Excel vba dictionary property let procedure not defined Also, the get property is returning the entire array, rather than just the element in question. Specifically, GoTo FunctionNotValidVarType will try and execute the line: FunctionNotValidVarType: 'Do stuff here which doesn't exist in your current code. User-defined type not defined when using Excel VBA from Structure of a Procedure. But then I didn't get any further Depending on whether or not your excel WB is used by other people, I prefer late binding to avoid any issues with references on other people's machines. Ask Question Asked 8 years, Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object – Matt McKenna. Columns(2). replace method doesn't work. Excel VBA Replace not executing. In a similar way, ActiveDocument. Formula(int,int) supposed to work? I've only ever seen Range. Also, while this is true for any platform, VBA performance can be inconsistent at times depending on how much pressure is there on Simpler code, but uglier in use: NestedDictionary. alt= 5 sosdb. Hoepfully you can adapt this to your problem. Index(): " & Application. In my immediate window, I'm getting the following results: ?d. Reattaching [Event Procedure] in Access. Keys()(x) or . Runtime error 451. NET. But let's go with the important part and the main qüestion: Why the call part is not working? -if I execute the first macro in RFS sheet(The sheet in the second macro) it works! But I have to update it from a button in another sheet, Hi try something like this: Option Explicit Public Type ScheduleDate Resident As String SDate As Date Activity As String End Type Sub Generate_Schedule() Dim Sched As ScheduleDate Sched. Bar End Sub 'Class1 Public Sub Bar() MsgBox "Hello world" End Sub The following line of code is incorrect. because you're missing to set ws. To use Solver functions that' s manadatory. VBA Excel Replace not always working. Add Property Let. alt= 10 sosdb. (I. sheet. You need to specify which worksheet the Cells . You can call it from a sheet's class module in other ways, but I don't see anything in your procedure that requires it be in the sheet's module, so it probably belongs in I think what you're probably looking for is a Multidimensional Array. Show You should be able to avoid this if you are not interested in whether the Variable existed or not. Cells(1, startCol), Private tells the VBA interpreter that the scope of the variable is restricted to the class/module only. This error has the following cause and solution: You specified an operation or property that is exclusive to I am trying to load a combo box with the last item in a dictionary. Items(index) ' Error: can't assign to array Set tupleArray = dict. I think the dictionary item gets assigned in the class module not the module so this change won't make a difference. Here is my code pared down as far as possible to illustrate the issue. FunctionAccess") dim aArgument(1) as variant aArgument(0)=x^(0. The program counts how many terms are added to the dictionary so I know how many unique terms there are. net will generate the class based on that Jason for you. docx in my folder) with the line "MsgBox count", however the last line does not work, and return me "Sub procedure or function procedure not defined. VBA call class property from the class. " Using Dictionary Object in Excel VBA. The strange thing is that the code runs perfectly fine and this doesn't happen while compiling. UsedRange. 0 Object Library. Just as i was trying out dictionary to solve a problem and this error occurs. VBA: Get value from dictionary. Dictionary the object is bound at compile-time (ie, early binding). 000 objects it would take 0ms, but the real problem has a lot of properties to be set and a small number (the number of opened workbooks) instances. It's true that running it for instance for 10. Private m_vValue As Variant Private m_oNext As Object Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set m_oNext = CreateObject("Scripting. 0. Dictionary") End Sub Public Property Get Value() As Variant If IsObject(m_vValue) Then Set Value = m_vValue Else Value = m_vValue End If End Property Once I specified my Watches as <all procedures> I was able to find fix the problem, which embarrassingly enough was not due to the way I have constructed my dictionary, but rather due to not having declared var2 As String in the function. microsoft. Rather than declare dataDict As New Scripting. Shapes. Rows. Value) Dim myItems As Variant 'Formerly value but not declared myItems = You don't have a let property. If you want to call another function use Call FunctionNotValidVarType Option Explicit Private Type TRecord Number As String Group As String Division As String Category As String Codes(1 To 5) As Long End Type Private this As TRecord Public Property Get Number() As String Number = this. Dictionary While Status Set ObjectsJSON = jsonlibPollux. The Let keyword is obsolete and can be omitted, but without the Set keyword, when the RHS is an object you "You cannot define a default property that does not take at least one argument. 0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True END Attribute VB_Name = "Dictionary" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit 'Collection methods: Add, Count, Item, Remove 'Dictionary : . Item(NodeColl. This is not really Property Let Statement. Get and Let allow the outside code to determine which it prefers using the same Interface Name. I have a User Defined Type, which defines 4 fields relating to date information. 0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True END Attribute VB_Name = "Fruits" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit Private m_fruits As Object Public Property Get Item(ByVal Name As String) As Variant Attribute Sub loadQL() Application. :-. You then refer to the Class methods with dot notation. Single step F8 worked, but code was not highlighted in yellow; Closing VBA editor did not help. My code may seem a bit strange, but I'll show it anyway: Sub get_Insurers_Dictionary() Dim cInsurers As c_Insurers Dim myDictionary As Scripting. This error has the following causes and solutions: You tried to assign a value to a "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" My guess is that the compiler assumes that you're attempting to pass a value to a You can't define a Property Let procedure inside another Property, Sub, or Function procedure. This means that you cannot assign it another dictionary. VERSION 1. Upon trying it again it is adding blank values to duplicate keys, and not writing anything to the cells The goal is to count how many unique terms in Column B correspond to the term "Request" in column A. OnAction = "=myProcedure()" instead of . unkown if this is possible Next End Sub Function If you want to put a user defined data type into a Dictionary of Collection, you have to define it as class. . When you use CreateObject you are binding the object at run-time (ie, late binding). In my Excel I have: If "apple" already exists, I want to have "It already exists" written in the cell next to "apple". VBA - classes and structures videos | Excel VBA Part 39 - Dictionaries. Replace function not working. callFunction( "Round", aArgument() ) There are a few other errors/changes that could be made within the script. If you are calling methods within a Class from within a Module then you need to instantiate the class with the New keyword. Dictionary") d. The function Workbook does not exist - when you try to run/compile the VBA editor complains that the function does not exist. Thread starter mosta; Start date Sep 10 if I could, because it would be neater to run my simulation in an object instead of a giant and labrynthine user-defined type. so either it has to be ThisWorkbook. Let and Get Property in VBA Class. Text, RandBetween, and Char are formulas. myProcedure is a Public Sub in one of the VBA-Modules. Worksheets("Sheet1") itself and so go like this:. Error: Code: Private pColumnLabels() As MSForms. by making just one loop through the properties and see which one matches the input. I'm trying to build a function that will copy dictionaries into another dictionary and then pass the new copied dictionary back to the original subroutine. 2) This is how you pass an argument: Assuming myObject is an object of your class:. making sure that the key type as stored and the type I was using to retrieve Public gDicTitle As Scripting. That argument (or the last argument if there is more than one) contains the actual value to be assigned to the property when the procedure defined by the Property Let statement is invoked. Blaby = setting MsgBox I have a class with a,b,c,d,e,f,g properties and i have a user input saying give me the percentage of a VALUE inside a or b or c. sun. Count, "E"). Before running the project, go to Debug>Compile Project and it would tell you which variable is not declared:. e. Keys, 1) ' displaying all the keys Option Explicit Sub Start() Dim dict As Scripting. How to set Dictionary as Note. Select statement doesn't belong in there at all, and you don't want to work off Private pSkipTrade As Boolean Public Property Let SkipTrade(lSkipTrade As Boolean) pSkipTrade = lSkipTrade End Property Property Get SkipTrade() As Boolean SkipTrade = pSkipTrade End Property Somewhere else in your code you are using another variable (e. Value?I think Formula(int,int) compiles only because it's a Variant and thus gets evaluated at run-time. excel; vba; or ask your own question. Public Property Get Foo() As Dictionary Set Foo = myDictionary End Sub Property Procedure in VBA is called just Property in other programming languages (C#, Python). Subs, Functions, Property Procedures, and Event Procedures all follow a very similar structure. Keys(0) Key ?range("A Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. anything_here Will call the Get routine. But it errors out where highlighted. cls. Property procedure definitions inconsistent - Get and Set VBA. net that takes the string and returns the class to VBA. if a key was "hello", "Hello" would also be recognized as a key. 0. I don´t need excel formula for range, but solution in VBA (if exist). desc= "duedesc" oMat. Keys MsgBox "First key with variant: " & vKeys(0) ' another way to display the first key MsgBox "First key with . VBA Property calling Get instead of Let. at line Dim objExcelApp As Excel. You do an incremental loop over the keys or Items of a late bound dictionary by accessing the keys array Dictionary. If you'd specified it as . Dictionary Public gDicFound As Scripting. SaveMessageOnSend = True End With 'Send the e-mail. Resize(rgInvoices. It is used for encapsulation. Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object. objEmployees. The event sequence is: Userform_Initialize, after Load Userform; Userform_Activate, after Userform. 6. Note that it takes two inputs, but only one is passed to it. dictionary Dim d Set d = CreateObject("Scripting. Now cut the Jason from a text file, and choose edit->paste special, choose json. In this case, this should suffice: ActiveSheet. When I did this last year, it worked perfectly. My remedy: close VBA editor again, save Excel-file, open editor, back to normal. Set wbBK2 = Seems you want to implement an indexed property. I was using Property Let instead of Property Set and I also was not using Set inside of those Property functions. Argument not @rheitzman : unfortunately, as this is a large project that is being remodelled, changing the design is not an option at the moment. So this macro return me the answer "7" (I have seven . End Property Public Property Let uniqueID(ByVal NewValue As String): m_uniqueID = NewValue: End Property Public Property Get strTest1() and some of the attributes I need to filter on are not defined in the inputs. Item("FR") If you click Project → References, tick "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" and change the CreateObject line to: Dim dict As Scripting. Option Explicit Global sp As Worksheet You can then adress it in any of the following ways in ThisWorkbook (subs one() and two() will also work in a module):. net create the class for you? Create a class in vb. Dictionary: Set dict = New Scripting. OnAction = "myProcedure". I have a user defined public type, customerObject I have a function: function fillCustomerObject(rs as recordSet) as Objective: Dynamically generating a (100% Stacked) graph based on data in a spreadsheet. However, note that when working with classes, it is strongly discouraged to publicly expose any variables. Add "Key1", 2 dic. – YowE3K You'll need to use the SET keyword anytime you are assigning an object instead of a value:. One advantage of Properties over other Interfaces is that Subs Return nothing, Like Property Lets, And Functions Must either return Nothing, like Property Lets, or MUST return something, Like Property Gets. When you use As Scripting. I checked out the microsoft doc but still confused. Count, A note on profiling: Do note @BlackHawk's suggestion in the comments below, to use the MicroTimer tool. Function Optional Parameter in VBA Not Working. 4. Option Explicit Public Sub one() Set sp = Sheets("Sheet1") '// marked MsgBox sp. 4. a var as key vs a manually entered string as key, in order to retrieve a value by key from a dictionary - one worked, the other didn't - other way round in my case) I fixed it by using the CStr function, i. So ultimately it is a write operation but you did the get first. It doesn't look like I'm doing anything wrong. refers to. TestRefID, , but I'm not seeing that in your post. CompareMode, . Thus, in the VBA Editor, press Tools>References and click a checkmark to it: 1) Yes your code is possible. You could try re-organizing your code so that the Fence_Change event and the Fence_DblClick Event call a common function, like this:. Y End Property Public Property Let Y I solved the problem by following the instructions on msdn. Problem with defined type in Excel VBA Userform. Get items of the dictionary object. Dictionary Set dict = ReadData End Sub Function ReadData() As Dictionary Dim dict As Scripting. Their VBA equivalents are Format, WorksheetFunction. Sub mySub() dim myDict as Dictionary set myDict = myFunc() End Sub Function myFunc() as Dictionary dim myDict2 as Dictionary set myDict2 = new Dictionary 'some code that does things and adds to myDict2' set myFunc=myDict2 End Function Both of you are not "late" if you can help me as I am not able to return a public UDT defined in a Code Module from a public function inside a Class Module. I am sorry to keep asking for help. 3. The Exit Property statement causes an immediate exit from a Property Let procedure. Is this possible? I had found a way to embed a worksheet object in a It is possible with scripting. Public Property Get CornerCell() As String That's returning the String that the compiler is seeing in the Property Let member, and fixes your problem. Dictionary Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set values = New Scripting. So I iterate through the property and find the result. This works only, if you have written Option Explicit on the top of the Module/Class/Object (but you have it). – TinMan I tried using dictionaries in VBA. CurrentRegion Set rgInvoices = rgInvoices. A general example would be: 'Module Public Sub Foo() Dim o As Class1 Set o = New Class1 o. VBA Excel adding values to dictionary. Variables("time1") = "something" will create the Variable if it does not exist. Hot Network Questions Assuming you have both Property Set and Property Let for an object type, and assuming the implementing code is the same (like in your example), does VB6 have any built-in difference in what it'll actually do when the developer calls either property? For instance, will VB6 implicitly decide to suddenly pass the object by value, instead of by reference, if the developer . 20196, 32-bit) the OnAction property of CommandBarButtons have to be defined unsing . Worksheets("Sheet1") MsgBox IIf(. 16026. RandBetween(0, 9999), "0000") & _ You must set your oMat variable to a new instance of the cOgg class after adding it so you have two instances of the class object in your dictionary. 1. you don't need to declare a backing field explicitly. PostedDate = Now() . So I think the problem is with the GetRatio or GetIV functions the dRATIO. Wit Excel Top Contributors: Excel vba - get the row number I have code as follows: Dim rRepCell As Variant Dim rRepRow As Integer. I also don't want to worry about properties in classes at the moment as Public Property Get Signal() ' this code is in the EURO_USD class Dim rowA_status As String rowA_status = Worksheets("EURO_USD"). sub pivo() Dim oMat As New cOgg Dim sosdb As New Dictionary Set sosdb = Nothing oMat. Can someone explain or provide a reference discussing the benefits/purpose of using - INSIDE of a class module - Private Property Get and/or Let/Set statements in VBA vs accessing properties directly although no manipulation is required of the Arrays as object properties--VBA. From that moment, you should have the auto Sorry for the poor title. VBA dictionary as a property of a class. Sorry about such a silly mistake. Dictionary If you declare with the New keyword your code will often go to check if I'm trying to create a bit of code that resets a cell when another cell changes. Option Explicit Sub macro() With ThisWorkbook. To do this, go to Tools --> References and select "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" So Public Property Let pIDOrgList(vpIDOrgList() As Variant) should be Public Property Let pIDOrgList(vpIDOrgList As Variant), Private m_vpIDOrgList() As Variant should be Private m_vpIDOrgList As Variant and Public Property Get pIDOrgList() As Variant() should be Public Property Get pIDOrgList() As Variant – Because you've specified the Optional Parameter as a string it will default to an empty string if you've not specified a value. In order to solve this problem, you have to add the Word object library reference to your project. I. Label 'some irrelevant code here Set Column = pColumnLabels(Index) End Prope Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Is "Value" actually the default property of the Range object? Related. For example if you change the (Name) property of your worksheet to, I want to pass a dictionary as a parameter. The reason why I want to work with a dictionary and a do-while loop is because I have variables with different length, that I want to loop through. I reworked the example to narrow down the problems in the code: Option Explicit Type Info source As String destination As String End Type Sub specialCopy() Dim target As Variant Dim AllTargets As Collection: Set AllTargets = SetAllTargets() For Each target In AllTargets CopyValues (target) '2. Count - 1) Dim GoTo will try and transfer the code execution to a different position in the current Subroutine with the given label. , I have This answer was mentioned in a comment by Tim Williams. Dictionary Set cInsurers = New c_Insurers Set myDictionary = New Scripting. DisplayAlerts = False Dim path As String Dim yesterday As String, thirdday As String Dim destRow As Long Dim shtDest As Worksheet Dim c As Range Dim currentWb As Workbook Dim openWb As Workbook Dim openWs As Worksheet Dim rng_data As Range Dim d As Range Dim Lrow As Long Dim lastrow As Long qRform. that returns an array or collection. You can do it in the constructor of the VBA class, like so:-Public Sub Class_Initialize() Set myDictionary = New Dictionary End Sub Don't forget to always use the Set keyword when assigning an object reference, e. Count) which would work with a collection, but does something strange when using a dictionary instead. ; Much more logical to have SerialGenerator return a value. Greetings, trying to pull data from an external data source, copy data You can't assign a value to a property unless it has exposed a Property Let method. Dictionary Set myDictionary = cInsurers. The others had to do with Set as well. If you want to do early binding you will need to set a reference to the correct library. Definitions of property procedures for the same property are inconsistent, or property procedure has an optional parameter, a ParamArray, or an invalid Excel VBA user defined type not defined-0. Columns(startCol). Show The basic problem here is that you defined a Property Let accessor instead of a Property Set accessor. Add "Key2", 4 ' one way to display the first key vKeys = dic. Excel VBA function giving "Argument not Optional" 2. star. range. 5) aArgument(1)=1 Test = oFunction. Class Module Option Explicit Private pTotalVal As Long Private pCounter As Long Public Property Get TotalVal() As Long TotalVal = pTotalVal End Property Public Property Let TotalVal(Value As Excel VBA, choosing chart color based on series value comparison. AppActivate "Microsoft Excel" 'Empty the clipboard. It was working before, because you did not have explicitly written Option Explicit on the top of the module. Number = value End Property Public Property Get Group Dictionary is part of the Microsoft Scripting Runtime library. X End Property Public Property Let X(ByVal RHS As Double) this. print here? both give me Runtime error 451 - Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object. net (but then delete all the text. Cells. VBA "user-defined type not defined" Hot Network Questions A lattice/topos-theoretic construction of the Boolean algebra of measurable subsets modulo nullsets Sub MyQuestion() ' First populate the scripting. Cells(1, 50) is not valid. Formula assigned/compared to a string you're comparing to some value, did you mean to compare . Simplified to a bare minimum: Option Explicit Private values As Scripting. Publicon the other hand allows you to access the variable from the outside. Using collection as property in class (Argument not optional) 1. Resident = "The resident" Sched. VBA - Replace doesn't work in some cells. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Dictionary Dim rg As Range Set rg = Sheet1. X = RHS End Property Public Property Get Y() As Double Y = this. Where is the code showing how GetTestFileNames is invoked? I can guess it's probably GetTestFileNames obj. DLL procedures are defined externally and are Compile error: User-defined type not defined. I went ahead and changed the Certain properties, methods, and operations can only apply to Collection objects. Add(Key as string, Item as variant), . I set A1:A5 in a worksheet to: Rows valA valB valC valD Then I AutoFilter the worksheet and select Rows values valA, valB, valC. I do have a main Excel VBA Programm which calls a Sub Routine with late binding because using the Tools->References-> Microsoft Scripting Runtime is not feasable for the know reasons. Range("A1"). Worksheets("Sheet1"). Property Set Statement. Add s to Worksheet; Use Option Explicit at top of code; Application. It does not create a new workbook like you think it does. Parse(responseString) With gDicTitle Excel VBA - passing argument to property. Click OK. so when user string is a i want to find the property a by looping through them Dictionary Webinar. Dictionary declare it in your active code: Dim dataDict As Scripting. Anyhow, try the following: In a module write this: Option Explicit Public Sub Test() Dim skpObj As SpiderKeyPair Dim m_spiderKeys As New Collection Dim lngCounter As Long For lngCounter = 1 To 4 Set skpObj = New SpiderKeyPair Looping Over Elements of a Dictionary (Early vs Late Binding) If you want to loop over the indexes of a dictionary, you will want to use early binding i. Change the return type of Property Get from Double() to just plain Double. Inside the Visual Basic Editor, select Tools then References and scroll down the list until you see Microsoft Word 12. com more closely. Excel vba: Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object. In addition to it, as per MSDN definition: Property I'm stuck with a problem when I'm working with a dictionary in VBA. Label Public Property Get Column(Index As Integer) As MSForms. Transpose(ThisWorkbook. Hide '<-- You still need to implement `Valid` End Sub Move your calculatedCost procedure to a standard module (Insert - Module in the VBE). It is incredibly useful for isolating portions of code and finding the performance impact to a very precise level. Here is an approach using a User Defined Object (Class). Item("State_euro_usd"). You can use these in macros but must do so by a call using arguments: Function Test(x) oFunction = createUnoService("com. This means it can't be missing. Store your data in an instance of this class and then pass this object to your dictionary. I did the event in debug mode 2 times and added "MsgBox dict(id)" at the first line before the second run and it yield the correct "current_status" and id when running the event again. Add Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Number End Property Public Property Let Number(ByVal value As String) this. Employee. With noDocument . Dictionary Public Function runPolluxFull(voerUit As Boolean, updateList As Boolean) If updateList = True Then Set gDicTitle = New Scripting. Dictionary. Now, when you have written it, Also in the Let procedure for consistency in naming conventions, How to make object collections as other object's Property in Excel VBA. Hi - I'd like to be able to display a range of cells in a user form, and allow the users to select cells (individually or a range as per usual with excel) and then copy and paste between them. There, it is stated that one must create the new macro by selecting Developer -> Macros, See this answer if you need to locate ActiveX or Form Controls on a worksheet. Items()(x) . This seems to be one of my issues. 'In sportsUsrFrm Option Explicit Private mCancel As Boolean Public Property Get Cancelled() As Boolean Cancelled = mCancel End Property Private Sub cmdCnl_Click() Me. There is a strange behaviour in Excel. " Seriously I do not understand, when I read tutorial they arrive to do this so easily I have forgot something in my macro ? PS : Sorry for Beginner VBA programmer here (and beginner to programming in general) looking to learn more about how effective OOP is done. Replace Method not working. create a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime library (TestEarly). You can look at the dots here to help. I do know that this typically means that there is some type in the code excel(VBA) does not know . Hot Network Questions Option Explicit Private Type TClass1 LastColumnBck As Long Wsbck As Worksheet Datebck As String Linebck As String TargetRowBck1 As Integer TargetRowBck2 As Integer StationRowBck As Integer End Type I ran the following VBA code, attempting to use a user defined structure as the value of a diction, Dictionary Property in VBA Class. Text End Sub Private Sub Public Function getField(fieldName As String) as Scripting. Item not . The way I've tried to do this is by creating a dictionary and adding a term to it if that term does not already exist in the dictionary. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . Public ReadOnly Property LookupValues As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String) You can use Visual Basic 14's ReadOnly Auto-Implemented Properties. Main Program Sub GetDicKeys() Dim dic As Dictionary Dim vKey As Variant, vKeys As Variant Set dic = New Dictionary dic. Another possibility is to create a new class to store your data. And also, Public Property Get CornerCell() That's returning an implicit Variant, since no return type was specified. Dictionary End Sub Public Property Get Something(ByVal key As String) As Double Something = values(key) End Property Public Property Let Something(ByVal key As String, Hello, Round is a function called from the sheet. Declares the name, arguments, and code that form the body of a Property Let procedure, which assigns a value to a property. , lets imagine that you have a truck, which is not allowed to go above 90 km/h. Excel vba class in a dictionary. What is The syntax described here(link), states when calling a Let property with multiple args, the last arg must be on the right hand side of equal sign. Below is the type, sub and function. myArray = Array("One", "Two", "Three") 'The first value in an array is at position 0 unless otherwise specified MsgBox myArray(0) 'Will open a message box with the value "One" Private Type TClass1 X As Double Y As Double W As Double H As Double Used As Boolean Surface As Double End Type Private this As TClass1 Public Property Get X() As Double X = this. The comparison is illegal, and the typos and getters were a red herring. Property Let is generally meant for the assigment of value types and Property Set for the assignment of object types. E. Count vArr = ws. Below is the code, any help will be strongly appreciated. FWIW, that Range(Value). End(xlUp). Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog yes pretty sure. Here is the main subroutine code and then the class code, in the main subroutine the first message box works wheras the second message box (which I'm intending on returning the same data as the first) throws the error: expression not defined in context. Declares the name, arguments, and code that form the body of a Property procedure, which sets a reference to an object. A standard Array will hold a series of values in a list, and the value of any point in this list can be referenced, for example:. The Dictionary class is similar to the Collection class in that it allows you to store a custom collection of objects. Set noDocument = Nothing Set noDatabase = Nothing Set noSession = Nothing 'Activate Excel for the user. Cells(rows. 2. Variables("time1") = "" should remove a Variable called "time" if there is one, and execute without errors if there is not. Procedures have a signature, a body, and an end statement. Basically, what this macro does is to let people choose pivot table filters by several times in a group, rather than one by one. Procedures in a class module, including a sheet class module, can't be called like that. Item("btnNewMonth"). Or I do not understand what are you trying to do. Posted by Andrew Gould on 27 October 2014 Excel VBA Part 39 - Dictionaries. Excel VBA - passing argument to property. ActiveDocument. Public WithEvents objMails As Outlook. TestRefID is an expression that needs to be evaluated before the result is passed You are conflating formulas and VBA. I solved it by adding class statment for return value in Property Get code. MS Access form; Two procedure cause a "conflict" 1. Option Explicit Sub TestEarly() Const FIRST_ROW As Long = 2 ' Early Binding. This I'm trying to get an AutoFilter setting as a string. send 0, vaRecipient End With 'Release objects from memory. VB. CustomDocumentProperties. Name End Sub Sub two() Set sp = Sorry I didn't respond sooner. Value = NodeColl. Also make sure that you have enabled the Solver Add-In, In Excel you can enable it by The Get property is called simply because you referenced it:. Video Files Exercises Help. Dictionary Set dict = New Scripting. Rename the Class Module cMyStuff or something else meaningful. Microsoft Scripting Runtime is activated and I managed to fill it with the data I want (the For Each loop shows me as much). (Note: Website members have Property let procedure note defined and property get procedure did not return an object. Wait how is Range. WorksheetFunction. Application. MsgBox dict. Value = rowA_status But Item() (the default method when implicitly calling obj()) is not a function, it's a property - which we know from VBA 101 that properties have the ability to Get/Let/Set values. "Property let procedure not defined and Public Function DictionaryFromRange(ByRef ws As Worksheet, _ Optional ByVal startCol As Long = 1) As Dictionary If Not ws Is Nothing And startCol > 0 Then Dim d As Dictionary, cnt As Long, vArr As Variant, i As Long Set d = New Dictionary cnt = ws. Private Sub Fence_Change() GetOutput Fence. Hide mCancel = True End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() If Valid Then Me. We have added a parameter to the Get property, let's do the same with the Let property Public Property Let Name(first As String, value As String) firstName = value End Property Let's go back to the Module1 and try to use the Let property: Remember, how you have used the Let property before? You needed to assign it a value. What I want is the row number at the bottom of the range. This code does not work. This still works: I'm trying to create a VBA function to call in a cell in Excel, but the cell comes up as #NAME? when I enter =MyFunction("a") In my VBA Module Module1: Public Function MyFunction(anything As String) MyFunction = anything End Function in the cell: =MyFunction("a") Result: #NAME? What am I doing wrong here?. Visible = False I'd warmly recommend working against a specific Worksheet object instead of implicitly or explicitly working off ActiveSheet though. The idea of the encapsulation and of the properties, is that you can put some business logic there and it is easy to use. VBA Excel Dictionary Object Value. If you want to make it a bit better looking, write Dim Key as Variant. Exists(KEY) returns false and therefore 999 is Body = Data. It does not mean that the dictionary itself is readonly. For example, you could do it with dictionary. What is the problem with the debug. Range(ws. Add "uno", oMat Set oMat = New cOgg oMat. Dictionary You will get early binding auto-completion and avoid typos like this. Managing Collections inside a Class. Range("A1") = 0, "Zero", "Nonzero") '<~~ '. It has to be added, in order to have access to it. Dictioanry Dim myKeys As Variant 'Formerly data myKeys = Excel. SDate = #11/16/2015# Sched. VBA Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment. If that's how you have it, then yeah @Freeflow has it right: you can't pass functions or members around in VBA, so obj. Check that box and hit Ok. GetText & " " & stMsg . As Rory suggests, Fence looks like it is a Control, so Fence_Change is the handler for the Change event, and should be a Sub procedure. 3. After Windows-Update on a PC (Windows Version 10. Items. As undeclared, var2 is "variant" type and I guess this is not good enough when my dictionary keys are strings. Option Explicit Dim IDX As String Public Property Let Blaby(IDX As String) IDX = Blaby End Property Public Property Get Blaby() As String Blaby = IDX End Property Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Me. Dictionary Set dataDict = New Scripting. There are some wasted duplication of arrays, dictionaries and collections; because I am teaching myself how to reference them. c. Value Select Case rowA_status Case Not "" Signal = rowA_status ActiveWorkbook. Index(dic. Offset(1). Related. Add "a", "Athens" d. Excel Argument Not Optional. This error has the following cause and solution: You specified an operation or property that is exclusive to I also meet this problem when I create my customize array class using compound properties. 5. foo(lngSubSet) = lngSuperSet The placement of arguments in the arglist does indeed look You seem to be missing basics of OOP or mistaking VBA and VB. What would be cake in other languages is being a problem for me- the pecularities of VBA and Excel, I guess. Option Explicit Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim i As Integer Dim fruit As String fruit = "apple" For i = 1 To 2 Call arrange_duplicates(i, fruit) '<----- Next i End Sub I am having trouble getting a property let procedure to work in VBA. Declaring a dictionary in VBA. VBA Range. dictionary exclude blank from range? I am using this code to find special values from range. Goto Reference:="Reps" ' an existing range Property let procedure not defined and Dim Key would be enough. Conditions: I have a list sites with repetitive milestones (each site uses the same 4 milestones, but the milestones differ between projects. Set it like this: in VBA editor, Go to Tools --> References --> and select Solver. Application. 19045 and Office 365 Apps for Bussiness 16. ; Public Function SerialGenerator() As String With WorksheetFunction SerialGenerator = Format$(. Range("A1")' implies that the object following the 'With' keyword is assumed to be just before A place for questions and discussion on Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and its integrated development environment (IDE). Name = "John @vba4all Thanks, but it didn't work. Items Private Sub Application_Startup() Set objMails = @Marcucciboy2 That's because you are using lazy late binding and do not correctly dim you variables as dictionary but rather as Objects and then (later in the code) tell VBA in your code (at run-time) that this Object is in fact I'm not able to retrieve values from my dictionary, despite providing what looks to me like the correct key. Add "b", "Belgrade" I know this is old, but in case anyone finds their way here like I did I had this problem (i. There are three drop down cells and each cell is dependent on the cell before it (B3 is dependent on B2 and B4 is I want to ensure that the capitalization of a, let say, user provided provided key does not affect ability for the Dictionary to recognize the key as valid i. I am trying to do something like this ComboBox1. desc= "unodesc" oMat. Just to clarify, I can not make the function as Friend, as I need to call this from a C# app and it Excel vba: Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object. RandBetween, and Chr. So when importing something through the excel vba editor i have to do the following "In the vba editor -> Tools -> References -> add needed library". Today Last but not least, if you're running a Modeless form (let's code run in the background while showing), you'll need to use the Activate event for the code to run. Keys()(_index_) or Worksheets()(_index_) Hello again, Sheesh. I want to pass the variable linked to this type into a function, indexing through each month. Why not let vb. g. CurrentRegion Dim i As Long, CustomerID As String, Amount As Currency Dim Volume As Long, oCustomer As Class1 For i Property Let setArray(name As Variant, value As Variant) VBA define property in a variable. You can do so by adding a new class module and just adding this code: Public german As String Public french As String Public italian As String Since I named the class module trans, my resulting code looks like this: Array : Excel vba: Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an objectTo Access My Live Chat Page, On Google, Search for " Sub DoStuffWithDictionary(dict as object, index as Integer) Dim tupleArray() as Tuple ' Error: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" tupleArray = dict. If you are a member of the VBA Vault, then click on the image below to access the webinar and the associated source code. Certain properties, methods, and operations can only apply to Collection objects. First dot is getting the Employee object and second dot is then doing the write. Activity = "My activity" End Sub A Workbook object does not have a Cells property, so origWorkbook. I've never faced this problem for years. My question is about filtering vba collection or dictionaries based on a property field. And dictionaries use key-value pairs, so in order for the dictionary to return you the value of the x key, it has to first "plug" in the x key. (Index As Integer) As Integer ArrayProp(Index) = pArray(Index) End Property Public Property Let ArrayProp(Index As Integer, Value As I receive this message in vba, can someone analyse this question? I have to finish this work, however it's been shown difficult with this errors. Sub CreateSummary() Dim dict As Dictionary Dim rgInvoices As Range Set rgInvoices = Worksheets("Invoices sent"). The call to the Property Get happens because of the following paragraph in section 5. Dictionary Set gDicFound = New Scripting. CountA; Add range as argument to Counta i. The exists function does suit my needs. The 'valid' means it should not be modified with 'Optional' nor 'ParamArray'. Get_Parameters_Dictionary(cInsurers, myDictionary) End Sub If you put the followin in a module (not ThisWorkbook) you get a global Worksheet variable:. Items(index) ' Error: same as above Dim tupleArray as Object ' Error: same as Note. – I'm trying to replace some values in an Excel worksheet by using a VBA dictionary. ; Doing it without the reference is inefficient (TestLate). Now, you can create 4 line class in vb. Every Property Let statement must define at least one valid argument for the procedure it defines. 9 of the VBE Language specification, which describes In my Excel Workbook sometimes I get the following error: vba user defined type not defined. , value ) to set this property. myObject. You can therefore access it only inside of the original class, but not from the outside.
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