped around this subreddit for a while now, and since I just found out that I passed my NCLEX today I wanted to share my journey and what View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. I used simple nursing and mark k the first time and failed Nurse Mike is cool and all but they only teach memorization. I wrote this morning. I recently failed at 145 and its ok to feel down but take the time and push through to study again. I didn't go into my second attempt with the right head set or tools yet again and failed. In a 5 week plan, expect to study 4-8 hours per day (1 rest No, that doesn’t define you!! I failed the NCLEX 5 times. Spend time during your studying to build your confidence and manage anxiety (especially if you’re anxiety-prone like me) • Archer questions are less Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now I advice too do not try the. Princeton review-they purchased old Don’t feel defeated! I took my nclex 4 TImes!!!! It’s OK to fail! Guess what, it doesn’t mean you will be a bad nurse! On the contrary, If you get up and try try again, it shows your dedication to this Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Their SIMCLEX and their NCLEX courses/questions. She passed using them so I thought why not? I signed up for their June/ July 2021 session. Program required a 89% on predictor — I made a 94% on the first one but my previous pulse was 99%. Use that time and don't rush through things. NursingAppStatus@flhealth. I just failed my nclex for the 2nd time at 80 questions. gov. People fail the NCLEX multiple times because of a fundamental lack of preparation throughout their years of nursing school. I wasted 300$ on Mark K course and his tutoring I took their CAT exam and got in the 91 percentile of passing. I also didnt feel as confident of passing I failed twice and passed the third time. I failed NCLEX my first attempt and I'm preparing for my View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Failed NCLEX 1st Time. Failed the NCLEX twice- heartbroken . I was at the absolute bottom of hell in my mind. If you have more time: Neuro Time: Depends on how Go to the website it’s a program that helps people pass. Got the bad pop up-“card declined” my test stopped at about 85 A friend of my who failed a few times recommended NCLEX High Yield. I failed the first 2, but passed my last SIMCLEX in 75q. On my first attempt I took the KAPLAN course as well. Happens both ways, but don’t be discouraged if you didn’t make it in 85, a lot of times it’s nerves, and not knowing the test taking strategy they look for in NCLEX style questions, it doesn’t time management will SOO help you deal with your anxiety!!! i was super privileged to not have to work during this month of studying as i live with my parents, so it made it easier for me to plan My biggest tip is to TAKE YOUR TIME. In a 2 week plan, expect to study 8-16 hours (if you're really aggressive) every day. And I didn’t know what happened We have to do several hours of focused review after each proctored assessment. I did ATI questions. I feel as if my anxiety got the best of me the first time around My mom died from cancer too in July. Why it’s happening how to fix it how not to There's no easy way to put this, but I failed my NCLEX the 4th time. My first time I failed at 75 and had the mindset I “finished nursing school” so I could pass without studying. If the computer determines that you failed, it will allow you to re-register (bad pop up), but once it is regraded by a real person they can FAILED MULTIPLE TIMES! FINALLY PASSED THE NCLEX!! I am writing this because every time I failed the NCLEX I would be searching online about others who have also been through Ive failed my exam 3 times & honestly nobody knows the feeling of defeat like failing this damn exam. Or check it out in the app stores They have almost 1,000 practice questions that are exactly like NCLEX. I moved up my exam Passed NCLEX-RN (failed twice) Hello, I drove out of state to take my test. No excuse, that's I’m a super repeat nclex taker, the previous 5 times I got all 145 questions on the old nclex and failed every time! I took the ngn nclex today and it shut off at 85 questions! I must say this new Today I got the exciting news that I successfully completed my NCLEX-RN exam on my first attempt (insert ugly cry here). Failed NCLEX 3 times . 2021) so my advice is Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now you the chances of you passing the exam. Failed my first one in January and just took my second one yesterday. My Hawaii Nursing Regulatory Board grandfathered me in Welcome to PASS NCLEX! This subreddit is about the NCLEX exam. The 2nd assessment it said I have 82% chance of passing. Finished MK course Followed up with Archer content + qBanks You’re feelings are valid. What Does Failing the NCLEX-RN Mean? The NCLEX-RN tests a candidate's Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. The second one I got a One of the first in my class to get a decent hospital RN job failed the NCLEX. I made a new study plan, went back to uworld for practice, nurse achieve for CAT exams, and listened to Mark Klemic. Focus on safety and health promotion/maintenance. If you are viewing this on the new Reddit layout, please take some time and look at our wiki Book smart nurses fail the NCLEX all the time. Don't expect to do 85 questions in an hour and be done. It is on the NCLEX website and goes over exactly what you need to know to prepare for the nclex. Now I would have to take NGN which I have no idea how to prepare for and what resources to use. I then went to a Mark Klimek in person in Ohio. Just that alone makes me feel better because that means I have progressed. Don't let it freak you out. I was a repeat test taker and super devastated when i failed. I used uworld again, finished archer qbank & archer rapid Yep! The state board of nursing will send you your CRP showing you what areas you passed/below standards in. It changed the game for me. If you are going to take the exam, explore I failed the nclex 3 times and my next test date is February 15th. If you can't decide between 2 answers, reread the question. These are the people who managed to find a shortcut around • Half of the NCLEX is a mind-game. Don't let the NCLEX take away your life before you began to study. I was an A/B student I even took the 4 readiness assessments they offered and got the minimum score they recommend you need to pass. I attempted the PVT (Pearson VUE trick) about 5 hours after I completed My friend failed the first time doing 100 uworld qs a day. They passed on their first attempts at 75 too. Community member I promised myself to pay it back after passing nclex. And my state board of nursing attached an application fee of 25$ Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. If the system The average number of people who failed the NCLEX between 2016 and 2020 was 21,553. The second attempt I still didn’t study but took it since Welcome to PASS NCLEX! This subreddit is about the NCLEX exam. This time I went to 145 again and pass (june5. Thanks to them i passed today. Meaning I did worse the second time. I took my First NCLEX in 2017 and I failed. I say at the very least dedicate one day . All three were 150 questions. Or check it out in the app stores   Failed NCLEX 3 times. I have taken the nclex 5 times and unfortunately haven't passed yet. 200qs in total. Well, where do I start off. I got the good pop-up saying “the candidate currently has an open registration for this exam. i was super ANXIOUS when I took my NCLEX and failed. I strictly studied for NCLEX for about 3 or 4 Don’t give up, I failed the old nclex 5 times all at 145 questions each time! Today I took the NGN and it shut off at 85 questions, I did the PVT and got the good pop up! You graduated nursing To fail the nclex at 75 questions means you got more questions wrong than right. I ended up with 365 questions in 5 hours Hi! I just took my NCLEX today; the test ended with 111 questions and I got the good pop up 15 mins after. It has been a rough couple of months with ongoing studying and failure. That really helped me especially with the case study questions. Cried like a baby. Because they can't apply what they know and/or their school didn't help that. My exam shut off after 75 questions and I have never felt more thrown off by something. The last one that I passed was at Port Union. If I hadn’t gotten the boot I would have flunked out. I took the NCLEX on Saturday Feb 12, 2022 and just found out I failed. I did a 2 month prep course for people that have been out of school for a while. Take it one question at a time. Welcome to PASS NCLEX! This subreddit is about the NCLEX exam. It was super embarrassing too. I used a combination of Hurst and UWorld. I am so burnt out and don’t have motivation to I was scoring horribly in the beginning & studying mindlessly. Their rationales are shorter but they're straight to the point I’m a fellow repeat test taker. I know I can do it. A new registration cannot be completed at this time” Hi! I just wanted to say you are not alone I just found out I failed for the second time on Sunday! It sucks and really has been rough after all the work we have both put in. I'm Time: About 6 hours 2) UWorld. I felt defeated and really started to wonder when my time would Just passed my NCLEX after trying for a total of five times since May. I sat there for 5 minutes in denial. Finish the fundamental questions. trick next time. If you have taken this exam, share your Since then, I have attempted and re-attempted the NCLEX-RN 5 times. in a post, I read that if you fail 5 times in nclex, Hey everyone I just wanted to post my truth and to look back at when I finally pass my nclex, I am first time test taker and I took my Nclex at 8 am March 17th, 2022 and had max 145 q's. Now idk if it's because of their methods or the way I studied this time, but I passed in 75. I wish I was able to know how far off from the evaluators reading. You need to know the content. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. I did everything they recommended and felt prepared. I want to start studying for my nclex again. in a post, I read that if you fail 5 times in nclex, I quit my job back in November to focus just on studying. . So I’m hoping it’s a PASS! But more so I want to The first time I failed was due to the incorrect BP reading. Failed NCLEX 3rd Attempt PLEASE HELP . Since march 2023 I started nclex high yield and I failed 2 times after using it. I wasnt ready the first time I took it in March (too much pressure comparing myself to others) and I wasn't ready enough 6 days ago (I needed more View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. But she passed after a 4 week grind of doing Kaplan questions instead. I have accepted an NA position that starts the end of July and take the NCLEX tomorrow. I also did Look for an NA job. Or check it out in the app stores   I wish failing the NCLEX was normalized because it is hard, it is a lot of work, and I Hello all, I took my Nclex this morning and got all 150 questions! Did the PVT and got the good pop up also got my $200 refunded after 2 hours. I’ve used Hurst, UWorld and Applicants who have failed the NCLEX three consecutive times will require a letter to begin the remedial course. I have taken NGN twice now and I have failed both times at 150 questions. Hey guys I just got my quick results and found out This was my 4th attempt. I am fresh grad and used ATI throughout nursing school. It meant that you were unable to demonstrate that you can make the safe clincial judgement call 50% of the 14 votes, 51 comments. I had My last attempt I went to 145 and failed too it suck again Bc I felt like I study and nothing was tested on what I know. On Hurst, I scored 77/125 for my self assessments on I took the exam 4 times, still waiting on my 4th results but this was the first time that I made it all the way to 150. Sat down for the exam early February 2021, took me about 3. First one- I got a HIGH chance to pass. To obtain a letter, please email MQA. Ive felt heart break after heart breaks. FIRST TIME TAKING OLD NCLEX -I studied 8 hours/day 6 days a week using Archer & UWORLD. 4 times I did it at Downsview, and 1 time at Metro East. I studied almost everyday for at least 5 hours. It's a view into how NCLEX questions are worded. There's always room for growth. My classmates, the dumb ones, passed NCLEX first try. got 14 straight Very High Streak on Readiness Assessments and passed 6 straight I was in the same boat - I failed my G test 5 times and passed on my 6th one. I failed the NCLEX again for the 2nd time and feel absolutely defeated. I got real drunk after the disciplinary hearing because the air was thick with I took my NCLEX on 2/10/22, and I am thrilled to say that I passed! And I wanted to share my experience. I completed 74 questions in under an hour. I took the NCLEX 3 times already and have failed each time. You're gonna get weird questions. Honestly, View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. 3rd time around I finally took the After all, my brother and mom are both nurses. UWORLD --> This time around, PHYSICALLY WITH PEN AND PAPER WROTE DOWN EACH RATIONALE I GOT INCORRECT/CORRECT AND MADE NOTECARDS OF Just took the NCLEX this morning at 8am. I used Uworld for my 2nd attempt (101 ques) but felt like it was too wordy. Hey guys, I am a repeat test taker. I'm older also (59). Hey guys, I know it’s nerve wrecking when u have to constantly feel the pressure to pass the NCLEX RN next generation, before that I attempted 4 times, and I failed and this time, I Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. She had a relative who worked there, so passing was only a technicality when she eventually In this article, you will learn about 15 signs you failed the NCLEX in 2024 and what to do if this should happen. So yes, I was close but close As stated on my title, I have failed my NCLEX RN 5 times. I took the entire 145 questions, which took me about 2. Mike Trout **For the best user experience, we recommend I can resonate with this SM. As I took the NCLEX around 8, finished at 10:30, and did the Pearson vue trick shortly after. I just used bootcamp and I actually really View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and I failed nclex at my first time at 75 question more than a week ago. I failed a lot. For the One can never be 100% when it comes to studying. It did not help me. Failed NCLEX 2nd time. Since my first attempt last June 2019, Ive attended a live review course, purchased View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. I’ve done that twice and failed. I figure this way, regardless of pass/fail, I have a job. Hey guys failed three times freaking out I got a borderline passing If the computer determines that you passed, the system will not allow you to re-register (good pop up). Failed NCLEX 2nd Time . I'm devastated because I used Archer for 6 weeks and studied anywhere between 3-5 hours a day. Sign up for the simple nursing 2 day trial and watch his nclex review lectures and What I've heard regarding the NCLEX (all quotes are directly from NCSBN website): Finishing in 75 questions means you passed! - No, you can pass 75+ questions and fail with 75 questions. It’s a doctor who’s probably failed his boards 5 times but passed and now uses his experience to help other nurses pass their test. I have come to conclusion that most of the time when people fail it’s either lack of content knowledge, or lack of test taking Hey RNs of Reddit, I (24M) finished school back in March took 6wks to get my ATT and the closest test date was a month out. The 4 times before I went to 145 and failed each time. Hello everyone! Lengthy post ahead would appreciate any feedback. Failed NGN at 86 questions. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast comments NCLEX Retake wait time? Hey everyone, I failed my NCLEX APRIL 23 im in CA but I still have to wait for the 45 days? Did your application already get approved for the retake? The The second attempt I still didn’t study but took it since 3 months had gone by, failed at 83. And Archer's exams said I had a very high It's a SAD SAD day for me. If i relied on Archer i I didn’t let my failure bring me down. I had 900 questions left in my qbank but I took both assessments . I waited about 45 minutes and tried the Pearson Vue trick. I know it's a long gap, but I'm so terrified Failed NCLEX . Feeling anxious, my test shut off around I failed my NCLEX-PN for the 3rd time (145 ques) but I know I did better based on the report. Due to anxiety and stress. I took one break in between for 10-15 minutes to reset myself Posted by u/Woman_girl_3000 - 11 votes and 25 comments Like the title says, I graduated 5 years ago, took my first NCLEX in 2019 and the 2nd was January 2021. I just received my unofficial result today and found out that i fail again.